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What is

schizophrenia ?
What is Early recognition and effective early
treatment is vital to the future well-
schizophrenia? being of people with schizophrenia.
Many misunderstandings surround
A person with schizophrenia typically
schizophrenia, which contribute to the
experiences changes in behaviour and
stigma, isolation and discrimination
perception, and disordered thinking that
that can be experienced by people
can distort their sense of reality. This is
with schizophrenia and their families
referred to as psychosis.
and carers.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness with
A common myth is that people with
much stigma and misinformation
schizophrenia are dangerous. They are
associated with it. This often increases
seldom dangerous, especially when
the distress to the person and his/her
receiving appropriate treatment and
support. Very occasionally, a small
Schizophrenia usually first appears when minority of people with schizophrenia
people are aged between 15 and 25 may become aggressive during an
years, although it can appear later in life. acute untreated episode of psychosis,
The prevalence of schizophrenia is about because of their fears or delusions.
one percent in the general population. Most often the aggressive behaviour is
About one third of people with directed toward the self, and the risk
schizophrenia experience only one or of suicide can be high.
a few brief episodes in their lives. For Schizophrenia is often mistakenly
others, it may remain a recurrent or life- referred to as a ‘split personality’. This
long health condition. is not true; people with schizophrenia
The onset of illness may be rapid, with may have delusions and a distorted
acute symptoms developing over several sense of reality, but they do not have
weeks, or it may be slow, developing multiple personalities.
over months or even years. People with schizophrenia show a
During onset, the person often normal range of intelligence ability,
withdraws from others, gets depressed and do not have a mental disability,
and anxious, and develops unusual ideas although acute symptoms of psychosis
or extreme fears. Noticing these early may interfere with their ability to think
signs is important for early access to during an acute episode.
What are the • Thinking difficulties - a person’s
concentration, memory, and
symptoms of ability to plan and organise may
be affected. This makes it more
schizophrenia? difficult to reason, communicate,
and complete daily tasks.
The major symptoms of schizophrenia
include: • Blunted expression of emotions
- where the ability to express
• Delusions - false beliefs of emotion is greatly reduced. This
persecution, guilt or grandeur, or is often accompanied by an
being under outside control. People inappropriate response to happy or
with schizophrenia may describe sad occasions.
plots against them or think they have
special gifts and powers. Sometimes • Social withdrawal - this may be
they withdraw from people or hide caused by a number of factors
to avoid imagined persecution. including the fear that someone
is going to harm them, or a fear
• Hallucinations - most commonly of interacting with other people
involve hearing voices. Other less because of a loss of social skills.
common experiences can include
seeing, feeling, tasting or smelling • Lack of insight - because some
things that to the person are very experiences, such as delusions
real, but that are not actually there. and hallucinations, are so real,
it is common for people with
• Thought disorder - where speech schizophrenia to be unaware
may be difficult to follow with that they are ill. This can be very
no logical connection. Thoughts distressing for family and carers.
and speech may be jumbled and Lack of awareness can be a reason
disjointed. that people with schizophrenia
Other symptoms of schizophrenia refuse to accept treatment that
include: could be helpful. The unwanted
side-effects of some medications
• Lack of drive - where the ability to
can also contribute to treatment
engage in everyday activities, such as
washing and cooking, is lost. This lack
of drive, motivation and initiative is
part of the illness, and is not laziness.
What causes Family relationships
schizophrenia? No evidence has been found to support
the suggestion that family relationships
No single cause of schizophrenia has cause the illness. However, some people
been identified, but several factors with schizophrenia are sensitive to any
have been shown to be associated with family tension, which for them may be
its onset. associated with recurrent episodes.
Men and women have an equal chance Stress
of developing this mental illness across
the lifespan, although the onset for It is well recognised that stressful
men is often earlier. incidents often precede the onset
of schizophrenia. These may act as
Genetic factors precipitating events in vulnerable people.
A predisposition to schizophrenia People with schizophrenia often
can run in families. In the general become anxious, irritable and unable to
population, only one percent of people concentrate before any acute symptoms
develop it over their lifetime, but if one are evident. This can cause problems
parent has schizophrenia, the children with work or study and relationships to
have a 10 percent chance of developing deteriorate. Often these factors are then
the condition - and a 90 percent blamed for the onset of the illness when,
chance of not developing it. in fact, the illness itself has caused the
stressful event. It is not, therefore, always
Biochemical factors clear whether stress is a cause or a result
of schizophrenia.
Certain biochemical substances
in the brain are believed to be Alcohol and other drug use
involved in schizophrenia, especially a
neurotransmitter called dopamine. One Harmful alcohol and other drug use,
likely cause of this chemical imbalance particularly cannabis and amphetamine
is the person’s genetic predisposition use, may trigger psychosis in people
to the illness. Complications during who are vulnerable to developing
pregnancy or birth that cause schizophrenia. While substance use does
structural damage to the brain may not cause schizophrenia, it is strongly
also be involved. related to relapse.
People with schizophrenia are more Schizophrenia is an illness, like many
likely than the general population to physical illnesses. Just as insulin is a lifeline
use alcohol and other drugs, and this is for a person with diabetes, anti-psychosis
detrimental to treatment. medications can be a lifeline for a person
with schizophrenia. As with diabetes,
A considerable proportion of people
some people will need to take medication
with schizophrenia have been shown
indefinitely to keep symptoms under control
to smoke, which contributes to poor
and prevent recurrent episodes of psychosis.
physical health.
Lifestyle changes, such as reducing harmful
What treatment is alcohol and other drug use and other triggers
of episodes, can assist people to recover.
available? Although there is no known cure for
The most effective treatment for schizophrenia, regular contact with a doctor
schizophrenia involves medication, or psychiatrist and possibly a multidisciplinary
psychological therapy and support with team (that might comprise mental health
managing its impact on everyday life. nurses, social workers, occupational
therapists and psychologists) can help people
Education about the illness and to manage their symptoms and live full and
learning to respond effectively to the productive lives.
early warning signs of an episode are
important. Peer support can also be a valuable source of
support, useful information and hope.
The development of anti-psychosis
medications has revolutionised the Sometimes, specific therapies directed
treatment of schizophrenia. Now, most towards symptoms, such as delusions, can be
people can live in the community rather helpful. Physical health problems also need
than be hospitalised. Some people are to be attended to.
never hospitalised and their health care Psychiatric disability rehabilitation services
is delivered entirely in the community. and support can help with problems related
Medications work by correcting to work, finances, accommodation, social
the chemical imbalance in the brain relationships and loneliness.
associated with the illness. Newer, but The family and friends of people with
well-tested, medications promote a schizophrenia can often feel confused and
more complete recovery and have fewer distressed. Support and education, as well
side effects. as better community understanding, are an
important part of treatment.
Where to go for help About this brochure
• Your general practitioner. This brochure is part of a series on
mental illness funded by the Australian
• Your community health centre.
Government under the National Mental
• Your community mental health Health Strategy.
Other brochures in this series include:
For information on services, check the
• What is mental illness?
Community Help and Welfare Services
and 24-hour emergency numbers in • What is an anxiety disorder?
your local telephone directory.
• What is bipolar mood disorder?
For immediate counselling assistance,
• What is a depressive disorder?
contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. Lifeline
can also supply you with contacts, • What is an eating disorder?
further information and help. • What is a personality disorder?
More information is available at: ____________________
Free copies of all brochures are available
from Mental Health and Workforce
Division of the Australian Government
Department of Health and Ageing:
GPO Box 9848
Tel 1800 066 247
Fax 1800 634 400

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