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Name _________________________________ Date _________________

Fact or Opinion
A fact is something that is true and can be proven.
An opinion
Part 2 is your feelings or how someone else fells about a particular topic.

Directions:  Write a complete sentence fact and opinion about each word.  Example provided. 
Fact:  Thunderstorms are transient, sometimes violent storms with thunder and lightning. 
Opinion:  Thunderstorms are scary when you are home alone. 

1.  Special Olympics 
The Special Olympics gives intellectually disabled people a chance to shine.
     Fact:  ______________________________________________________________________ 
It is more intense than regular Olympics.
     Opinion:  ___________________________________________________________________ 
2.  roses 
     Fact:  ______________________________________________________________________ 
A rose cannot be handled normally for it has thorns in its stalk.
     Opinion:  ___________________________________________________________________ 
It is a cliche way of proposing to someone
3.  lightening 
     Fact:  ______________________________________________________________________ 
Lightning is the flash of light before thunder strikes the ground,
     Opinion:  ___________________________________________________________________ 
Lightning is one of the more unpredictable parts of weather.
4.  John Deere tractors 
John Deere tractors are made by an American company.
     Fact:  ______________________________________________________________________ 
     Opinion:  ___________________________________________________________________ 
The capability of John Deere trucks is overrated.
5.  fingernail polish 
     Fact:  ______________________________________________________________________ 
Fingernail polish is applied on fingernails mostly for fashion.
     Opinion:  ___________________________________________________________________ 
Fingernail polish isn't easy to clean away.
6.  poetry 
     Fact:  ______________________________________________________________________ 
Poetry is the expression of abstract concepts in a few lines.
It's an art that's only appreciated on a small level by intelligent people.
     Opinion:  ___________________________________________________________________ 
7.  magic 
     Fact:  ______________________________________________________________________ 
Magic is the subversion of the audience's expectations, meant to produce
     Opinion:  ___________________________________________________________________ 
Magic cannot be real.
8.  sand 
     Fact:  ______________________________________________________________________ 
Its a material that is found in deserts and beaches.
     Opinion:  ___________________________________________________________________ 
It's irritating to walk on and hard to keep a balance on.

Total marks: 16

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