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Write “True” if the statement is correct and

“False” if the statement is incorrect
1. Relatively the battle of Gundet was gory
than the battle of Gura.
2. Spread of Islam facilitated the expansion of
Harar in 19 century.
3. The uprising in Herzegovina suddenly blow
up the Bulgarian nationalism
4. Yohannes IV was malicious in his religious
policy than Tewodros II
5. The Berlin African conference(1884-85)
was main cause of the scramble of Africa
II.For the following questions choose the best
possible answer from the alternatives given to
each questions
6. What was the responsibility of the Manjo in
the kingdom of Kaffa in the 19th century?
A. Administrator of province and sub-
B. Advising the Tato in administration
C. Signalizing the approach of enemy
D. Tax collectors of the king of Kaffa
7. The battle that led to the unification of
Venetia with Italy in the 19 century was:
A. Sedan
B. Sadowa
C. Prague
D. Frankfort
8. The pioneer of the process for the formation
of modern Ethiopia was:
A. Tewodros II
B. Teklegiorgis
C. Yohannes IV
D. Menelik II
9. Why did Britain and Austria stand on the
side of Turkey in the Crimean war of 1853-
A. To preserve weak ottoman Turkey in the
B. To stop the southward expansion of
C. To support the independence of Balkan
D. To protect catholic Christians against
10. How did Hewett treaty make Ethiopia as
ardent enemy of Mahdist Sudan?
A. Ethiopia defeated Mahdist Sudan at the
battle of Kufit
B. Egypt agreed to restore occupied region
of Bogos to Ethiopia
C. Ethiopia agreed to help the evacuation of
trapped Egyptian
D. Italy controlled the port of Massawa on
February 5, 1885

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