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Group Members :

Name ID

Sk. Shahriar Rahman 1712886630

Dewan Tauhidul Tanay 1711511630

Tashfiq Rahman Khan 1411446630


use northwind;

select productname from products

where UnitsOnOrder=0;


select Productname from products

where QuantityPerUnit like '%bottle%';


select OrderID, (UnitPrice*Quantity) as Total_price from order_details;


select CompanyName,ContactTitle,City from suppliers

where Country= 'USA';


select count(orders.OrderID) as NumOfOrders

from orders
where orders.OrderDate>= '1996-12-01' and orders.OrderDate<= '1997-03-31';


select concat(FirstName,' ',LastName) as Fullname,city from employees;


SELECT order_details.orderID, order_details.ProductID, suppliers.CompanyName

FROM order_details

JOIN products ON (order_details.ProductID = products.ProductID)

JOIN suppliers ON (products.SupplierID = suppliers.SupplierID)

WHERE order_details.orderID BETWEEN 10300 AND 10350;


select CustomerID from orders

where ShipRegion = 'SP';


SELECT shippers.CompanyName,shippers.ShipperID,orders.OrderID

FROM orders

JOIN shippers ON (orders.ShipVia = shippers.ShipperID)

WHERE shippers.shipperID =1 OR shippers.shipperID =3 ;


select SupplierID, count(*) as Numberofproducts from products

group by SupplierID;


SELECT FirstName,LastName

FROM employees

WHERE LastName like 'A%' OR LastName like 'C%';


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