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I was late to the bike, I learned to ride when I was 12 years old and that is why I paid with

an extra
dose of shame for my stubbornness for having refused to learn at the time. But, right away, I
learned that the bike is a great companion, a tool to move happily and comfortably through almost
any city. That's how I do it. In my city, Madrid, and in almost all the ones I go to, from Los Angeles
to Bogotá, passing through Toronto, Seville, Barcelona ... At the age of 20 I started going to the
University by bike when in Madrid it was a rarity. So weird was it that it didn't even seem weird. It
felt natural to me and I liked the freedom, the wind in my face, and the ability to quickly escape from
tedious classes. Then I discovered that in the car I could listen to rock and roll and I changed. Until
about ten years ago I decided to fix my old bike and use it again to get around. And I rediscovered
that wonderful companion who knows how to support you, take you and love you without demands
or reproaches. My thing with the bicycle is not a passionate story, it is a story of love and
understanding. We are happy together.

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