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Just when you think the gun laws in this country, and justice in general can not get

anymore upside,
something like this happens and you realize it is still going to get a hell of a lot worse …

The Gateway Pundit reports: An elderly man in New York was arrested for shooting two burglars in his
house, not for murdering the intruders, but for shooting them with an unregistered gun.

“He was in the kitchen when he heard people in the garage coming up the stairs to the kitchen. When
they got to the top of the stairs he told them to stop, but one started coming toward him. He fired three
or four shots and struck both.”

That’s how the scenario played out as 64 year old Ronald Stolarczyk did what he had to do when two
burglars had broken into his home. This being in New York, police quickly arrested Stolarczyk and
charged him not for any form of homicide, but for illegal possession of a firearm, because the gun he
used to defend himself and his home had been inherited from his father and not registered.

The Truth About Guns reports: Scenes from life in Governor Cuomo’s SAFE Act paradise: an upstate
homeowner has been charged with a felony after he defended himself from two home invaders with
what prosecutors are calling an “illegal gun.”

“He told me that when they were coming up the stairs, that as they approached him, that he was
scared to death and he thought they were going to kill him. One of the troopers said, ‘did you see
anything in their hands?’ He said, ‘I didn’t look at their hands, I just saw them coming at me and I
thought to myself, at that point, that it’s either them or me,’ and he just started firing,” (defense attorney
Mark) Wolber said.

The homeowner, 64-year-old Ronald Stolarczyk, shot and killed Patricia Anne Talerico and her
nephew, Nicholas Talerico. But Stolarczyk hasn’t been charged with a homicide. At least not yet. What
has police concerned is the handgun Stolarczyk used.

…Stolarczyk is charged with felony gun possession because investigators believe he used his
deceased father’s gun, which he never registered to himself, to kill the two suspected intruders.

So Stolarczyk’s father either gave or left the handgun in question to his son. Under New York’s
famously restrictive gun control laws, the son wasn’t required to undergo a background check to
receive the handgun from his father. But he did need to have a pistol permit to legally own the firearm
and have it registered in his name.

The Gateway Pundit Reports: The incident happened in Deerfield, New York, about 40 miles east of
Syracuse, in Oneida county.

To make matters more infuriating, it turns out that the now-room-temp pair had previously robbed
Stolarczyk. But Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara is shifting the blame for the robberies
to Stolarczyk, calling him a hoarder and implying that he was just asking to be robbed.McNamara said
“a large amount of property” believed to have been taken from the initial burglary at Stolarczyk’s home
was discovered at Nicholas Talerico’s apartment in Utica during the investigation of the shooting.

Stolarczyk was charged with criminal possession of a firearm, a felony. The weapon was a 38-caliber
Rossi revolver, according to the court paper. Stolarczyk said the gun had belonged to his father, but
he hadn’t registered it after his father died.

McNamara said his office typically prosecutes unregistered guns where the homeowner is present as
misdemeanors, and not felonies. The first priority is to get the gun registered, he said. It’s not unusual
for a family member to die and the gun gets passed onto a relative who doesn’t register it right away.

The handgun was checked, and Stolarczyk’s dad purchased it legally from a local dealer, the DA said.
Stolarczyk has been released from jail on some form of pre trial release, and his next court date is
August 5th. However, the state has now seized the home and Stolarczyk has no place to go. WKTV
reports “Stolarczyk is being provided with temporary shelter and benefits through Social Services.”

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