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HAAD EXAM 21/09/2017 MY

1. SIADH cause all of the following except:-

 hyponatremia
 hypernatremia
 water excess
2. which is not true about immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome :
Corticosteroids and anti- inflammatory drugs don’t shorten inflammation
The action of antiviral start when virus load is high
The pt start respond to treatment when CD4 is high
3. case about pt. have Arrhythmia + COPD can use all except :
a. Digitalis
b. Verapamil
c. Amiodarone
d. Diltiazem
4. After MI, patient have irregular arrhythmia what is the most suitable agent for him :
5. Primaquine not contraindicated in Pregnancy, lactation, G6PD,SLE
6. Treatmetn of IBS etanercept, infliximab,
7. Meperidine not suitable for use long time because :
a. Nephrotxicity
b. Neurotoxicity
c. Cardiotoxicity
8. All of the following Anticholinesterase non-competetive except :
a. Galantamine
b. rivastagmine
c. Tacrine
d. donepezil
9. which antiviral cause mitochondrial toxicity :
a. emtricitabine
b. stavudine
c. lamivudine
d. Zidovudine

10. 28-antiviral used in HBV:-

11. Which Of the following Used to make mydrysis in checking refractive errors:
a -atropine
12. case about patient have lowered HDL and little elevation of LDL :
13. TCA act on all of the following receptors expect :
a- histamine receptors
b- cholinergic receptors
c-alpha receptors
d- beta receptors

14. all of the following is CI in using LOOP diuretics expect :

a- Na And water depletion
b- sensitivity to sulphonamide
c- anuria despite using loop diuretic
d- renal diseases
15. case Pt with glaucoma and blood pressure 220/110 and hypertensive crisis and ask which to
avoid :-
c-Na nitroprusside
16. patient to ED having ECG abnormality what drug caused it? Verapamil
17. Atropine make all of the following except :
a- decrease gastric secretion
b- decrease gut motility
c- xerostomia
d- decrease sweating
18. COPD patient, what drug is used? Iptatropium
19. Side effect specifically for INH? Neuropathy
20. Which of these supplements should be taken with inh?
1-Folic acid
2-vit b6
3-vit a

21. case scenario about patient HIV and

CD4 bind to which antigen in the HIV positive Pt:-
a-T lymphocyte
b-B lymphocyte
d-natural killer
22. In AIDS the CD4 less than:-
23. Thiazide diuretic doesn’t cause>>>a,c
1. hyperkalemia 
2. hypokalemia 
3. hypocalcemia 
4. Hyponatremia
24. Female patient with allergy to amoxicillin and also cant use IV, so best drug
Azithromycin, cephalexin, tetracycline
25. pilocarpine used in all of the following except:-
a-acute attack of closed angle of glaucoma
b-standard drug for close angle glaucoma
c-used alternatively with mydriatic to separate the iris
d-standard one for open angle glaucoma
26. -HZV patient wants to stop treatment, advise him
therapy will reduce recurrence
severity, spreading to the rest of the body
post herpetic neuralgia)
27. Pt in the ICU for 3 days which antacid is used :-
b- H2 blocker
d-prostaglandin analogue
28. Xanax® alprazolam (CDA) must store in :
Steel cupboard well closed
29. Same Parkinson case and ask about the role of carbidopa with Levodopa :
A- decrease conversion of levodopa Peripherally
Which drug should always be label and separate :
a- gentamycin
b- anticonvalsant
c- epinephrine injection
d- all injections p
30. In hypersensitivity reactrion drug used epinephrine, Norepinephrine, dopamine
31. DOC in motion sickness :
a) scopolamine
b) atropine
32. in absence seizure which is not used :
d-valporic acid
33. DOC in Status epilepticus :
a- phenytoin

34. Which one of tetracyclines is suitable for renal failure pt. :

a. Doxycycline
b. Minocycline ( not mentioned in my exam)
c. Tetracycline
35. TCA metabolise by CYP450, alcohol dehydrogenase, Glucourinidase, All
36. Route of Nitroglycerine not considered Oral, sublingual, transdermal
37. False about fluoxetine Don’t take with beta blockers
38. the effect of B- blocker On glucose … do all of the following expect :
b-decrease glucagon secretion
c-decrease glycogenlysis
39. d…..
which Morphine SE patients are having tolerance to :
a. Respiratory depression
b. Euphoria
40. c. Pint point pupil
d- constipation
All used for Morphine dependence except :
a. Methadone
b. Codeine
c. Clonidine
d. Buprenorphine
41. Which of the following is ultra-short barbiturates:
Penobarbital , Thiopental
42. parzosin which is true about ( statements):
a-Have first dose effect
b-First dose effect not decrease with decreasing dose
c-Not usually occuar in most patient
43. case scenario about female patient have GOUT was weak & dizzy & fatigue and another problems
like she can’t raise her hand and having some blood disorders like agrnaulocytosis and leucopenia
and type of anemia which anti gout are probably to cause this Side effects :
a- allopurinol
b- colchicine
44. c- probencid

Patient with asthma and HTN, avoid


45. -side effect of all anti-arrythmic drugs:-

a-blurred vision
b-torsade de points
46. emulsion inversion:
a-conversion of W/O emulsion to O/w emulsion and vice versa
47. 64-electrical conductivity of emulsion, dispered phase is:
48. Cholinesterase inhibitors toxicity syptoms all except
49. morphine antidote : naloxone
50. which of the following is not fungus:-
51. which is true about dry gum emulsion:-
a- it’s called 4:2:1 ratio
b-water gum and oil are added together and triturated
c-oil and gum are triturated and water added slowly.
52. Pt is taking anti-seizure medication and wants to stop it, which of the following low recurrence:-
EEG abnormalities
b-frequent seizure attack
c-cerebral known lesions
d-seizure began at early age
53. Some of Prinzmetal angina characteristics: sudden spasm, atherosclerosis, respond to Calcium
channel blocker & nitrates.
54. Which is contraindicated in prinzmetal angina?Beta blocker

55. Foam in pharmacy found as spray used for : (statements)

a. Topical
b. Burn dressing
c. Rectal
56. Minoxidil used in ttt of hypertension what is its action ?
a. decreased heart rate & increased contractility
b. decreased arterial pressure & decreased contractility
c. increased heart rate & decreased contractility
57. total child dose is …. Mg and will take teaspoonful per dose ..
syrup is 125mg/5ml, how much ml for 75mg?
58. hparGwhat is MTC,
59. MEC
60. Cmax,
61. Tmax
62. phenytoin Side effects except:-
a-gingival hyperplasia
d-steven-gohnson syndrome

63. TCA mechanism:-

64. In mysthenia gravis which is true
A. Autoimmune disease againt ACh receptors
b. Diagnosed by edrophonium
C. Not treated or responded with cortitcosteroids

65. Not used in Parkinson disease


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