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FOR ABP Lampstand 2020

Hebrews 6:15 “And so it was, that she, having waited long and endured patiently, realized and obtained
what God had promised.”

I could not recall a time when I was not a member of ABP and I could not imagine what my life and what our
family’s life would be without ABP. This testimony is to honor my parents for instilling in us the value of faith in
God. Papa and Mama have constantly been my inspiration, source of strength and wisdom. The sense of
commitment, integrity, responsibility and loyalty, I learned from Papa while devotion and faithfulness to God
and perseverance, I learned from Mama. Since my parents do not have their siblings nearby, I consider the
Titos and Titas of ABP my relatives and best examples of how a family should be. We have endured
challenges and overcome humiliation and sufferings through the prayers of the Community and I cannot thank
the Community enough for being with us through our successes and trials. The preservation of marriage and
family life as exemplified by ABP members is what I am most thankful for as they also showed me how to be
compassionate, supportive, forgiving towards their spouses and children and most of all, how to be a loving
servant of God.

All the members of ABP have been there in every significant event in our lives, they have always been
generous with their prayers, support and have given their time and resources to whenever we need them. They
were there when my parents were government employees and still there when we started the poultry farm and
all the ups and downs of our family’s business ventures as they especially prayed for its success. I am not a
perfect daughter, sister or leader but I do my best to be one based on what I have seen from them.

In the Children’s Ministry, I learned about God, about the 10 Commandments and other basic teachings and
forming friendships with other children of ABP members. In the YA assembly, I learned more about my faith,
worshipping with confidence and establishing a sense of individuality, preserving chastity and purity as taught
by Tita Liza in the YA Camp. A joyful expectation and the state of life discernment in the Singles are the
factors that molded as I eventually matured. The teenage years are so critical and the kind of friendship I
chose to establish will greatly influence my future. Fortunately, without having realized it then, the friends in
ABP I got were the resilient, determined and goal-oriented type. We could not wait to finish our studies,
become professionals, find a stable job and enjoy the single life. As a motivation, we made a pact that we will
travel together once we find work and save. Before #friendshipgoals became popular, our group already had
that vision 10 years ago. And we accomplished it, thanks to the guidance of our parents and teachings from
the Community.
Also, Mama set my mind that I can only have a boyfriend when I finish my studies and so I focused on it all
throughout high school, college and law school. In my prayer journal, my non-negotiables for my future
husband are that he must be God-fearing and Catholic, family-oriented and with no vices. In YA and Singles,
we were reminded that is best to have a relationship when we are spiritually, emotionally, physically and
financially ready.

I was introduced to Jong by Father Vir and Mama on the Christmas eve of 2009. He then became my constant
support and prayer warrior when I had difficulties in my last year in law school. Our relationship was not a
smooth at all. It started at a time when my emotions were unstable as I was preparing for the Bar exam. There
were personal issues and insecurities that we both needed to resolve and outgrow like my pride and biases. I
did not take to heart God’s teaching in Corinthians that LOVE does not take offence or store up grievances,
always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. In the course of our
relationship of 7 years as boyfriend and girlfriend, there were moments when we needed to go our separate
ways in order to grow spiritually and emotionally. Before every big decision, we also always ask Father Vir his
guidance and advices. It would really encourage us and give us hope to find stability and direction in our lives.
Still, God’s plan on my life is masterfully unique, incomparable to the love story of others. I realized that each
day we have to die to ourselves, to our own selfishness, so that we can serve the other. I prayed for
discernment, for God to give me clarity and to see things as He sees it and thankfully, because of the prayers
of everyone within and outside of the Community, we were able to surpass it. (Mai-Mai Velos-Decang)

Romans 10:10 “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that
you profess your faith and are saved.”

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