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The True Causes Of A People's Suffering

Power is a disease that affects the whole world, a disease that seizes the ethics and morals of each
individual. Why is it so hard to imagine that the one who governs our country suffered this
disease, if the one who governs our country suffered this disease would be seen in this country
corruption and the name of corruption dictatorship, as expressed by Jesús González in his book
Poder, Derecho y corrupción he said:

“en la dictadura la corrupción es mucho mayor, puesto que la dictadura en si mismo es la

corrupción; si el poder corrompe; el poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente; o ; la
corrupción no es solamente tolerada por la dictadura sino que esta necesita de la
corrupción para sobrevivir”. [ CITATION Gon03 \l 9226 ]

If we take into account what was said above and located in the cold war era, two questions arise:
Why was it that capitalism was the one that governed Latin America in the Cold War? And was
capitalism responsible for the creation of revolutionary groups?

In addition, he says that after the Second World War, the Doctrine of National Security,
such as socialism and capitalism, begins to be a government in Latin America, so you can see
more in the magazine of Social Studies of the University Los Andes:

“Si bien la Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional ubicó como principal enemigo al comunismo
internacional, con epicentro en la Unión Soviética y representación regional en Cuba,
entendía que era a Estados Unidos a quien correspondía combatir a esos países. Los
Estados latinoamericanos debían enfrentar al enemigo interno, materializado en supuestos
agentes locales del comunismo”[ CITATION Bui03 \l 9226 ]

Con lo anterior es posible decir que después de la guerra fría el capitalismo empieza a gobernar
en latino América y el socialismo fue el “enemigo” que se debía combatir.

Within the cold war there were two types of sides, on the one hand were the UK with
socialism as its style of government, and on the other side was the United States where it is the
dominant capitalism. UK and the United States had several allies and for the misfortune of Latin
America the United States ruled over the Latin countries imposing their capitalist ideals and this
can be evidenced in the social magazine of the University of La Sabana and that say: “. La
segunda etapa se caracteriza por la creciente influencia político-militar de Estados Unidos en
América Latina, y se ubica entre los inicios de la Guerra Fría y la víspera de la Revolución
Cuban”[ CITATION Bui03 \l 9226 ].

On the other hand, these dictatorships made the subjugated peoples revolutionize
capitalism and revolutionary groups rose up. But not only the groups that rebelled against the
dictatorships, but also musical groups that, with their songs, said no to capitalism, not
dictatorships, an example of this is the band called Los Prisioneros that in one of their songs say:

“Si viajas todos los años a Italia

Si la cultura es tan rica en Alemania Si tu apellido no es Gonzales ni Tapia

¿Por qué el próximo año no te quedas ¿Por qué no te vas?

¿Por qué no se van?
Si aquí no tienes los medios que
No se van del país?
¿Por qué no se van?
Si aquí tu genio y talento no da fama
No se van del país?”[ CITATION los86 \l 9226 ]

In this fragment of song we show how in the cold war Latinos wanted out capitalism, here
they make reference that if they like so much the cultures of other countries they ask them to
leave. It is possible to demonstrate the desire of the people for their freedom and how the musca
is their way of revealing themselves before this oppression.

Already to finish despite the fact that the Cold War has been categorized as finished, there
are still texts that affirm that the Cold War continues in Latin America or so says the newspaper
EL ESPECTADOR and say: “América Latina pasa por una Guerra Fría de baja
intensidad”[ CITATION Mig10 \l 9226 ].
To conclude, if capitalism had not reached Latin America it would have avoided years of
suffering, war and slavery. With all the above it is known that capitalism came to Latin America
thanks to United Stages who wanted more power and more money, but Latinos were
revolutionized and took up arms so that their voice was heard by the world and thus win again
your freedom

Bastenier, M. A. (29 de Mayo de 2010). la "guerra fria de america latina". EL ESPECTADOR .

Buitrago, f. L. (2003). la doctrina de seguridad nacional: materializacion de la gerra fria en america del
sur. revista de estudios sociuales: univercidad LOS ANDES, 15, 2.

Gonzalez, J. (2003). Poder, Derecho y corrupcion. Mexico: Siglo ventiuno editores.

prisioneros, l. (1986). porque no se van ? chile , chile .

1 The True Causes Of A People's Suffering

Michael Casiblanco
Junio 2018.

Gimnasio los pinos

Social studies

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