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Gold Rush Writer Jog Suriya (Friday 8 Oct 2010 )

New Delhi is organizing a common Wealth Games very well . After impressive opening of CWG ,
selling of ticket is pick up , in some events ticket is booked in advance Such as India Pakistan Hockey
Match . But some of the problems is faced by the viewers I.e Parking, Security etc. but finally CWG is
conducted smoothly without hiccups( stoppage)

Performances are truly heartening by Indian atheletes . In Medal Tally India Is second position with 14
Gold & 32 medal on 5 th Day . Most of the medals from Shooting , Wrestling & weightlifting . Few
success from boxing , swimming , archery & Gymanastics . India is made a history in this CWG by
broking the records , credit goes to Sports Federation for nurturing a promising batch of youngster.
Indian performances in shooting by Gagan Narang , Abhinav Bindra , Anisa sayeed & omkar Singh .
India expects medals from the following games Badmitton , Table Tennis & Lawn Tennis.

Notwithstanding the Commendable performances, so far, there are certain disciplines that do not work on
them & win the medals on Olymplic . Two areas on which Indian Atheletes focus are athelics & aquatics
because our performances is lacklusture & ranking of india is falling down . Basic facilities will be
provide to the athelic to complete his work & gives competation to others ,with best of worlds

The primary aim of the CWG should be nurture interest of sports in athletes & new generation . In the
meantime, India Proud on athletes . Hopefully Gold rush will Continue.

Marked For Life Writer Harish Bhat ( Monday 11 Oct 2010)

all know n that life was marked by stained . not all stains are bad & ugly . In my life , how much cases in
which Stained was happen were

1) In school life , white uniform shirt was stained by camlin fountain pen & other shirt also stubbon
stains from an overripe mango.
2) In College Life , Indians Felt embrassed recently by heard the news of CWG village in Delhi bore
stains of Paan . But we stains of nicoline on my lips , secret lipstick stain, merry stains of Chicken
Masala .
3) Newely case, on the Khakhi trouser boast stain of wine.
Stains & spots are also Celeberated in literature & art . In short story “ The Second Stain “ In
which detective Sherlock Holems takes a stain from the carpet to solved a challenging case of the
muedered in Shakespeer play by Lady Macben.
Stains have also created by entire Industry which produces hard working detergent , stain
remover , scrubbler & similar Convencies . I have find a stain remover which is effective against
turmeric & chilli Spots & Alchematics Stone which convert lead to Gold.

Of course , the most horrible stains are on our character because not know where to reaches how to
reaches & how to clean them away . on the other hand ,some stains carry the sweat whiff of nostalgia.

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