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Namazbekova Malika

14 Jashtyk, Bishkek
Date : 03.02.20

Dear, Abylbekova Aigerim

I would like to propose my candidacy for your position at English teacher which
was advertised in the latest issue the «Bishkek_news»
I am applying for this post because I firmly believe that a combination of my
natural ability , personality and work experience all make me an ideal candidate
for this role.As a talented and experienced individual I am intimately familiar with
the role. For the past 3 years,I have been employed in a English teacher role.This
is exactly the type of experience you are looking for in applicant.
I consider myself to be a hard worker with a solid work ethic who exerts optimal
effort to ensure all tasks given to me are completed on time and to the highest

My strengths include, but are not limited to the following

 Being able to work efficiently on my own and also as part of a team
 Able to handle pressure,and work efficiently when having to meet deadline

Sincerely, Namazbekova Malika

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