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GSA Search Engine

Ranker Best Practices


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By using our GSA SER Verified targets you will be able to boost GSA search
Engine Ranker performance, and you can experience the real power of it and

 GSA Search Engine Ranker (GSA SER) runs more faster

 The number of threads you can use go up dramatically
 Your links build faster with less time and effort (Boost LPM/VPM)
 GSA SER consumes low resources (CPU/RAM/Bandwidth)
 Proxies are the only requirement for Posting – No more Scraping!
 Save Money On 3rd Party Services

In order to run at all times, must GSA users have a VPS (Virtual Private
Server). This is a good way for individuals to organize SEO campaigns, but it is
ineffective to check or even scrape a list of millions of URLs from Google. One
single server will not do. We take the hassle and waiting period out of the
equation by providing you with the most up to date (It is real-time if you
purchased Auto-SYNC package) and high-quality lists.

Let’s Boost The GSA Search Engine Ranker and

Experience The Power Of It!

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GSA SER Settings
1. Make sure your Target URL Cache is cleared
a. Highlight all of your projects
b. Right click the selection, then select Modify Project, and click Delete
Target URL Cache
You want a fresh, new list for every project you start. By default SER will begin
creating a small list of target links which will begin bringing in random backlinks
when you press Start. By deleting the cache you remove irrelevant links from
previous projects.

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2. Import New E-Mails
a. Highlight all of your projects
b. Right click the selection, then select Modify Project; Import; E-Mail
Accounts; From File /From Clipboard
c. You want to delete existing E-Mail accounts by selecting “OK” here.
Make sure to import 5 – 10 Emails per project. You don‟t have to import 100s of
emails per project As it takes lot of resources with GSA SER. Also we highly
recommended to use Yahoo / Nokia mails since we have much more success with
them. Also if possible catchall mails also an another good option.

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3. Remove all Search Engines from your Selection
a. Do this one at a time for each project.
b. Select the particular project (highlight)
c. Click „edit‟
d. Select „options‟ and scroll down to where it says „Search Engines to
e. Right click within that field and select „check none‟, then press „ok‟
Scraping URLs is a huge resource expense. If you use link lists instead you won‟t
needlessly use up proxies and you‟ll get results much faster.

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4. Remove Duplicate Domains and URLs
a. Click „options‟ and go to „Submission‟
b. Select „Tools‟ and then „Remove Duplicate URLs‟
c. You want to choose to remove every option (Identified, Submitted,
Verified and Failed)
d. Without changing anything else, just press „OK‟
e. Repeat the same process under „options‟; „Tools‟; „Submission‟, with
„Remove Duplicate Domains‟
f. Make the same selections in step c, and without changing anything
press „OK‟
g. Make sure to do this as a weekly practice

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Global Settings
These settings put all of your projects into perspective. They effect everything and
it‟s important to fine tune your GSA Search Engine Ranker for higher performance
with the following simple steps.
1. Submission
Consider Your Thread Count

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You want to pay attention to proxies and server resources. These determine the
speed and output of the GSA and you must be sure not to overload either.
10 threads per proxy is a wise choice. You can tell for yourself what the best
thread count is by understanding the server resource usage.
You can view this through the task manager. Before you check the following stats
ensure that the GSA and Captcha Breaker are running so you can get an accurate

Set the HTML Timeout

Some websites are very slow. On the other hand they do contain valuable
backlinks, so in order to speed up your GSA effectively, set the HTML timeout to
180 seconds.
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Consider Your Proxy Use
We recommend selecting the „Use Proxies‟ option under Submission Settings. You
have the advantage of hiding your IP address and avoiding bans from many
different platforms. Here‟s how to do that.

2. Proxies

This is something that you must know about and use correctly. They
determine not only the amount of successful links you build, but also how
quickly it gets done.
The following are major success tips for proxies with your GSA results.

Copyright by – The Ultimate GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified SolutionPage 10
a. Check your proxies. Any time you add a new proxy make sure it‟s working
b. If a proxy fails, don‟t remove it right away. Many times a failure point for a
proxy is temporary, and you can verify it yourself by using a program like

3. Proxy Settings
This step is very simple. It‟s important that you grasp everything here though,
because it makes a huge impact on your success rate.
a. Never use public proxies

b. Select the option to „automatically disable public proxies…‟

We Highly Recommended GreenCloudVPS and Mexela For Your Proxies

Needs. [ Also Their support Top Notch ]
Copyright by – The Ultimate GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified SolutionPage 11
4. Captcha
Captchas reduce your success rate and increase required resources to overcome.
Many of the quality backlinks you want are protected by captchas and you need a
solution if you want many high quality results. Here‟s what we recommend.
a. Always use GSA Captcha Breaker. The majority of captchas you run into
will not be able to block it, and it uses only CPU resources.

b. Use a textual captcha option. You may not want to do this because it takes
more time but you will get better results if you do. textcaptchasolver offer
great service.

c. Have a backup option. If your inexpensive GSA Captcha Breaker option

happens to fail, you can run an additional service. It may slows things down
considerably, but it‟s worth the quality backlinks. (LPM&VPM) We
recommend Captchatronix for recaptchas.

d. Set your Captcha retries to 2.

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5. Indexing
Big name search engines like Google have their own indexing time schedules.
Trying to speed up their indexing efforts with pings generally a waste of time in
your GSA efforts. If you do want to use an indexing service, we recommend
paying for a really great one. Free services just aren‟t cost effective

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6. Filter
Quality backlinks are essential. Many platforms are easy to get backlinks from but
actually hurt you in the long run because they‟re seen as spam in the eyes of a
search engine. Here‟s how to use SER effectively.
a. Select all platforms
b. The „maximum size of a website to download‟ should be 50MB or higher
c. Turn the „Skip submission…‟ option at the top on
Higher download size means more overhead. This isn‟t a bad thing though,
because although you download more links (less exclusion) and therefore more bad
links, you also download more good links. Your filter will serve you well either

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Project Settings
1. Article Manager
This is extremely useful in your campaigns. Major search engines like Google will
rank you much higher for unique and relevant articles, especially if you‟re adding
them often. Here‟s how you can take advantage of this.
a. Use unique, readable articles. There are many reasons for this, but among
the most important are the following.
 You can repurpose them without getting slapped by Google.
 You can also use the article more often.
 Some platforms manually review articles. If they‟re not unique they‟ll
be automatically deleted and you‟ll lose all of the value.
It‟s easy to do. Either hire a freelance writer then pass each article through
Copyscape to validate its authenticity, or write them yourself. It‟s worth the

b. Include other media. Pictures and videos will keep users on your page
longer, and make your articles more valuable.
There are settings you can make. They can help you achieve greater results, and
we‟ve included our recommendations below.
a. There‟s an option called „How to Link‟. „Sentence at random location‟ is
best for managing duplicate content since it‟ll be harder to recognize.
b. Do not any additional links. It‟s a tip-off to search engines and isn‟t
necessary anyway.
c. Insert between 0-1 random/authority URLs. This will change things up for
each article without overdoing it.
d. Insert up to 2 random images. This will vary your articles, but what people
really look for in an article is information so it‟s best to stay under 3.
e. Insert 1 random video. Any more is ineffective and won‟t help you.
f. Do not insert any tags in sentences.
g. Do not shorten articles. You want your articles to be at least 1000 words in
length anyway, so we recommend leaving this option off.

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h. Insert HTML variations. Once again, variety is good, with the exception
being to turn it off if your article contains HTML elements in its spin syntax
to begin with.
i. Activate the „Do not submit same article more than‟ option. Make sure the
number value is set to „1‟, and the next value is set to „per account‟.
Anything else is considered spam.

To build unique niche relevant contents, you can use SEO Content Machine.Also, it
has Tier 1 Module, and it greatly support with GSA SER. You may need to check
their affordable pricing plans: SEO Content Machine.

Copyright by – The Ultimate GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified SolutionPage 17
2. E-Mail
There are general rules to this.
a. Use 5 - 10 emails per project. Each email can typically only have one
backlink built for it on most platforms, and you want more than one backlink
for each platform. Thus it only makes sense to include as many emails as
you can.
10 is a solid number. The more tiers you are using for a project the more
backlinks you want for each platform, so this is a great general choice. You
may want to add more if you have many tiers.

b. Use each email only once. This includes between projects, so make sure that
each email you use is unique to the project it‟s used for.

c. At least use new email address once a month.

Settings are also important.

You can buy emails from BanditIM. Their Emails works great with GSA SER and you
can download instantly. Affordable pricing.

a. Activate the „Time to Wait‟ option. This will keep SER from tipping off
your providers, who will ban you if you‟re frequently logging in. 900 -1000
seconds is a good choice.

b. Deactivate the „Use Proxies‟ option.

c. Activate the „Delete Messages‟ option. You want to set this to delete emails
after they‟re processed to save time and resources.
d. Deactivate the „Delete All Messages‟ option. You‟re already processing and
deleting all emails automatically, so this isn‟t a necessary process.

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e. Some emails won‟t be processed. This is because they‟re junk, so activate
the „Delete Messages if Older Than‟ option, and set it to 5 days. This will
ensure your backlinks are built without clogging up your email inboxes.
3. Project Data
There are many important settings here. They play a major role in determining
whether or not you will be banned by Google, yet there isn‟t a perfect way to do it.
That‟s why we‟ve created this guide. Some of these things you will need to test out
for your own campaigns, but we‟ll give you a good understanding of what to look
for so you can make these distinctions on your own.
Make sure you go through this list and that your settings are up to date.
a. You want to use multiple URLs. Look over each page on your domain and
add many of those URLs here, otherwise it‟s a big red flag. You should
spread backlinks throughout your entire domain.

b. Activate the „Use a random URL‟ option. This way you‟re building
backlinks naturally.

c. There‟s a general rule for the „Use verified URLs from another project‟
option. This is a good choice to use if you‟re working on multiple projects,
and really good for pyramiding links.

d. Activate the „Use URL variations‟ option. You want a high value, and 80-
100% is a good choice.

e. Activate the „Use the root…‟ option. Although you do want this turned on,
you only want 10-30% of your backlinks being built on your root URL.

f. Link lists are preferred over keyword options. If you‟d rather have SER
scrape new URLs then make sure you use plenty of keywords, otherwise
turn this option off.
g. Only activate the „Collect keywords…‟ option if you turned the option in
step f on.

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h. We recommend turning the „Use collected keywords…‟ option off. The
keywords SER will scrape for you from new targets are very poor for these
purposes, and is just not useful.

i. Deactivate the „Put keywords in quotes…‟ option. It‟s unnecessary and a

waste of resources.

j. Deactivate the „Try searching with similar-looking keywords‟ option.

k. You do want to use anchor text. Add a minimum of 30 keywords as anchor

text, but also ensure that they‟re relevant to your main keyword.

l. Deactivate the „Use keywords as anchor text‟ option. It‟s important that you
select all of the keywords for the anchor text yourself, so make sure this is

m. Deactivate the „Partial match anchor text‟ option. It‟s best that you do this

n. Deactivate the „Secondary anchor text‟ option. It‟s unnecessary and doesn‟t
help in the long run.

o. Activate the „Branding anchor text‟ option. What you want to do here is
create your own unique link profile based on your brand and its variations.

p. Activate the „LSI anchor text‟ option. Create a natural list of related
keywords and add that list here.

q. Deactivate the „Generic anchor text‟ option. It‟s best to build this yourself.
r. Deactivate the „Domain as anchor text‟ option. It‟s best to build this

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s. Activate the „Use citation‟ option. This way SER can post your domain
naturally without linking to it.

t. Activate the „Anchor text variations‟ option. Set the number value to a high
number (80-100%), and it will alter the capitalization of your anchor text.

u. Use the default image comment. These are really only useful if they‟re
original, so if you‟re looking for optimal results you can write your own.

v. Use the default guestbook comment as well.

w. You want variations of your website title. You can use spin syntax to get
more variations, and use them in the „Website title‟ field.

x. You want multiple categories. It‟s generally best if you choose a bunch that
are related to your site, but you can also choose extra to „mask‟ your site.

y. Activate the „Login‟ option. This way SER can create random login

z. Repeat the previous step with the „Password‟ option

aa. Use the „About yourself‟ field. This is an important aspect in forum profiles
and Web 2.0 checks, and you can use spin syntax here based on an original

bb.A custom profile isn‟t necessary. It‟s more of a preference and you can
access your own via the SER folder.
cc. You should use a Twitter URL. All you do is add the Twitter URL of your
site and it‟ll be used to build links.

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dd.Do the same with your site‟s Facebook URL. Neither are necessary, but both
are helpful.

ee. Use forum comments. It‟s easy to write your own or even just alter the
default ones, which you should do.

ff. The German Guestbook comments are useful. Unless you speak and write in
German, you can just use the default ones.

gg.Micromessages aren‟t necessary to change. On the other hand it is valuable

to create your own to be used for social networking services.
hh.Also add a custom website description.

There are also autofill services. These are paid services that SER offers to speed
this process up for you, and it‟s worth checking out.

4. Project Options
We‟ve included a list of our recommended settings below.
a. Activate „Project pause‟. This will prevent you from being caught, and you
want to create between 1 and 10 new backlinks each day. Once SER reaches
this limit for the project, it will automatically stop.

b. Deactivate the „Per URL‟ option.

c. Activate the „Ask all services option‟ only for important projects. It‟s
recommended to select all services. The GSA Captcha Breaker service is
great to have as a first option, because it‟s effective and fast, but the process
can get slowed down if another similar service is used second. Other SER
users have suggested setup combinations for different scenarios that you can
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access very easily. Simply select „Options‟; „Captcha‟; „Add‟; and then go to
„Suggested Setups‟ to find them.

d. Deactivate the „Enable custom mode‟ option. These are complicated and
advanced settings which we won‟t go into in this guide.

e. Activate the „Verify links must have exact URL‟ option. The only option
you want to change in this area is to set „When to verify‟ to automatically.

f. Deactivate the „Reverify existing backlinks every…‟ option. It‟s not a cost-
effective measure in that is uses up a lot of resources and doesn‟t make
much of a difference.

g. Deactivate the „Send verified link to index services‟ option. It‟s much better
to use link lists, and you also want to activate the „Link Indexer list‟ in the
service section.

h. Activating the „Use character spinning‟ option isn‟t effective. It uses

variable capitalization in the URLs, and while it doesn‟t take much in terms
of resources, it also doesn‟t make much of an impact.

i. Deactivate the „Randomly use typos‟ option.

j. Activate the „Try to always place a URL with…‟ option. This will produce
more backlinks for you by allowing SER to create additional links.

k. Deactivate the „Continuously post to site even if…‟ option. It‟s not as useful
as it is costly.

l. Activate the „Tags‟ option. You want to choose „anchors‟ to get backlinks
from hyperlinked tags.
m. Deactivate the „Engines‟ option. This isn‟t congruent with link lists, and if
you do use it you want to ensure that all engines are in your language.

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n. The „Always use keywords to find target sites‟ is your option. If you want
more than just the footprints in the engine files and you are scraping you can
activate it, and also choose „Add stop words to query‟. 20% is a reasonable
value. Otherwise, deactivate this option.

o. „Use URLs from global site lists if enabled‟ is different than in Global
Settings. Here, SER simply reads an existing list, so it‟s best to use a bought
list and import it to the identified list. Just be sure that „Verified‟ is the only
active Global Option.

p. Deactivate the „Use URLs linking on same verified URL‟ option.

q. Deactivate the „Analyze and post to competitors‟ backlinks‟ option.

r. The „Allow posting on same site again‟ option is variable. It‟s beneficial for
tiers 2 or lower, but on tier one you don‟t want several backlinks coming
from the same domain.

s. Activate the „Post first article without links‟ option. It‟s important that you
allow SER to do this, because Web 2.0 sites typically delete all your articles
and your account, if they find a link in your first article.

t. Deactivate the „Time to wait for further registrations‟ option.

u. Deactivate the „Time to wait before first post‟ option.

v. Activate the „Time to wait between two posts‟ option. 120 minutes is an
appropriate setting, neither too long nor too short.

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w. Activate the „Skip sites with more than __ outgoing links‟ option. 40 is an
appropriate value to ensure that you‟re getting enough links from each site.

x. Deactivate the „Skip sites with a PR below…‟ option. This is no longer

relevant in today‟s Internet world.

y. Deactivate the „Skip also PR unknown‟ option.

z. Activate the „Type of backlinks to create‟ option. We recommend only

selection the following choices for this option: „Article‟, „Article Wiki‟, and
„Anchor Text‟.

aa. Deactivate the „Try to skip creating no-follow links‟ option. The reason we
suggest this is that it will promote a natural link profile that uses both no-
follow and do-follow links.

bb.Activate the „Avoid posting to sites just IP and no domain‟ option. You can
deactivate it for less important projects, as it‟ll take less time to test each
one, but it‟s especially important to have on for important projects.

cc. The „At least __ keywords must be present on‟ option is your choice. If you
want to easily gain as many backlinks as you can per minute, you can turn
this off. If you want only the most relevant keywords, turn it on but also
include a very large, very relevant list of keywords. This will give you the
best results.

dd.Deactivate the „Skip sties with the following words‟ option. If you do wish
to use it, make sure that the words are long enough not to exclude too many

ee. Follow the same protocol with the „Skit sites with the following words in…‟

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ff. Deactivate the „Skip sites from the following countries‟ option.

gg.Deactivate the „Skip sites in the following languages‟ option.

We‟ve covered the basics. So far this guide on best practices has shown you an
overall basic concept and tutorial on how to work GSA, and get SER to deliver the
results you are looking for.
Now we are going to provide you with a cheat sheet. You can refer here any time
you‟re unsure and have an easy checklist to fine tune all of your campaigns and

1. Get faster Internet speeds. We do not mean paying more to your cable
company or trying to run a home server, as that would either be too slow or
too expensive. We recommend buying either a VPS or Dedicated Server.

Click here to go to best VPS/Dedi Provider we have tried

2. Adjust your thread count. This is a variable aspect that relates to the
performance of your proxies, and it‟ll change the amount of server resources
required to run your campaigns. You can check the resource usage yourself
for an optimal setting, or just stick to a general setting of 10 per proxy.

Click here to go to best Proxy Provider we have tried

Copyright by – The Ultimate GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified SolutionPage 26
3. Consider your VPS resources. Your task manager will show you
everything. If either the CPU is consistently around 95% or you have less
than 500MB of RAM available, there‟s an issue.

4. Use proxies for backlinks exclusively. You can alter this by going to
„Options‟, then „Submission‟, then deactivating „Verification‟.

5. Receive important messages for projects. You can turn this setting on by
going to „Options‟, then „Submission‟, and then activating „Enable important
messages for projects‟.
6. Use filters effectively. Using too many filters will throw away many
valuable links, so you must be aware of which filters you use. Not activating
appropriate filters will result in useless links.

Note : Do not use Page Rank [PR] filter. It doesn’t have value anymore.

7. Prioritize contextual links. You want these working for you because
they‟re very valuable, but you must allow the SER to take the necessary
steps in bringing them to you. This may reduce the amount of links you
receive over time.

8. Use captcha services to your advantage. Start by setting the amount of

retries to 3. You also want to prioritize the order in which these services are
used to match your preference.

9. Public proxies are a waste. The best option is to create your own custom
list of proxies to get the speed and number of links per minute that put your
campaigns over the top.

10.Use dedicated email accounts. Every email account you use should be
unique to a particular project, and you also want to ensure that they are
quality email accounts with the spam filter setting off.

Copyright by – The Ultimate GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified SolutionPage 27
Recommended Resources And Add-ons For

Currently, these are the resources we have been using for our projects and
campaigns. We highly recommended all these providers and services.

 For Unlimited 24H Auto-Sync GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified Targets

 For Up to dated Fresh Over 400,000 GSA Search Engine Ranker

Verified Lists

 GSA Search Engine Ranker Guides / Tutorials

SER Verified Targets Membership – Here you can download GSA SER guides /
Ranking templates / Account data. Moz filtered High PA/DA/TF GSA SER
verified targets and more. – Lately we have found this great semi private forum. It‟s a
SEO forum with freebies area. Also they have dedicated GSA SER forum where
you can find guides/templates and etc.
GSA Official Forum - Official Forum For GSA Search Engine Ranker and all
GSA products.

Copyright by – The Ultimate GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified SolutionPage 28

GreenCloudVPS – coupon „‟

Must have service.They offer high-quality VPS/Dedicated servers specially made
for GSA Search engine ranker. Affordable prices. Use „‟ to
get 10% off recurring discount.

 Proxies
Mexela – The best private proxy provider we have tried. You will notice very
effective boost on LPM when you using their proxies.

 Content Creations
SEO Content Machine – User friendly content generator. 100% Compatible with
GSA Search Engine Ranker. Tier 1 supported. You will truly falling love with this.

 Recaptcha / Text Captchas solution

Captcha Tronix – Re-captcha solution. Better server stability when compare to
other solutions. However still we are finding a solution better than this.
Text Captcha solver – Text captcha solver.Better server stability when compare to
other solutions. However still we are finding a solution better than this.

 Email Providers
BanditIM/BlazingSEO - Very affordable email provider. Instant download.
Yahoo / Nokia Emails available. Emails formatted to GSA Search Engine Ranker.

Copyright by – The Ultimate GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified SolutionPage 29
If you have any questions / Suggestions
/ Feedbacks, make sure to contact us at



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