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Daily Test : Past Activity

A. Rewrite the words in the brackets into good forms!

Jim : What’s new? Long time no see. What have you done with your life?

Bill : Well, I . . . . (do)1 some travelling. For example, I . . . . (go)2 to Europe.

Jim : Really. When . . . (go, you)3?

Bill : I . . . (go)4 there last summer with my wife. When we were there, we also took advantage of
Europe’s proximity to Africa and . . . (visit)5 Morocco and . . . (spend)6 a few days in Tunisia. How
about you? . . . (visit, you)7 Northern Africa?

Jim : No, I . . . (visit, not)8 that part of the world. I imagine that is very nice. . . . (take, you)9 a
camel ride when you were there?

Bill : No. We . . . (have, no)10 enough time. However, there . . . (be)11 a lot of people, so we . . . .
(meet)12 some very nice folks from all over the world.

Jim : Really! . . . . (you, have)13 a hard time communicating with them?

Bill : Well, not really. They all . . . (speak)14 some English, so it . . . . (be, no)15 too difficult. I
know that you speak a bit Russian,

Jim. . . . . (use)16 it in a conversation with some one from Russia, or only with other students?

Jim : No. I . . . . (speak, no)17 Russian with anyone from Russia. I only . . . . (speak)18 it in class
last year with my teacher, sho is from Montreal, and the other students.

B. Complete the blanks with correct forms

See – decide – manage – happen – begin – have - get

Heidi : I didn’t . . 19 . . you in the school canteen at the second break. Where were you?

Indra : I didn’t have enough money to buy the food, so I. . 20 . . .to get lunch at home.

Heidi : Why didn’t you ask me for something?

Indra : Thanks. But I have to . . 21. . my pocket money as my dad was fired from his job.

Heidi : How’s pity. I know what you feel now. It . . . . 22 . . to my dad few years ago when I was in
elementary school.

Indra : How did he do then?

Heidi : He . . .24. . . to be entrepreneur, he sold stationary, from office to office, school to school.
Now he . . 25. . . many customers.

Indra : I should tell it to my dad. Who knows, he’ll . . 25. . an idea.

C. Complete the blanks with correct words and answer the questions below!

Rangga was a famous mechanic in his village. When he celebrated his 30th, he was given a very old
car by his friend. It . . 26. . very dirty and rusty, but its engine was good enough. Rangga . .27. . that it
was so antique that it could be a very valuable object if he . . .28. . . it.

26. a. was b. were c. is d. are

27. a. know b. knew c. knowing d. known

28. a. repair b. repaired d. repairing d. was repaired

29. Why did Rangga think that the car could be valuable?

a. He would do some services from the car. c. It was an antique car.

b. It was from his friend. d. It was his birthday present.

30. How did the condition of the engine?

a. It was only a little trouble. c. Nothing bad in its engine.

b. It needed whole repaired. d. It was dirty and rusty.

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