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1- Define political science n its relationship with 5 social sciences?

2- The Relationship of Political Science With Other Social

The Relationship of political science with other social sciences are in reality relations
between sectors of different disciplines, not between whole disciplines. It is not an
“interdisciplinary”endeavor. Since there is no progress without specialization, the
creative interchanges occur between specialized sub fields, most of the time at the
margins of the formal disciplines. The current advancement of the social sciences
can be explained in large part by the hybridization of segments of sciences. It would
be impossible to conceive of a history of political science and of its current trends
without reference to the other social sciences.

The Auxiliaries of Political Science :-

Political science is not the only science Which deals with men in organized ,society, for as
we have seen, the state manifests itself under the form of a social as well as a political
organism and indeed is not without a psychical and a physical element. Although an
autonomous science in the sense that it is not a mere discipline of some other science, it does
not stand entirely numerated to other sciences any more than the state stands isolated in the
universe of phenomena.

We can no more understand political science, as the science of the totality of state
phenomena, without a knowledge of the allied sciences of disciplines, than we can
comprehend biology without chemistry, or mechanics Without mathematics.

It was well said by Paul Janet, an eminent French writer, that political science is closely
connected with political economy or the science of wealth With law, either natural or
positive, Which occupies itself principally with the relations of citizens one to another, With
history, Which furnishes the facts of Which it has need with philosophy, and especially with
morals, Which gives to it a pat of its principles.

Other writers, like Jellinek, have treated geography, physical anthropology, ethnology,
psychology and ethics as among the studies auxiliary to political science. Formerly there was
a disposition to exaggerate and emphasize to their common detriment the independence of
each branch of knowledge, but the tendency of modern thought is to accentuate the nations
instead of the differences.

In this connection Sidgwick has aptly remarked that it is for the good of any department of
knowledge or inquiry to understand as thoroughly as possible its relation to other sciences
and to see clearly What elements of its reasoning it has to take from them and what in its turn
it may claim to give them. Political science must therefore regard the allied social sciences as
working partners in the achievement of What is, in large measure, a common task.

Relation to Sociology :-
First of all, political science touches at many points sociology, which may be described as
the fundamental social science. The state is a sociological as well as a political phenomenon
and during its early stages it is in fact, as Ratzenhofer pointed out, really more of a social
than a political institution. As has been well said, the political is embedded in the social, and
if political science remains distinct from sociology, it will be because the breadth of the held
calls for the specialist, and not because there are any well defined boundaries marking ii: off
from sociology.

While, however, the two sciences touch at many points, so that there are no natural
boundaries between them, their spheres have been pretty definitely differentiated for
purposes of scientific investigation. It is well, therefore, to recognize that the domains and
the problems of the two sciences are by no means the same.

In general, we may say that sociology is concerned with the scientific study of society
viewed as an aggregate of individuals the social aggregate or, as has been said, it is the
science of men in their associated processes, while political science deals with a particular
portion of society Viewed as an organized unit.

Political science is concerned with men only when they have become organized as a  for
society which has not yet received the impress of political organization, political science is a
datum. It has, therefore narrower and more restricted field, and begins much later with the
life of mankind than does sociology. The study of the life and institutions of men prior to the
establishment of the state, political science is content to leave to history and sociology.

Political science is concerned with only one form of human association, the state sociology
deals with all forms of association. Political science assumes to start with that man is a
political being, it does not attempt to explain, as sociology does, how and why he became a
political animal.

In sociology the unit of investigation is the socius, that is, the individual viewed not merely
as an animal and a conscious being, but also as a neighbor, a citizen, a coworker, in short, a
social creature. In political science the unit of study is the state as distinct from the nation,
the tribe, the clan, or the family, though not Unconnected with them  that is, its primary
subject is a definite portion of society which manifests, in a comparatively high degree a
political self-consciousness and which has become organized politically.
While their respective fields are largely separate and distinct, political science and sociology
are mutually contributory, the one to the other. Sociology derives from political science
knowledge of the facts regarding the organization and activities of the state, while political
science derives in large measure from sociology its knowledge of the origin of political
authority and the laws of social control. The political scientist therefore ought to be at the
same time a sociologist, and vice versa.

Relation to History:-
In the second place, political science is closely related to history. It is, as Jellinek remarked,
almost a commonplace to-day to affirm the necessity of historical study as a basis for a
proper understanding of institutions, whether they be political, legal, or social. The political
scientist should study not only the nature of political institutions, but how they have
developed and to What extent they have fulfilled the purposes of their existence.

History furnishes us in a great measure the materials for comparison and induction. This is
especially true of political history, which concerns itself with the formation of states, their
growth, and their decline. While history furnishes much of the data for political science, it is
not true, as Freeman once declared, that history is past politics or that politics is present

Not all of history is past politics. Much of it-like the history of art, of science, of inventions,
discoveries, military campaigns, language, customs, dress, industries, religious controversies
has little, if any, relation to politics and affords no material of political investigation. On the
other hand, not all political science is history.

Much of it is of a purely philosophical and speculative character, and cannot therefore be

assigned to the category of history. To fully comprehend political science in its fundamental
relations, we must study it historically, and to interpret history in its true significance we
must study that politically.

As studies they are therefore mutually contributory and supplementary. Politics are vulgar,
said Professor Seeley, when not liberalized by history, and history fades into mere literature
when it loses sight of its relation to politics.

History without political science,he said, has no fruit and political science without history
has no root. Separate them, says Burgess, and the one becomes a cripple, if not a corpse, the
other a will of the wisp. Seeley conceived history to be the name of the residuum Which is
left when one group of facts after another has been taken possession of by some science.

Ultimately, he said, a science will take possession of the residuum, and this science will be
political science. Many of the facts of history, he pointed out, are no longer recorded in
historical treatises, but have been appropriated by Other sciences.
Thus the facts of the past relating to meteorology, biology, hygiene, surgery, and various
other sciences and arts are recorded not in historical, but in scientific treatises. Physiology
has taken possession of a definite group of historical facts pathology, of another, political
economy is appropriating the facts of industry jurisprudence, of law etc.

If this process of appropriation continues the facts of history in the end will be swallowed up.
Already historians deal meagerly with the facts regarding the phenomena of the sciences and
arts, contenting themselves with referring the reader to some special treatise for information.

Relation to Economics :-
With political economy,or economics, to use the more modern term political science is
closely related indeed, economics was classed as a branch of political science by some early
economists. It was first called political economy by the Greeks, and was defined by them as
the art of providing revenue for the state.

Senior remarked that as late as the eighteenth century political economy was regarded as a
branch of statesmanship, particularly by the physiography, and that those who assumed the
name of political economists avowedly, treated, not of wealth, but of government.

His own conception of the scope of political economy was affected by this view, and he laid
it down as a principle that this science involves a consideration of the whole theory of
morals, of government, and of civil and criminal legislation.

Without quoting further from the earlier writers, it may be stated that most of them
conceived economics to be a branch of the general science of the state. Writers of the present
day no longer hold to the earlier conception, yet there is no difference of Opinion among
them concerning the existence of a close relationship of economics and politics as ancillary
social sciences.

Political and social life is obviously intermixed with, and the activities and even the forms of
government are profoundly influenced by, economic conditions. Conversely, there is a
distinct interaction of politics upon economics. The production and distribution of wealth are
to some extent determined by the existing forms of government. The solution of many
economic problems must come through political action, while, on the other hand, some of the
fundamental problems of government have their origin in economic conditions.

Thus tariff laws and trade restrictive acts, generally, are favored or opposed largely on
economic grounds End to a great extent the whole question of the relation between
government and liberty is at bottom an economic problem. Some of the important questions
of present-day politics-government control of public utilities, the relation of the state to
corporate enterprise and its attitude toward the whole question of capital and labor are at the
same time fundamentally questions of economics, indeed, the whole theory of government
administration is largely economic. The underlying principles of State socialism are quite as
much economic in character as political and in so far as it is put into practice the problems
which it involves are largely economic.

Relation to Statistics:-
The use of statistics has come to be one of the important instruments and sources of political
investigation Both Von Mohl and Holtzendorff in their day classed statistics as one of the
political sciences, and it is mentioned in the Century Dictionary as one of the branches of
political science Von Mohl described statistics as a means through which a picture of
existing political and social conditions could be obtained, while Holtzendorff pointed out
that, in addition, they furnished a means by which an insight into the relations of political
phenomena might be gained. Statistics, it has been said, contribute to the study of political
and social institutions somewhat as microscopy contributes to pathology.

They furnish quantitative measurements of social phenomena and of the results of

government activities, expressed-in figures, and thus provide material for inductive studies-
material without which the political investigator would often be helpless. Furthermore, as has
been said,they are a means through which our attention is called to possible relations of
Cause and effect and thus reveal the existence of a reign of law in the physical world.

The manifestations of political and social, like those of economic life readily lend themselves
to the statistical method and when the results are properly measured, and carefully arranged
and tabulated according to scientific methods and criteria, they serve as a guide for
administrative action, as a basis for legislation, and as a means of testing the expediency or
effectiveness of political policies. It is the practice of all modern governments to collect and
preserve in systematic form statistics relating to political, social, and economic conditions.

No government could legislate intelligently without the aid of statistical information

concerning its trade, finance, military and economic resources, social condition of the
people, etc. Such evils as arise from the prevalence of disease, vice, crime, illiteracy, vicious
moral training, and unsanitary surroundings, must first be proceeded against statistically.
Moreover, statistics relative to births, marriages, deaths, and divorces, can often be made to
serve an important purpose in the formulation of new policies of political and social reform.

Relation to Biology :-
It has been asserted that the state has a natural as well as a political history, this being a
corollary of the Darwinian theory of evolution. The state, according to this theory, is a phase
of development from associations formed among animals of a species included in the subject
matter of natural history.
Others go further still and argue that the state, like the individual, is a product of evolution in
structure it is an organism having many of the characteristics of a biological organism  and it
grows, functions, and decays according to the natural , laws which govern the growth and
decay of organic bodies. Consequently biological laws are applicable to the study of the
phenomena of the structure and life of the state.

In short, political science is a biological science of those who have undertaken to explain the
organization and life of the state in terms of biology, Herbert Spencer is one of the most
conspicuous examples. He maintained that in structure and formation the state bears a close
analogy to biological organisms, that it possesses organs analogous to those of animals, and
that many of the functions which they discharge are comparable to those of animals.

In short, he attempted to bring political science into connection with biology, though it-
cannot be said that he was successful, since the two proved to be unwilling yoke fellows.
Nevertheless his attempt and those of others after him have exercised a considerable
influence on political theory.

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