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NAME: __________Jasper B. Mendoza____________________________________ SECTION: _____BA-ELS 1-

1. 1st meaning: ________________________________________________________________________
2nd meaning: __________________________________________________________________________
2. 1st meaning: ________________________________________________________________________
2nd meaning: __________________________________________________________________________
3. 1st meaning: ________________________________________________________________________
2nd meaning: __________________________________________________________________________
4. 1st meaning: ________________________________________________________________________
2nd meaning: __________________________________________________________________________
5. 1st meaning: ________________________________________________________________________
2nd meaning: __________________________________________________________________________

1. - 7. Use separate sheet (yellow paper or bond paper would do.)

SEMANTIC ROLES (If none, write none.)

1. 2. 3. 4.
A - __________ A - __________ A - __________ A - __________
T - __________ T - __________ T - __________ T - __________
I - __________ I - __________ I - __________ I - __________
E - __________ E - __________ E - __________ E - __________
L - __________ L - __________ L - __________ L - __________
S - __________ S - __________ S - __________ S - __________
G - __________ G - __________ G - __________ G - __________

5. 6. 7.
A - __________ A - __________ A - __________
T - __________ T - __________ T - __________
I - __________ I - __________ I - __________
E - __________ E - __________ E - __________
L - __________ L - __________ L - __________
S - __________ S - __________ S - __________
G - __________ G - __________ G - __________

_____ a. _____ g. _____ m. _____ s. _____ y.
_____ b. _____ h. _____ n. _____ t. _____ z.
_____ c. _____ i. _____ o. _____ u.
_____ d. _____ j. _____ p. _____ v.
_____ e. _____ k. _____ q. _____ w.
_____ f. _____ l. _____ r. _____ x.

Semantic Properties
a. The (a) and (b) words are: __________________ d. The (a) and (b) words are: __________________
The (a) words are: __________________ The (a) words are: __________________
The (b) words are: __________________ The (b) words are: __________________
b. The (a) words are: __________________ e. The (a) words are: __________________
The (b) words are: __________________ The (b) words are: __________________
c. The (a) words are: __________________ f. The (a) and (b) words are: __________________
The (b) words are: __________________ The (a) words are: __________________
The (b) words are: __________________
g. The (a) and (b) words are: __________________ The (a) words are: __________________
The (a) words are: __________________ The (b) words are: __________________
The (b) words are: __________________ i. The (a) words are: __________________
h. The (a) and (b) word pairs are: __________________ The (b) words are: __________________

1. ___ 5. ___ 9. ___ 13. ___
2. ___ 6. ___ 10. ___ 14. ___
3. ___ 7. ___ 11. ___ 15. ___
4. ___ 8. ___ 12. ___


1. Maxim of Quantity:
P 1: __________________________________________________________________________________________
P 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Maxim of Quality:
P 1: __________________________________________________________________________________________
P 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Maxim of Relation:
P 1: __________________________________________________________________________________________
P 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Maxim of Manner:
P 1: __________________________________________________________________________________________
P 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________
i. What color are bralkions? _____________________________________________________
ii. What did Czolgosz do to McKinley? _____________________________________________
iii. What did Cinna do to Caesar? _________________________________________________
iv. What did Sam feel? _________________________________________________________

B. Check whether the following x. T ___ F ___ ii. T ___ F ___

statements are true or false. xi. T ___ F ___ iii. T ___ F ___
v. T ___ F ___ iv. T ___ F ___
vi. T ___ F ___ C. Based on information in A and B, v. T ___ F ___
vii. T ___ F ___ make possible true/false decisions vi. T ___ F ___
viii. T ___ F ___ on the following: vii. T ___ F ___
ix. T ___ F ___ i. T ___ F ___ viii. T ___ F ___

a. Presupposition: _______________________________________________________________________________
b. Presupposition: _______________________________________________________________________________
d. Presupposition: _______________________________________________________________________________
e. Presupposition: _______________________________________________________________________________
f. Presupposition: _______________________________________________________________________________


a. I saw her standing there.

b. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
c. The name of that rock band is “The Beatles.”
d. The treasure chest is to your right.
e. These are the times that try men’s souls.
f. There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune.

a. Implicature: _________________________________________________________________
b. Implicature: _________________________________________________________________
c. Implicature: _________________________________________________________________
d. Implicature: _________________________________________________________________
e. Implicature: _________________________________________________________________

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