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| 1 eae ce ice iy - (a) @) () @) “™ (B) ©) () @ (@) © @) (a) ) © ©) (ay (B) I) (@) (A) (B) © @) a) (B) © (0) (a) (@) © (D) Carla does not live very far away. What Carla said was unjust. He does not fear what anyone says. Carla is fairly rude to others. She thinks it's an improvement. ‘The fir trees in it are better, It resembles the last one. Itis the best the man has ever done. He graduated last in his class. He is the last person in his family to graduate. He doesn't believe he can improve gradually. He has finally finished his studies. He's surprised there were five dresses, It was an unexpectedly inexpensive dress. He would like to know what color dress it was. The dress was not cheap. Leave the car somewhere else. Ignore the parking tickets. Add more money to the meter, Pay the parking attendant. He does not like to hold too many books at one time. There is no bookstore in his neighborhood, It’s not possible to obtain the book yet. He needs to talk to someone at the bookstore. Tt was incomplete. It finished on time. It was about honor. Tt.was too long. She needs to use the man’s notes. ‘Yesterday's physics class was quite boring. She took some very good notes in physies class. She would like to lend the man her notes, 10. i. 12, 13. 14, 15, (A) (B) © (D) (a) (B) (©) () (a) (B) ) (D) (a) @) © @) (a) @) ©, (D) (a) (B) © (D) @) (B) (© (D) It's her birthday today. She's looking for a birthday gift. She wants to go shopping with her dad. She wants a new wallet for herself. He prefers cold water. His toes are too big, The pool felt quite refreshing, He didn't go for a swim. She just left her sister’s house, Her sister is not at home. She's not exactly sure where her sweater She doesn’t know where her sister lives. She doesn’t have time to complete additional reports. She cannot finish the reports that she is already working on. She is scared of having responsibility for the reports. It isnot time for the accounting reports to be compiled. He's had enough exercise. He's going to give himself a reward for the hard work. He's going to stay on for quite some time. He would like to give the woman an exercise machine as a gift. He cannot see the huge waves. ‘The waves are not coming in. He would like the woman to repeat what she said He agrees with the woman, The exam was postponed. The man should have studied harder Night is the best time to study for exams She is completely pr exam. ared for the

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