Topic 2 My Neighborhood Overview

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Grade: 7 Semester: 1 Topic: 2

My Neighborhood
About This Topic Topic Structure Learning Performance Focus
Big Questions: Lessons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. My Home
3. Costume Party
4. Haunted House
Overview: Use google maps to find different places (bank, restaurant , hospital etc. ) find opening times and
stick pictures on a map?

Grammar Focus:
- ‘What’ questions: What is this? What is that?
- Near / Far relationship of this Vs. that
- Demonstrative pronouns (singular) ‘This is a bed’ , ‘That is an oven’
- Demonstrative pronouns (plural) ‘These are
- Prepositions of place (in, on, under, in front of, behind, next to)
Key Vocabulary
Topic 2: My Home and Neighborhood - Learning Content Goals:
A: Language Knowledge

B: Communication

C: Culture and Customs

D: Thinking Ability
Topic 4 – Teenage Life – Core Competencies:
Autonomous Action

Interactive Communication

Social Participation

Topic 2 – My Home and Neighborhood – Vocabulary:

Extra vocabulary (non-test)

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