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​Video 1:

1. List some of the grievances the Founding Fathers had with England.

They don’t want to vote for independence / They don't want the people included

2. Identify, what is the 'Fact' that Benjamin is referencing in the video? What were the
Founding Fathers classified as by to England? ​Rebels

Video 2:

3. What major idea did the Founding Fathers sacrifice in order to unite the country (and
congress) for independence? Were all men guaranteed freedom, as mentioned by the
declaration? ​ Slavrey

4. What are Thomas Jefferson's feeling about freedom for all men, according to the
video? ​He was not surprised

Video 3:

5. What is Mr. Dickinson's stance toward the revolution? Provide three examples that
support his stance. What did Mr. Dickinson mean by, "a war without victors"?

He thinks that if they become independent they will all die because the nation will go
against its self

6. Was he right about the Articles of Confederation? He references the eventual idea of
the Articles of Confederation near the end of the speak by mentioning the colonies as
one great commonwealth. ​No because none are in effect...
Video 4:

7. What is Mr. Adam's stance? Provide three examples he uses to support his stance.
Do you think these are good enough to go to war? ​He is thinking about those in the
future and the evolution/ He thinks our nation will be great and will stand for itself/ He is
thinking about how much power they hold with the decision

9. Knowing that you would be a traitor and a rebel by some of your country men and the
standing government (England), what side would you have stood with, why? Explain
your own opinions and ideas to answer this question ​ I think i would have stuck with
jhon adams because he cares about the future and not just his own generation.

10. What is freedom to you? What does freedom mean or offer you?

Freedom to me is to do without question and to do without worrying about the

consequences yet having common sense about what you are doing.

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