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4 Paragraph Essay Writing

1. Introductory paragraph

The desert tortoise is a land-loving reptile that has lived in the Arizona
desert for thousands of years. (This is the introductory sentence. It tells the reader what the
essay is about and builds interest in the topic. The middle of the paragraph gives a few more items of
information that would be interesting about the topic. The thesis statement can be the last sentence of the

Desert tortoises have a life span of almost 80 years and have survived in
the desert because of their ability to adapt and their slow moving
(This is a 2 part Thesis statement for a 4 paragraph essay. The thesis statement names the topic – desert
tortoise - and gives 2 details that will lead to the next 2 paragraphs in the essay)

2. Body paragraph
The desert tortoise has the ability to adapt to very hot temperatures in
the desert of Arizona. One way this is done is that the tortoise digs a
deep hole in the ground, called a burrow, to sleep in during the hot part
of the day. For example, many desert tortoises come out of their burrow
around 5:00 in the morning. (The first sentence mentions the first part of the thesis, “…their
ability to adapt.” Then a detail and example is given. Each body paragraph should have at least 2 details
and at least 1 example.)
This paragraph needs 1 more detail about the tortoises ability to adapt.

3. Body paragraph
Everyone knows that tortoises move very slowly, but did you know that
the desert tortoise can travel over 60 miles in one day? Well, being a
slow mover also means that their metabolism is very slow. This allows
the tortoise to conserve energy and even water over long periods of time.
For example, a desert tortoise only needs to drink water about once a
month. (This paragraph contains information about the second part of the theses, “…their slow moving
metabolism.” It also has a detail and example. This paragraph needs one more detail.)

4. Concluding paragraph
Living in the desert for thousands of years, the desert tortoise can adapt
to climate changes and is able to survive due to a slow metabolism.
Tortoises spend most of the day sleeping to avoid the hot sun and high
temperatures in Arizona. These desert reptiles are likely to live a long
life if they have adequate food and water and a place to dig a burrow.
(This is the final paragraph. It restates the topic sentence or thesis statement to remind the reader about the
topic. It should be at least 2-3 sentences in length and sum up the details about the topic.)

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