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= Contents List of Brevcises Introd Part Healing Chapter 4: The Human Enengy System Chapter 2: Tote I Chapter 3:'The Caves of Power ecology Chapter 4: Tdomaut: Breathing Exercises Chapter 5: The Blood Serpent Chapter 6: The Eight Bands of Power Part It: Rejuvenation Chapter 16: Symbols from the Land of Dreams Chapter 1: Ofmaral’ The Cosmic Cross ‘Chapter 12: The Ritual of the Full Moon 143 Past ILL: Manifestation ¢ 13 Heavens ‘The Mathematical Order ‘Tapeyelebrlt: The Hear: of the Mow Part IV: Enlightenment Chapter 16: Bloor Aeknorvledgemenss her { ¥ List of Exercises Summoning the Power of the Moon Questioning ‘Turning Pleasure into Power Your Feather Embracing the Ni Teomanta in Four Movements ‘Tiomanfa in Bight Movements ‘The Blood Sexpent ‘The Bight Bands of Power Ceatticue ~ Spiritual Lafe and Death Performing Peychic Surgery ‘The Obsidian Arrowhead and the Meguey' Thorn The Flower ‘Turning the Cosmic Cross Counterclackwise “The Ritual of the Fi Moon isd Manifestin Manifest: Manis through the Heart of the Mountains Kayes Introduction 1 write this book today not on a computer, or-even ‘on paper, but in front of a mizzor. 1 was looking at the lines on my face, Acsording to the’Toltee and Mexihea oral tradition, which dates sek to the earlier Central American civilisations of the Ohi ins and Nochicaleas, the lines on your fice verything you've ever experienced, bat above all che way you've lived your life on Mother Barth, ichimecas, Olmecs, Teotihy se Se today I looked at she lines on my furrows and wrinkles from cop to bottom. And ho: for they represent all my experiences and all the kno is thanks to them that for me to write this book, Caw: of Pe e, examining, all the sed them, edge Pove 3 possible So, with a s experi entengy heater. And Iwvould lke to sh hope will benefit you: le on my face, [would l ces in. the To 10 present some of ec and Mexthes tradition and as an yoes that I help you to heal your life, fa Gil. Catholic family in Mexico City. Approximately My name is Sergio M born in the bosom of a very tadit CA¥ES OF 90% fe years ago, when one of my teachers in the Mexibca tradition, Hugo Nabui, was calcula cycle, the first ching he said was: 'So Sergio is the other son’ 4 my mother’s moon Pare of the Mexibea tradit calendar that is unknown to mest people. Hasrever, Hugo is an sexperton it, Agconling te the tradition, we are ruled by different phases of the moon and this changes every hice years. It is ienportant to know which phase was ruling your p your gestation as well as which was muting on the d bom, Most people are gestated when their moth full moo. Asa result, they have a strong attachment tothe ion is based on a very accurate Lunar accepts #8 normal, But, unl ‘gestated on the waning moon of both « the waxing moan, The waxing moon gives you good health and the talent and leive to succeed, Leis tlso very good for aking knowledge from the past and presenting it in a modecn way. Children gestared under the influence of a want have artistic and spiritual inclinations, but also addictive tendencies and a liking for dangerous, bizarre or even illegal situations, moon “My lifes testament eo this ancient Mexican knowledge. I have ibited the characteristics of a child gestated under a waning moot my whole lif, ny different ways,and I was doing s0 bofore I was even aware of Mexican lunar astrology, ‘One of the main traits of waning-moon the spiritual quest, Ny own. csinckdence. However, those rei is an intevest in ritual journey sarced because of a of us who are on such josrneye will know that there are no ‘idences. On the contrary, events ame perfecllysyncheoaized to allow usto meershe people who willelp 8 y- Ultimately, we all have the samedestiong whieh is blooming’ or ‘blossoming’, a term used by the ancient Tolters and Mexiheas for what is known nowadays as enlightenment, il our des ¢ firt en ther de ser | had with my lunar legacy was when my d tostudy and work, Because of this, my siblings brought up by people who worked for my ts, 1 was eaised by my nanny, Rosa Hertand Moneox, in San Pablo Autopan, “Mexico states and her become h but che Bed het home town after being Dratally be husband and escaped word of Spanish, She ended up working for my parents, and when Iwas bocn,] became the son she could never f fexioa City barefoot and So my childhood was by two mothers who loved me a lot woe, since I was effect St expressed nt one very steictly and scientific laws,and the ng to religious and gtothe medicine and magic of the areient Mexican people, combined svith the Catholic religion. very tenderly and acco CAVES OF FOWER When I was in pain, for example instead of giving me traditional medicine, Rosita would simply take a pack of Diliadss,a Mexican brand of cigarettes made of pure tobseco (hich of course she kept hidden, since itwas steely forhidden to tmoke at home, especially in ftone of the children), light a cigarette and make cizcles with the smoke around the painful area, Then she would draw in the smoke and exhale it, and as disappeared, the pain would disappear too. Of course she asked me to keep this a secret, as she would probably have been fred iff my parente bad found out. Rosita was also the first person co talle co me about the importan, When I had what most people eal nightmares, she would say, ‘Lam going to clean you with an egg.’ When I asked why, she told me something I've never forgotten: “An egg sy™ tue, ‘The dream of this exg isto become achicken, and that bad dsearns of dreai jolizes a dream that will never come never happen, SoT'm going to use it te prevent yo: from coming true. She would pass the egg over parts of my body, making counterclockwise circles with i. Then she would break i, poor it into a glass of water and read the patterns formed by the white and yolk, So I leamned the art of healing wi although I don't use chose methods anymore, they con to the development of my healing skills and m with the world of energy: 1 was also initiated into the art off dreaming without knowing it, th tobacco and an eg, d buted reractians Iormdsstios Thelicve thet these lessons from Rosita laid the basis for my furnse career asin energy’ healer They shied me two thingsti conventional medicine wasit the only way to heal physical and emotional problems; and i) deeans were important because they would m: fest in waking reality, buc if you didnt like a dream, you could chang. Another important tech: to change my perception of the world around me. Ae a child I Learned ftom Rosita was how was very would often takeadvantage af me. So Resita gave mea piece of advice: "When you feel move your eyes sideways.’ Now I understand she was referring to peripheral vision, When you move your cyes sideways at a very pronounced angle, you can make what we know as reality dicappear from view. nd insecure, and people, starting wit brothes, helpless in the face of external actacks, 1 did this a fot of times when Iwas a child ~ when: my parents told me off, when my classmates bothered ancy T entered a workd in which it was innpossible for me to xeaet oF fol hurt, Liverally I escaped reality, soonm and Unfortunately, when I became a teenager I stopped practi this tochnique. When people bothered me,1 reacted acgatively instend, Full of fear and anges, I created an addictive personality that I seruggled wis T would ike 1 point Tearned b> heal others a ut something very important here: I ingly effectively before I learned to heal myself, For this reason, firmly believe that if you apply the comrect techniques, yrou can become-a great healer even when your eR Thave heard then T can heal own Leis a mes emphasizing this point a bol of people say First I need to heal mysel is simply an excuse not er words sl any people beffare hesling enysel “That is, it generated good cnengy allowed me to eal ‘Turaited to heal my clf but also thousands ‘pheral Twas looking at the world from « lower dite t© See peoples energy fields, So my br Nevertheless, [also stopped doing this for many yeans and oF took it up again when life presented me with a series of events to make reality dissppeas, which allowed spot used to dt that forced me to do sa, ts, something which became , From childhood, I lov eatre and dreamed of becos movies and 1 When I left hat time, 20 vears evidentin degenerate, even dangerous, an. money to live on, As a result, aspirations by every oveans av more practical Inereduction ‘Ac the tne, was totally frustrated by this. For years, I felt my family had weeeked thatled me to what I believe is my destiny since it tsiggered the thied characteris ldren gestated under a waning moon: a taste for bizarre and dangerous things Tife, Now I see it as the turning T began rebelling against the rales ~ any rules. Although th made my fife very complicated, today [at very grateful for it, Ie was the only way for me to lesen never to accept a impositions on my personal life, or any medical diagnos or have any preconceptions about my patients. Eventually it allowed me to perform many healings that modern science would consider impossible. And later [ was ve developing methods of rejuvenation, vaccessful at Tn the meantime, the way I escaped reality changed from moving shy eyes to drinking, taking drugs and partying OF ‘courte this Hestyle dids't go down well with a strict Cathotiec family and a mother obsessed with discipline, and it resulzed in my father punishing me and eves throwi hy] always hed good bard times and put me up when necessary: Fortunately had to experience anything that could really have damaged my life oF a ‘And in spite of my mother's verbal aggressiveness towards me, she did have a key point when she said, Like St Augustine, your spirituality will save you. me out of the house, L T also have ta recognize that in bee own way she really made a great effort to help me. She made me go to many different therapists, including, 2 psychologist. Of caurse there are no (CAVES OF POWER coincidences in life, and the psychologist she sent me to, Laura Munoz, became my first official energy teacher. 'm infinitely grateful to her. When I first west to hes, she diagnosed me od she used peripheral vision too, At the time ] stil wanted to be an actos, but she said, Youre going to be a healer like me ~ a very good one” actonfing to what she save in my sura, and so I re Besides offering individual healing sessions, Laura also gave courses on many subjects, inclading healing with energy, and candles, and using a pende! spititual things revived and I started to gain confidence when I sow that I could selieve people of physical p and perform distance healing. However; as] mentioned before, I wat able to beal others Jong before I was able to heal myself, and J continued my reckless ity Hifestyle until my patents threw me out for the last time. ‘Then I was foreed to sepport myself, started working in a bar and lived quite a simple life so th T could 3 Jon for partying, Looking back, hose full of fan, but at the same time very ne invited me to a talk om nutritional 3. There were fou ie talk started hanged into-a people there apart from my friend ‘being about nutsients, but all of a cussion of alternative medicine,and at one point I asked one of the other people, ‘De you happen ta had surgery around the ns Iatrcchctioa She answered, “Yes, a Caesarean, but kow do you know As [ have already told you, changing my perception alloned sme to see other people's energy fields. And when you undesge sangery, the enemy channels, the meridians, of your body are also cut, Not many peopl iknow this, bu those who are able ta see the energetic field closest to the body ean identify where surgery has been performed because they can see aa abnor yelowish accumulation of energy around that area. As time goes by, this produces pret m8, So I said, T can seethe energy accumulating in that spot \Wide-eyed, her filend stood in front of me and asked, "What Hooked at her energy and said," You've had sungery-on yous legs” She couldn't believe her ears, She explained she'd had multiple operations because she had a lot of circulatory problems in her legs. Another of her friends, who was wearing « turtle-necked eater asked in a seeptical tone, And mo? ‘On the neck” this ws also true, since shehad had a biopey and 2a operation tion of energy, they all CAVES OF POWER Teplied, ‘Yes,T can fii, Laura bow to sep: “and I wass’t fying, as Vad Jeeemed from ans. The next thing was they were making appointments for healing sessions with mie, So that was the beg! ig of my career as a healer, Whar I didait know at the time was that one of thea was the cubdicector ofa centre for behavioural problemsin Mexico City and very soon she started sending all her patients to me for meric . Within a month, my

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