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.. I think...NOT planned. The symbolism? Have you been trading too much Dan Brown?

The powers-that-be are much too smart to leave clues to their plans. (Except for
the ones that they WANT you to find: the deliberate misdirections.)

@roger Inhard ha ha, you are such an idiot who is still stuck into B.S. that MSM
is feeding you? go drink your Kool-Aid, I will not even waste my time with you.
honestly, what you stated is BEYOND retarded. At least your kind would not deny
that our world is ran by conspiracies, and that it always have been. but your
comment -- i am saving this to serve as an example of greatest idiocy of dumbed
down masses!

�Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never
be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.�

- Plato

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