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1. Crea cinco oraciones en las que aplica los colores a un contexto.

2. Crea cinco oraciones en las que aplica los nombres de la ropa aprendidos  a un
3. Utiliza las conjunciones “and”, “but” y “so”.
4. Utiliza estructuras gramaticales, y vocabulario técnico pertinente a la temática.

1. My sister buys a blue jacket for the winter, so beautiful, but was very small but she had to
change it in the store
2. Sunday I have two birthdays of two friends, Maria and Sandra, but I go Sandra birthday
because she so funny, I will give she a white shirt of gift
3. I would like to have these red boots but they are very expensive.
4. My mom eats a sandwich and a two green apple every morning.
5. I want to go to the movies to see the avengers but it's always cold, so I have to wear my
gray coat.
6. When I go to the gym in the evenings I always wear my yellow shoes with black shorts.
7. In the morning i prefer drink coffee black, but my husband prefers the White coffee with a
8. Tomorrow is my birthday, so I will wear my pink dress.
9. I'm washing the shirts of the week so my husband is cooking dinner and lunch.
10. I would love to buy scarves of various colors, blue, green, purple, for use on the next

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