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My name is Stefano Mele Hernández,

I'm 20 years old and I've been a classical
pianist for over ten years. Back in 2018 I
started a music major focused on
I live in Guadalajara with both of my
parents and a Betta fish named Ludwig
(Van Bettaven). My previous fish was
called Ástor Pez-zolla but he wasn't as
fond of tango music as I am.
Besides playing the piano and
composing, one of my greatest passions
is cooking. All kinds of stuff. Who am I to
dislike anything that's edible? At some
point in my life I was even thinking of
pursuing a career in gastronomy. I went
on with music because, I mean, both jobs
could've made me starve, but cooking
would definitely make me hungrier.

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