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Original Research

Hip Strength and Knee Pain in High School Runners:

A Prospective Study
Jonathan T. Finnoff, DO, Mederic M. Hall, MD, Kelli Kyle, ATC,
David A. Krause, PT, DSc, Jim Lai, Jay Smith, MD

Objective: To determine whether pre-injury hip muscle weakness is associated with the
development of patellofemoral pain (PFP) in high school running athletes.
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Setting: Academic institution sports medicine center.
Participants: High school running athletes.
Methods: Baseline hip strength of high school running athletes was assessed at the
beginning of the running season. Strength testing was repeated in athletes who developed
PFP. Peak hip muscle strengths and strength ratios were compared between the injured and
non-injured groups.
Results: Six injuries occurred in 5 of the 98 subjects who completed the study. The
baseline hip external-to-internal strength ratio was lower in injured than in uninjured
subjects (P ⫽ .008). In the injured group, hip abduction and external rotation strengths
decreased from pre-injury to post-injury (P ⫽ .002 and P ⫽ .01, respectively). Logistic
regression analysis demonstrated that a greater baseline hip abduction strength (odds ratio ⫽
5.35, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.46-19.53; P ⬍ .01) and abduction-to-adduction
strength ratio increased the risk of injury (odds ratio ⫽ 14.14, 95% CI 0.90-221.06; P ⫽
.05), and a greater pre-injury hip external-to-internal rotation strength ratio decreased the
risk of injury (odds ratio ⬍ 0.01, 95% CI ⱕ .01, 0.44; P ⫽ .02).
Conclusions: The findings of the current study suggest that stronger pre-injury hip
abductors (particularly in relation to their hip adductors) and weaker pre-injury hip
J.T.F. Department of Physical Medicine and
external rotators (particularly in relation to their hip internal rotators) are associated with Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic College of Med-
the development of PFP. In addition, persons in whom PFP develops appear to lose hip icine, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center,
abduction and external rotation strength when compared with their pre-injury strength. 200 1st St SW, Rochester, MN. Address
correspondence to J.T.F.; e-mail: Finnoff.
Finally, a higher hip external-to-internal rotation strength ratio may protect against the
development of PFP. Disclosure: nothing to disclose
PM R 2011;3:792-801 M.M.H. Department of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic College of Medi-
cine, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center,
Rochester, MN
INTRODUCTION Disclosure: nothing to disclose

K.K. Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center,

Running is a popular sport in the United States, with an estimated 30-34 million people Rochester, MN
participating in some form of running exercise on a regular basis [1,2]. Unfortunately, running Disclosure: nothing to disclose
is not always a benign activity. The incidence of lower extremity injuries in runners ranges from D.A.K. Department of Physical Medicine and
19%-79% [3]. The knee is the most frequently injured lower extremity joint, and the most Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic College of Medi-
cine, Rochester, MN
common diagnoses are patellofemoral pain (PFP) and iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) [3-6]. The Disclosure: nothing to disclose
incidences of PFP and ITBS in runners are 25%-40% and 1.6%-12%, respectively [3-6].
J.L. Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center,
Although the etiologies of PFP and ITBS are likely multifactorial, one contributing factor Rochester, MN
may be a lack of proximal femoral control because of weak hip musculature. Several Disclosure: nothing to disclose
investigators have found hip girdle weakness in subjects with PFP or ITBS [2,4,6-15], and J.S. Department of Physical Medicine and
several authors have suggested that hip girdle strengthening should be an integral part of the Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic College of Medi-
cine, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center,
rehabilitation program for patients with PFP and ITBS [4,11,16]. In fact, in a recent Rochester, MN
randomized controlled trial in which the authors compared standard patellofemoral reha- Disclosure: nothing to disclose
bilitation focusing on the thigh musculature with a rehabilitation program incorporating hip Submitted for publication November 18,
abduction and external rotation strengthening, they found a more significant reduction in 2010; accepted April 8, 2011.

PM&R © 2011 by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

1934-1482/11/$36.00 Vol. 3, 792-801, September 2011
Printed in U.S.A. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2011.04.007
PM&R Vol. 3, Iss. 9, 2011 793

PFP in the group that received hip girdle strengthening than whether they met inclusion/exclusion criteria for study par-
in the standard rehabilitation group [17]. ticipation and to obtain baseline data.
It has been hypothesized that weak hip musculature reduces Subjects were continuously enrolled in the study at the
the ability to control femoral adduction and internal rotation beginning of the track and/or cross-country running seasons.
during the stance phase of running, thus leading to increased The beginning of the season was defined as the first 2 weeks
femoral adduction and internal rotation, abnormal patellofemo- of organized practice. Each subject was enrolled in the study
ral joint reaction forces, and eventually the development of PFP for the duration of one track or cross-country running sea-
[2,4,6-14,18-20]. The authors of 2 recent kinematic studies son. However, upon completion of the season, they were
have corroborated this theory by demonstrating an association allowed to re-enroll in the study at the beginning of the next
between hip muscle strength deficits and increased femoral track or cross-country running season if they continued to
adduction [15,21]. Furthermore, excessive femoral adduction meet inclusion and exclusion criteria and had not sustained
and internal rotation during the stance phase of running in- knee pain during their previous participation in the study.
creases iliotibial band tension, leading to ITBS [4,22-25]. There- Re-enrollment was accounted for in the statistical analysis
fore similar mechanisms may predispose a person to the devel- (discussed in the section “Data Analysis”), and a new set of
opment of both ITBS and PFP. intake data were acquired upon re-enrollment in the study.
To our knowledge, only one prospective study has been However, every effort was made to enroll new subjects, and thus
conducted to investigate the association between hip girdle only 4 subjects re-enrolled in the study. Subjects participated in
strength and PFP [26], and no prospective studies have been the study on a voluntary basis and signed an informed consent.
performed to evaluate the association between hip girdle Parents were required to co-sign the informed consent form for
strength and ITBS. In a study by Boling et al [26], subjects in subjects who were younger than 18 years. The study was ap-
whom PFP developed had greater pre-injury hip external proved by the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board. Because
rotation strength and a larger hip internal rotation angle the subjects were recruited from local high schools, permission
during a jump-landing task compared with subjects in whom from the school board, athletic directors, and track and cross-
PFP did not develop. Although strong hip external rotation country running coaches from the participating schools also was
muscles were contrary to what the authors expected to find in obtained before we initiated the study.
the subjects with PFP, they hypothesized that the larger Inclusion criteria included male or female running athletes,
degree of hip internal rotation that occurred during jump 14 to 18 years of age, who were members of a high school track
landing tasks placed significant eccentric demands on the or cross-country running team. Exclusion criteria included cur-
subject’s external rotators, thus leading to an increase in rent lower extremity or back pain, acute illness, pregnancy, a
external rotation strength. However, the investigators con- history of previous knee or hip surgery, knee pain precluding
cluded that further research was required to confirm their testing, inflammatory arthritis, or any medical condition that
findings. Because of the paucity of prospective studies inves- precluded their participation in running sports.
tigating the association between hip girdle strength and PFP Upon enrollment in the study at the beginning of the track
or ITBS, the primary objective of this study was to determine or cross-country running season, each subject was assigned a
whether hip muscle weakness predisposes to PFP or ITBS in unique subject number for identification and data collection
high school running athletes. purposes. The subject’s age, gender, height, weight, year in
school, sport (track or cross-country running), running
event(s), dominant leg (determined by which leg they kick
MATERIALS AND METHODS with), bilateral full leg, upper and lower leg lengths, and hip
girdle strengths were recorded.
Study Design The weight measurement was taken with the athlete
The study used a prospective cohort design and was con- dressed in a shirt and shorts. Their bilateral leg lengths were
ducted from the fall of 2007 through the fall of 2009. determined by measuring from their anterior superior iliac
Throughout this period, 98 running athletes (53 male and 45 spine (ASIS) to a point 2 cm proximal to the apex of their
female) from 5 local high schools were recruited to partici- medial malleolus [27]. The subjects’ bilateral upper leg
pate in the study by the investigators and by the certified lengths were determined by measuring from the ASIS to the
athletic trainers (ATCs) who worked at their schools. Ap- midpatellar region of each leg with the knee in full extension,
proximately 1500 athletes had the opportunity to enroll in whereas their lower leg lengths were assessed by measuring
the study. Recruitment involved handing out a flyer describ- from the midpatellar region to a point 2 cm proximal to the
ing the study to all running athletes during preseason regis- highest point of their medial malleolus with the knee in full
tration and during the first day of practice. An assent and extension. Their hip abduction, adduction, flexion, exten-
consent form was attached to the flyer. Athletes who were sion, internal rotation, and external rotation strengths were
interested in participating in the study were instructed to determined with use of a hand-held dynamometer (HHD).
contact their ATC to schedule a meeting time and determine Strength testing via use of an HHD has been shown to be

valid and reliable in the assessment of muscle strength. accuracy of 97%. The 3 HHDs were calibrated before each
[2,4,7,28-32]. Testing took place before the subjects’ daily testing session. Five testers (J.T.F., M.M.H., K.K., D.A.K., and
exercise to control for fatigue. J.L.) performed the testing.
The subjects were monitored weekly for knee pain by the Hip strength assessments included hip flexion, extension,
ATCs who worked at their school. An e-mail with the study abduction, adduction, external rotation, and internal rota-
subjects’ names were sent to the ATCs weekly to remind them tion. The tests were performed in agonist-antagonist pairs (ie,
to ask study subjects whether they had developed knee pain. hip flexion with extension, abduction with adduction, and
When a subject reported knee pain, he or she was assessed by external rotation with internal rotation). The order of leg
the ATC. If it was determined that the pain was likely PFP or tested and of agonist-antagonist pairs tested for each leg
ITBS, the ATC contacted the physician investigators (J.T.F., were randomized to minimize threats to internal validity.
M.M.H.), and the subject was evaluated by one of the physi- All strength testing occurred on an examination table. A
cian investigators within 2 days to confirm the presence or “break-test” was used in which the subject’s maximum
absence of PFP or ITBS. isometric contraction was overcome by a force applied by
The diagnosis of ITBS was suspected in athletes who re- the examiner.
ported lateral knee pain and was confirmed by the presence of
The following procedure was used for all strength tests.
local tenderness over the lateral knee where the ITB crossed the
After the investigator explained and demonstrated the
lateral femoral condyle, exacerbated by flexing and extending
strength testing technique, the subject was allowed one prac-
the knee while pressing over the lateral femoral condyle, with
tice bout before each individual test. After 30 seconds of rest,
the greatest pain occurring at approximately 30° of knee flexion
the subject performed 3 maximal bouts of each test. Subjects
(Noble compression test). The diagnosis of isolated ITBS was
excluded if there was joint line tenderness other than where the rested a minimum of 15 seconds between bouts [4]. Al-
ITB crosses the joint line, popliteus tendonitis, knee ligamen- though the subjects were instructed to provide maximal
tous injury, or a knee effusion [4]. effort, no encouragement was given while testing to maintain
PFP was suspected in athletes who reported anterior knee uniformity of the testing procedure. The presence or absence
pain that was exacerbated by deep knee bending and/or of pain during testing was recorded. Although previous re-
climbing stairs and was confirmed by the reproduction of the search has established that this method of strength testing is
pain by at least one of the following maneuvers: (1) pressure valid and reliable [2,4,7,28-32], we attempted to perform a
over the subject’s distal quadriceps tendon combined with reliability study to strengthen the study’s methodology.
active contraction of his or her quadriceps muscle (patellar However, because each subject had to perform 3 maximal
grind test) or (2) direct palpation of the medial or lateral bouts of each test with each of the 5 examiners, the subjects
patellar facets, along with the absence of exclusion criteria experienced significant fatigue and discomfort during data
[8]. The diagnosis of PFP was excluded if tenderness was acquisition, which prevented them from completing the re-
present in areas other than the medial and lateral patellar liability study. Therefore we were unable to determine the
facets. The subject was asked to quantify the maximum reliability of the strength testing method used in this study,
severity of his or her pain using a 10-cm visual analog scale and it is possible that the use of 5 different strength testers
(VAS), with a score of 0 corresponding to no pain and 10 introduced error into our data.
being the worst imaginable pain. A VAS score was obtained The HHD values for the 3 trials of each test were recorded.
for each diagnosis (PFP or ITBS) and side (right, left, bilat- Torque was calculated with the following equation: torque ⫽
eral) of their symptoms. force (N) ⫻ lever arm (m). The lever arm length used for the
When it was determined that the subject had PFP or ITBS, hip abduction, adduction, and extension torque calculations
the subject’s bilateral hip girdle strength was re-assessed. The was the subject’s full leg length measurement. The hip flexion
patient’s diagnoses, side of pathology (right, left, or bilateral), torque calculation used the upper leg length measurement,
VAS, and hip girdle strength were recorded for analysis. whereas the hip internal and external rotation torque calcu-
At the end of the season, the ATCs contacted all of the lations used the lower leg length measurement. Torque val-
study subjects to determine whether they completed the ues were normalized for the subject’s body weight (BW)
entire competitive season. Those who did not complete the reported in Newtons (N) and height (h) reported in meters.
season for a reason other than the development of PFP or The full equation for normalized torque percent was as
ITBS were removed from data analysis.
follows [4]:
%(BW ⫻ h) ⫽ Torque(N ⫻ m) ⫻ 100 ⁄ [BW(N) ⫻ h(m)]
Strength Testing of the Hip Musculature Hip abduction strength was assessed with the subject lying
Hip muscle strength was determined with use of 1 of 3 on his or her side. The subject grasped the table with his or
MicroFET 2 HHDs (Hoggan Health Industries, West Jordan, her upper arm, and flexed the lower leg, hip, and knee for
UT). The MicroFET 2 HHD has a manufacturer’s reported stabilization. The subject abducted the upper leg approxi-
PM&R Vol. 3, Iss. 9, 2011 795

Figure 1. HHD hip strength testing. (A) Hip abduction, (B) hip adduction, (C) hip flexion, (D) hip extension, (E) hip external rotation,
and (F) hip internal rotation.

mately 30° while maintaining neutral hip flexion, extension, Hip adduction strength was assessed with the subject
and rotation. A break test was performed with the HHD lying on his or her side. The upper, non-test extremity was
positioned against the lateral aspect of the lower leg, 2 cm supported by a bench placed anterior to the test leg [30]. The
proximal to the apex of the lateral malleolus (Figure 1A). subject adducted his or her lower leg while maintaining

neutral hip flexion, extension, and rotation. A break test was RESULTS
performed with the HHD placed 2 cm proximal to the
All 98 subjects completed the study. Knee pain developed in
subject’s medial malleolus (Figure 1B).
6% of the study subjects (n ⫽ 6) during the study. One
Hip flexion strength was assessed with the subject seated
subject had bilateral PFP, whereas the remaining four cases of
and the trunk-to-thigh angle approximately 90°. The subject
PFP were unilateral (2 on the left side and 2 on the right), as
was allowed to grasp the table for stability. The subject flexed
was the single case of ITBS (left side). Therefore 7 injuries
his or her hip to 120°, and a break test was performed with
occurred in 6 subjects. The injured subjects reported a mean
the HHD positioned on the distal aspect of the subject’s thigh
VAS pain level of 4.95 (range, 2.30-8.00). All of the subjects
(Figure 1C).
who had knee pain were right-leg dominant, but no associa-
Hip extension strength was assessed with the subject
tion existed between the side of leg dominance and the side of
prone with an 8-inch diameter foam roll placed at the level of
knee pain development. Sixty percent of the injured subjects
their ASIS. The subject grasped the table for trunk stability
with patellofemoral pain, or 3 of 5, were female, whereas
and was asked to extend the test hip to a neutral position with
40% of subjects, or 2 of 5, were male. PFP did not develop in
the knee extended while maintaining neutral hip rotation. A
break test was performed with the HHD against the subject’s any of the 4 subjects who participated in the study more than
posterior calcaneus (Figure 1D). once. Subject demographic and anthropomorphic character-
Hip external rotation strength was assessed with the sub- istics are listed in Table 1.
ject seated with a trunk-to-thigh angle of approximately 90°. Because ITBS developed in only one subject, which pre-
The subject’s knees were also flexed 90° with the hip in cluded our ability to generalize this information, the data for
neutral rotation. The subject was allowed to grasp the table this subject were withdrawn from the statistical analysis. No
for stability, and a break test was performed with the HHD statistically significant differences in demographic or anthro-
positioned 2 cm proximal to the apex of the medial malleolus pomorphic characteristics were found between the uninjured
(Figure 1E). and injured groups, but the difference in body mass index
Hip internal rotation strength was assessed with the sub- (BMI) and weight between injured and uninjured subjects
ject in a position identical to the one used for hip external approached significance, with injured subjects demonstrat-
rotation strength testing. The break test was performed with ing a higher BMI and weight (23.69N and 699N, respec-
the HHD positioned 2 cm proximal to the lateral malleolus tively) than uninjured subjects (21.11N and 612N, respec-
(Figure 1F). During each of the strength tests, the examiner tively; P ⫽ .09 and P ⫽ .08, respectively).
monitored the subject to ensure that proper positioning was During our preliminary analyses of the hip strength data,
maintained throughout the hip strength testing procedure. both the peak normalized torque percent of the 3 trials and the
average normalized torque percent of the 3 trials were analyzed.
However, no differences between the analyses were found when
the peak normalized torque percent value was used compared
Data Analysis with when the average normalized torque percent value was
The primary focus of the analysis was to evaluate the associ- used. Therefore only the peak normalized torque percent values
ation between baseline hip strength measures (ie, individual were reported in this article (Tables 2 and 3).
hip muscle strengths and agonist-antagonist ratios) and the The baseline hip external-to-internal rotation normalized
occurrence of PFP and/or ITBS during the study period. This torque percent ratio was significantly lower in injured sub-
evaluation was accomplished in 2 ways. First, the mean jects (mean ⫽ 0.74% BW ⫻ h, range ⫽ 0.53-0.88% BW ⫻ h)
baseline hip muscle strengths and strength ratios were com- than in uninjured subjects (mean ⫽ 0.87% BW ⫻ h, range ⫽
pared between the injured and non-injured groups. Second, 0.28-1.44% BW ⫻ h; P ⫽ .008). A trend toward higher
baseline hip muscle strengths and strength ratios were eval- baseline hip abduction-to-adduction normalized torque per-
uated in a logistic regression model, with the occurrence of cent ratio was seen in injured subjects (mean ⫽ 1.12% BW ⫻
PFP and/or ITBS during the study period as the outcome. h, range ⫽ 0.75-1.46% BW ⫻ h) compared with uninjured
Because some subjects were enrolled in the study more than subjects (mean ⫽ 0.94% BW ⫻ h, range ⫽ 0.56-2.20% BW ⫻ h;
once (eg, cross-country in the fall and track in the spring, or P ⫽ .09). In the injured group, hip abduction normalized
subsequent school years), all analyses used generalized esti- torque percent significantly decreased from before injury
mating equations [33] in a generalized linear models [34] (mean ⫽ 3.14% BW ⫻ h, range ⫽ 2.58-4.26% BW ⫻ h) to
framework to properly account for the within-subject corre- after injury (mean ⫽ 2.80% BW ⫻ h, range ⫽ 2.26-3.77%
lation and to generate the correct variance estimate. As stated BW ⫻ h; P ⫽ .002), as did hip external rotation normalized
earlier, only 4 subjects enrolled in the study more than once. torque percent (pre-injury mean ⫽ 1.34% BW ⫻ h, range ⫽
Analyses were conducted for the entire study sample. All 1.13-1.72% BW ⫻ h; post-injury mean ⫽ 1.20% BW ⫻ h,
statistical tests were 2-sided, and the threshold of statistical range ⫽ 0.98-1.49% BW ⫻ h; P ⫽ .01). No significant
significance was set at ␣ ⫽ 0.05. differences in hip normalized torque percent or hip normal-
PM&R Vol. 3, Iss. 9, 2011 797

Table 1. Demographic and anthropomorphic characteristics of uninjured and injured subjects

Age, Dominant Height [SD], Weight [SD], BMI [SD], Leg Length [SD],
Range Gender Sport Event Leg, Range Range Range Range
Subject P ⴝ .58 P ⴝ .66 P ⴝ 1.00 P ⴝ 1.00 P ⴝ 1.00 P ⴝ .65 P ⴝ .08 P ⴝ .09 P ⴝ .72
Uninjured 15.97, Male ⫽51 CC ⫽54 ⬍ 400 m ⫽ 27 Right⫽85 1.72 m [0.1], 612 N [119], 21.11 [3.1], 0.87 m [0.06],
14-18 Female⫽41 Track⫽38 400-800 m ⫽ 6 Left ⫽ 7 1.30-1.98 423-1228 15.54-33.7 0.73-1.03
⬎800 m ⫽ 59
Injured 15.6, Male ⫽ 2 CC ⫽ 3 ⬍400 m ⫽ 2 Right⫽ 6 1.73 m [0.1], 699 N [109], 23.69 [3.8], 0.86 m [0.04],
14-17 Female⫽ 3 Track⫽ 2 400-800 m ⫽ 0 Left ⫽ 0 1.63-1.88 551-809 19.99-29.44 0.80-0.90
⬎800m ⫽ 3

BMI ⫽ body mass index; CC ⫽ cross-country.

ized torque percent ratios were found between the injured The incidence of PFP was 5% in this study, which was
and uninjured sides in injured subjects. twice the incidence of PFP in the study by Boling et al [26]
Logistic regression analysis demonstrated several interest- but was lower than the incidence reported in several other
ing findings (Table 4). A higher pre-injury hip external-to- studies [3-6]. The difference in injury incidence between our
internal rotation normalized torque percent ratio decreased the study and that of Boling et al [26] may have been attributable
risk of injury (odds ratio ⬍ 0.01, 95% CI ⱕ 0.01, 0.44; P ⫽ .02), to the younger age of the subjects in our study (mean, 16
whereas higher baseline hip abduction normalized torque per- years; range, 14-18 years) compared with those who partic-
cent (odds ratio ⫽ 5.35, 95% CI ⫽ 1.46, 19.53; P ⬍ .01) and ipated in the study by Boling et al [26]. Although Boling and
abduction-to-adduction normalized torque percent ratios sig- colleagues [26] did not report the age range in their study,
nificantly increased the risk of injury (odds ratio ⫽ 14.14, because their participants were midshipmen at the United
95% CI ⫽ 0.90, 221.06; P ⫽ .05). States Naval Academy, subjects in their study were likely
older than the population in our study. However, further
DISCUSSION research is required to determine whether this hypothesis is
The primary aim of this study was to determine whether hip
In our study, 60% of PFP injuries occurred in female
muscle weakness predisposed high school running athletes
subjects and 40% occurred in male subjects. These findings
to PFP or ITBS. Because ITBS developed in only one subject,
are consistent with those of previous investigators [5,26,35].
that subject’s data were not included in the analysis because
no significant conclusions could be determined from a single In our study, a higher external-to-internal rotation strength
case. Our findings suggest that a lower pre-injury hip exter- ratio protected runners from developing PFP, whereas a low
nal-to-internal rotator strength ratio may be associated with hip external-to-internal rotation strength ratio appeared to
the development of PFP in high school running athletes. predispose subjects to the development of PFP. The hip
Athletes with an injury also had a significant reduction in hip external rotation strength in subjects with PFP was even
abduction and external rotation strength from before injury lower at their post-injury assessment than at baseline. These
to after injury. Predictors of future PFP development in- findings contradict those of Boling et al [26] but are sup-
cluded higher pre-injury hip abduction strength and abduc- ported by the findings of multiple previous case-control
tion-to-adduction strength ratios, whereas a higher pre-in- studies in which the authors investigated hip strength in
jury hip external-to internal rotation strength ratio decreased subjects with PFP [7-11,13-15,36].
the risk of developing PFP. Trends suggested an association In the study by Boling et al [26], kinematic analysis of their
between the development of PFP and a greater baseline hip study subjects demonstrated increased femoral internal rota-
abduction-to-adduction strength ratio, body weight, or BMI. tion during a jump landing task in the subjects who had PFP.
The findings of our study are intriguing, particularly when The researchers theorized that the increased femoral internal
compared with those of Boling et al [26]. rotation may have placed significant eccentric demands upon

Table 2. Preinjury hip normalized torque percent of injured and uninjured subjects (%BW ⫻ h)
Internal External Adduction Abduction Flexion-Extension Rotation Ratio Abduction-Adduction
Flexion [SD], Extension [SD], Rotation [SD], Rotation [SD], [SD], [SD], Ratio [SD], [SD], Ratio [SD],
Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range
Subject P ⴝ .36 P ⴝ .41 P ⴝ .46 P ⴝ .38 P ⴝ .67 P ⴝ .67 P ⴝ .22 P ⴝ .008 P ⴝ .09

Uninjured 2.84 [0.61], 3.15 [0.79], 1.68 [0.40], 1.44 [0.31], 2.79 [0.61], 2.57 [0.53], 0.94 [0.24], 0.87 [0.17], 0.94 [0.20],
1.42-4.32 1.27-5.20 0.84-3.37 0.40-2.50 1.30-5.22 1.53-4.28 0.59-2.43 0.28-1.44 0.56-2.20
Injured 2.49 [0.92], 2.87 [0.79], 1.88 [0.68], 1.34 [0.26], 2.87 [0.45], 3.14 [0.63], 0.86 [0.15], 0.74 [0.13], 1.12 [0.28],
1.69-4.17 2.19-4.01 1.40-3.21 1.13-1.72 2.32-3.46 2.58-4.26 0.70-1.12 0.53-0.88 0.75-1.46

Table 3. Comparison of pre-injury to post-injury hip normalized torque percent in injured subjects (%BW ⫻ h)
Internal External Adduction Abduction Rotation Ratio
Flexion [SD], Extension [SD], Rotation [SD], Rotation [SD], [SD], [SD], Flexion-Extension [SD], Abduction-Adduction
Range Range Range Range Range Range Ratio [SD], Range Range Ratio [SD], Range
Subject P ⴝ .31 P ⴝ .78 P ⴝ .71 P ⴝ .01 P ⴝ .01 P ⴝ .002 P ⴝ 0.20 P ⴝ .47 P ⴝ .34

Preinjury 2.49 [0.92], 2.87 [0.79], 1.88 [0.68], 1.34 [0.26], 2.82 [0.45], 3.14 [0.63], 0.86 [0.15], 0.74 [0.13], 1.12 [0.28],
1.69-4.17 2.19-4.01 1.40-3.21 1.13-1.72 2.32-3.46 2.58-4.26 0.70-1.12 0.53-0.88 0.75-1.46
Post-injury 2.73 [0.75], 2.81 [0.42], 1.81 [0.49], 1.20 [0.19], 2.69 [0.47], 2.80 [0.57], 0.96 [0.13], 0.69 [0.15], 1.06 [0.25],
1.87-3.88 2.25-3.27 1.22-2.39 0.98-1.49 2.13-3.44 2.26-3.77 0.83-1.18 0.57-0.98 0.80-1.50

their subject’s hip external rotation musculature, thus lead- Boling et al [26] as well as previous case-control studies in
ing to an increase in external rotation strength. This theory which the authors have demonstrated hip abduction weak-
may explain the discrepancy between their findings and ness in subjects with PFP [2,4,6-9,11-16,21,36,40]. There
those of other studies. are several possible explanations for this discrepancy. First,
It has been suggested that weak hip external rotators the injured subjects in our group had a higher weight and
decrease the dynamic control of femoral internal rotation BMI than did the uninjured subjects. Because the single most
during weight-bearing activities, thus leading to increased influential factor on the hip adduction moment magnitude
femoral internal rotation. In support of this hypothesis, during the early and mid-stance phases of gait is weight, it is
Souza and Powers [15] found weak hip external rotators and possible that the injured subjects in this study developed
increased hip internal rotation during weight-bearing tasks stronger hip abductors to compensate for their larger hip
in subjects with PFP when compared with control subjects. adduction moment. Because Boling et al [26] did not report
Femoral internal rotation during weight-bearing activities the weight or BMI of their subjects, the influence of weight or
results in lateral patellar subluxation [20] and increased BMI on their subject’s hip abduction strength could not be
patellofemoral joint stress [18], which may predispose a evaluated.
person to the development of PFP. In addition, the gluteus medius can act not only as a hip
Several other researchers also have demonstrated in- abductor but also as a hip external rotator via its middle and
creased femoral internal rotation and/or adduction in sub- posterior fibers [41,42]. Because the injured subjects in our
jects with weak hip external rotators [37,38]. However, con- study had weak hip external rotators, their gluteus medius
trol of dynamic femoral internal rotation and/or adduction muscles may have been recruited to serve as accessory exter-
during weight-bearing activity probably is multifactorial, nal rotators to assist with the eccentric control of femoral
with an important role played by appropriate neuromuscular internal rotation during the stance phase of gait, leading to
control [39]. The significant decrease in hip external rotation increased hip abduction strength in the injured subjects.
strength that occurred in our PFP subjects from the time of Interestingly, the hip abduction strength in our study sub-
their baseline strength testing to the time of their injury may jects decreased significantly from the time of their baseline
have resulted in an increase in femoral internal rotation, thus strength testing to the time of their injury. None of the
contributing to the development of PFP. Future researchers subjects experienced pain during repeat hip strength testing.
may wish to perform baseline and post-injury kinematic Therefore their decrease in hip abduction strength was not
analyses to determine whether changes in lower extremity inhibited by pain provocation. As suggested previously, it is
kinematics occur after injury and whether these changes possible that this decrease in strength resulted in uncompen-
correlate with changes in hip strength. sated femoral adduction and/or internal rotation, thus con-
We were surprised that subjects in our study with strong tributing to the development of PFP. However, future kine-
hip abductors and a higher hip abduction-to-adduction matic research is required to determine if this phenomenon
strength ratio were predisposed to the development of PFP. indeed occurs. Finally, because the subjects in our study
These findings appear to be in direct contrast to those of were high school running athletes, direct comparison with

Table 4. Logistic regression analysis of the pre-injury hip normalized torque percent’s ability to predict future injury via odds ratios
(95% confidence interval)

Internal External Flexion-Extension External-Internal Abduction-Adduction

Hip Flexion Hip Extension Rotation Rotation Adduction Abduction Ratio Rotation Ratio Ratio
P ⴝ .38 P ⴝ .42 P ⴝ .35 P ⴝ .42 P ⴝ .67 P < .01 P ⴝ .32 P ⴝ .02 P ⴝ .05
0.40, 0.64, 2.75, 0.35, 1.23, 5.35, 0.17, 0.01, 14.14,
0.05-3.09 0.21-1.90 0.33-23.17 0.03-4.48 0.48-3.17 1.46-19.53 0.021 5.61 ⬍0.01-0.44 0.90-221.06
PM&R Vol. 3, Iss. 9, 2011 799

previous studies is difficult because of the differences in age and the development of PFP. Furthermore, because of the
ranges, study designs, and sports participation of the subjects limited number of subjects in our study, our conclusions are
in the other studies. Therefore it is possible that despite the susceptible to type 2 errors. Therefore the findings of this
findings of previous researchers, in high school running study should be interpreted with caution, and further re-
athletes, greater hip abduction strength or abduction-to- search should be conducted to determine whether our con-
adduction strength ratio may predispose to the development clusions are accurate.
of PFP. However, despite the inherent difficulties of conducting a
The possible association between increased weight and prospective study of this type, they are the preferred method
BMI and the development of PFP found in our study has not to determine associated or causative factors associated with
been reported in the few prospective studies in which the injuries and are therefore important. Moreover, the authors
authors have investigated the intrinsic risk factors of PFP of several prospective studies with similar limitations have
[26,43,44]. Because a major determinant of joint reaction provided significant contributions to the sports medicine
forces and joint kinetics is weight [45], it stands to reason that literature and have led to future research that increased our
an increase in weight or BMI may increase patellofemoral knowledge regarding sports injuries [22,46-48]. Thus de-
joint reaction forces during running, thus increasing the risk spite this limitation, our findings provide significant addi-
of developing PFP. In fact, Rutherford and Hubley-Kozey tional information related to factors associated with the de-
[45] found that body mass was the most influential factor velopment of PFP.
associated with increased femoral adduction moments dur- Although the athletes in this study were monitored for
ing the initial and mid-stance phases of gait. symptoms by the ATCs at their schools, the study relied upon
Moreover, if abnormal femoral kinematics are a risk factor self-reporting of symptoms by the athletes. Because many
for the development of PFP and a combination of muscular athletes minimize symptoms or are concerned that they will
strength, endurance, and coordination is required to control be restricted from activity if they report their symptoms to a
femoral kinematics, an increase in weight or BMI may lead to medical provider such as an ATC, it is possible that this study
more difficulties in controlling femoral kinematics, thus ex- underreported the incidence of PFP. Because only one case of
aggerating the kinematic abnormalities that predispose one ITBS occurred in this study, further analysis could not be
to the development of PFP. Although this finding was inter- performed to differentiate between factors associated with
esting, because the difference in weight or BMI between the ITBS from those associated with PFP, and the subject with
injured and uninjured athletes was not statistically significant ITBS was eliminated from the data analysis. Although previ-
in our study (P ⫽ .08 and P ⫽ .09, respectively), future ous research suggests that similar mechanisms predispose
research is required to determine whether weight or BMI is athletes to both injuries, further study is required to deter-
associated with the development of PFP. mine if the findings of our study are applicable to both ITBS
Our study has several limitations. Although previous re- and PFP. Despite these limitations, several statistically and
search has established that the strength testing method used clinically significant findings were present in this study, and
in this study is valid and reliable [2,4,7,28-32], our attempt because of the lack of prospective studies in which the
to perform a reliability study failed because the study subjects authors evaluated the association between hip girdle strength
developed significant fatigue and discomfort when trying to and the development of PFP, we believe our findings provide
perform repetitive bouts of maximal muscle contraction, thus an important contribution to the available literature.
precluding their ability to complete the data collection por-
tion of the reliability study. Therefore it is possible that the
use of 5 different strength testers introduced error into our CONCLUSIONS
data. The age range and sport participation was narrow, thus In conclusion, PFP commonly occurs in running athletes.
minimizing the ability to generalize the results to other pop- Several investigators have detected hip strength deficits in
ulations. However, because PFP frequently develops in high athletes with PFP, but only one previous prospective study
school runners, the findings of our study certainly have has investigated the association of hip strength and the de-
clinical applicability. velopment of PFP. The findings of the current study suggest
Multiple variables that may predispose individuals to PFP that stronger pre-injury hip abductors (particularly in rela-
were not controlled or accounted for in this study, including tion to their hip adductors) and weaker pre-injury hip exter-
anatomic variants, biologic age, footwear, trunk and lower nal rotators (particularly in relation to their hip internal
extremity neuromuscular control/running gait pattern, expe- rotators) are associated with the development of PFP. Sub-
rience, training volume, and intensity, among others. Be- jects in whom PFP develops appear to lose hip abduction and
cause these factors were not tracked, we were unable to external rotation strength when compared with their pre-
determine whether the hip strength deficits demonstrated in injury strength. Finally, a higher hip external-to-internal
this study caused PFP; rather, we were only able to conclude rotation strength ratio may protect against the development
that a relationship existed between hip girdle strength deficits of PFP.

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