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Andrea Jackson

EDTC 6465
December 23, 2018

Learning Environment

Full Sail University implemented a new degree program that revolves around cloud

technology. As a university whose main focus is on entertainment, media, and arts, the outreach

department staff was unclear how to explain what cloud technology was to students who showed

a potential interest in the field. It was thus determined that in order to be a successful department

and maximize prospective students for the enrollment department to contact.

The training to be provided to the outreach department will center around the results of

the pre-assessment survey that was sent out. The results of the survey indicated that out of all of

our program offerings that Full Sail has, Cloud Technology is the least known and understood

degree. With those results, I will facilitate a training session with our department during our

holiday meeting. Topics to be included in the training are an overview of what cloud technology

is and common misconceptions, areas of focus, job outlook and possible careers within the field,

what the ideal student for the degree is like as well as ways to prepare for enrollment and what to

expect in class, and videos showcasing how cloud technology relates to Full Sail’s umbrella of

entertainment, media, and arts. These are the topics in which the department deemed the most

beneficial for prospective students.

Throughout the research process, the plan is to have meetings scheduled at the discretion

of my immediate supervisor via GoToMeeting to update the other team members of what has

been uncovered. All final results will be presented at the end of the quarter team meeting in

December. I have also reached out to the program director for more specific information not

found on the Full Sail intranet – that meeting is scheduled for after the completion of the course
in January which will be recorded on webcam. Facilitation of the in-person training will be

comprised of a Keynote presentation followed by an open floor for questions and answers as

well as open discussion. Evaluation of the lesson’s success will be determined through post-

assessment via survey. All resource materials will be posted to the department’s intranet site,


The overall goal of the learning environment is to create a culture that promotes an open

discussion. Staff members ultimately should not feel ashamed to ask questions as this will

prepare all outreach team members for the questions students will ask. It should be viewed as a

learning experience for all parties involved in order to become true Full Sail University


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