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Covetousness or Greed is the second Sin that was introduced before Doctor
Faustus. It introduces itself as begotten of an old churl in a leather bag. It slowly
grows in human nature and causes damnation. The existence of this sin in Faustus
has been showed through various scenes. His thirst for knowledge evoked him to
pursue necromancy. The greed slowly grew in him and thirst for knowledge turned
into greed for worldly pleasures. He starts craving for Gold from the East Indies
and Pearl from the depths of the ocean. This sinful behavior corrupted his soul to
its core. It demises the soul of Faustus by weakening his self-control which results
into self-destruction. [1945]

4. Wrath comes out from anyone and from anywhere. It is often a first reaction to
the faults of others. It only creates havoc as it was born in hell. It turns the world
upside down. Doctor Faustus demonstrates his wrath through behaving poorly with
the people around him. He behaves impatiently with his servants and also with
other characters in the play. Out of rage he conjures up horns to place on the head
of Knight of Emperor Charles V. The Knight shows doubts in Faustus’s powers
which ignited devastating wrath in Faustus. [1945]

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