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Written Report

Our group consists of (number of member) members namely (Name of Members). We were

tasked with selecting the best three pieces reflecting or depicting our general topic. Above all the

pieces presented we selected these three, two poems, one of them from (name )and the other

from (name), and also, an article, which was presented by(name). We have chosen these selected

three because one, it focused on the controversial matter at hand, two, it gave a more profound

understanding to what the topic was about, and three, it generalized everything , even down to

the sub topics that were given.

To perform this report each member of the group were given a specific task that they

needed to focus on. (name) task was to state the reasons why we selected these three pieces,

(name)had state what were the tasks and who were responsible for those tasks, (name)was tasked

with discussing the difficulties that the group faces, (name)was tasked with stating how the

group went about to solve those difficulties and (Name)was tasked with talking about the

benefits of being in a group.

Upon completion of this SBA we encountered certain difficulties. Most of the time not all

group members were present frequently, in order to attend group meetings, hence we had some

delays rendering us unable to meet our deadline, nevertheless, we were able to overcome those

difficulties by working together as a group to ensure everyone got a chance to participate,

allowing all of us to put our ideas together. Working as a group certainly has its benefits for that

reason our personalities were improved because it helped us to build trust in each other in order

to help one another, it taught us ways to resolve our conflicts and it also helped us to foster out

creativity and learning experiences.

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