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Character :

- Old man Farmer : The father of Timun Mas (Awwi)

- Old woman farmer : Timun Mas’s mother, wife of old man farmer (Kanaya)
- Timun Mas : The daughter of old farmer couple. (Farah)
- The Giant : Bad giant who wants to eat Timun Mas. (Athfal)

Timun Mas

Once upon a time. In a village near the jungle lived a couple of old farmer. They lived
very happy there, but they still wanted to have a child and it make them sad. Day by
day they prayed to God to give them a child.

One day, a bad giant passed their home and listen to their pray.

Old woman : Oh God. My husband and I have been live for many years with no child.
But we are still patient to wait a child from you.

Old man : Please God. Let us be happy in the end of our life.

The Giant who hears the Old couple come to them.

The Giant : Hahahahahahaha. I can hear you old man.

Old woman : Please giant don’t kill us. We will give you everything.

Old man : Please. Let us life.

The Giant : Don’t be scared, I will give you a chance to have a child in one condition.
If your child have been 17 years old. you should give her to me. I want to eat her.

Old woman : How you can give me a child?

Old man : We have pray for many years and nothing happen. How you can give us a
child ?

The Giant : I will give you this seed. Plant it in your field, then a cucumber plant will
grow. Pick up the cucumber and you will find a kid inside it. (give the seed)

Old woman : (accept the seed) oh. Thank you giant. Thank you very much.

The Giant : But remember, I will take her 17 years later. If you break your promise, I
will eat you both. (leave the old couple farmer)

Old man : Of course. Thank you Giant.

The Old couple do as the giant said. The cucumber plant has a big cucumber. The
old woman took it and open the cucumber carefully and she find a litte baby girl in it.
They take care of the girl with all their love. Her name is Timun Mas.

Seventeen years later, the old couple look very sad because they can’t save their
daughter. Until they heard about a hermit live in the jungle. Just a few days before
the giant comes, the Old man come to see the hermit and bring 4 pack of thing.

Old woman : What you bring my husband?

Old man : The hermit said that these can help Timun Mas. Now we should tell Timun
Mas so we can save her.

Timun Mas : Yes mom, dad. Are you call me?

Old man : We will tell you a story. We can have you because the giant help us.

Old woman : Now, the giant want to take you and eat you. We will make you run
from here so you can live.

Timun Mas : But.. how about you mom, dad? You will be hurt. If the giant want me,
give me. It is important for me to see mom and dad live.

Old man : We will be ok my daughter

Old woman : Here. Use this to protect yourself, This is 4 pack which contain
cucumber seed, needle, salt, and shrimp paste.

Old man : You should use it when the giant near to you. you should run by tomorrow

Timun Mas : Yes dad. I will do what you say. But promise me, mom and dad will be
ok. (hugh her parents)

In the morning next day, The Giant come to Old woman House

The Giant : Hey old man and Old Woman. Where is your daughter ?

Old man : She is not here. She does not go home.

Old woman : I will not give her to you.

The Giant : You broke your promise old woman. (Waves his hand and crush the old
farmers house)

However, the giant can see Timun Mas run in the jungle. He runs to chase Timun

The Giant : Stop you Timun Mas. I will eat you.

Timun Mas : I will alive for my parents. (throw the cucumber seed).
Suddenly, the seed grow into a cucumber field that make the giant stops because
the stem spread and wrapped around the giant. But the giant was able to
breakaway, then returned to chase Timun Mas.

The Giant : Where are you Timun Mas? (scream)

When The Giant close to Timun Mas, Timun Mas throw the needle. Suddenly, the
sharp thorn grow to obstruct the giant.

Timun Mas : I hope you stay there Giant.

The Giant can get out of the thorn forest and chase Timun Mas.

Timun Mas : How About this! I have already thrown 2 packages containing cucumber
seeds and needle. But the giant still managed to escape. Im so scared! Hmm its
okay i still have one more package

Then Timun Mas throw the shirmp paste to a large field divide her and the giant.
When the giant walk in that field, suddenly the field turn into a live mud and swallow
the giant.

The giant : Help. . .Help me Timun Mas. I will not eat you.

Timun Mas : It is too late Giant, I have tell you not to chase me. Now, you will die
and I will be back to live together with my family.

Finally, The Giant swallow by the live mud and never come back. Timun Mas can
live happily with her parents.

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