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Going shopping

A becker sell bread and cakes. A butcher sells meat, mice and chickens.
A milkman sella dairy products. A grocer sells groceries (flour, rice, sugar ).
A greengrocer sells fruit and vegetables. A bookseller sells books.
A tobacconist sells tobacco, cigars, cigarettes. Paper, pencil and ballpoints are sold at the
The goods are lied out on the counters. These goods are for sale.
The people selling the goods are the shopassistans. Regular buyers are called customers.
The departments are different floors. They sell ready-to-wear clothes.
Supermarkets are big food stores. The price is stamped on the things you buy.
When you have bought something you get a bill. You can pay at the cash-desk.
Stockings, tights and socks are sold in the hosiery department.
A chemist sells toothpaste, cosmetics and soap as well as medicines.
A large shop selling all kinds of goods is a department store.
Chain-stores are stores where a variety of goods are offered-displayed on open counters.
On the label of the product you generally find weight or size.
When an article is good and very cheap we say it's a bargain.
Her clothes are up to date, she is dressed in the latest fashion.

Answer the following questions.

Do you like to go shopping?

Do you do your shopping in a department store or do you prefer to go shopping to smaller shops?
Do shop-windows influence in your choice?
Are the periods before holidays a good or bad time for shopping?
Are women more interested infashion ran men or it the other way round?

Read the following dialogues.

-Excuse me, do you sell dictionaries? -Yes, sir, dictionaries and books are on the second

-Where can I get newspapers and magazines, please? -They're on the floor next the travel

-Where can I find postcards, please? -Postcards are on the ground floor, Madam.

-What do you think of this green blouse? -Hmm, it's very nice. But it's not my size.
-It's too large. Have they got s amaller one? -Yes, try this one.
-Hmm, that's all right. How much is it? -It's not very expensive. It's only $6.30.

The big store

Most of the food stores, called supermarkets, operate on the self-service system: you go in, pick up
a basket, walk round the shop and chose what you want. At the exit there is a check-out point, a
cash-desk where you pay for all your goods together.
The big store of London are vast buildings, equipped with speedy lift and escalator, with well-
planned lighting, ventilation and heating. Another feature of London’s shopping life is the chain-
stores, in which the goods are displayed on open counters.

The Tailor and the Dressmaker

This morning I've been to my tailor's to order a new suit: coat, waistcoat and trousers. My tailor
always has an excellent stock of materials to chose from and I think I've chosen what'll be the most
suitable for my purpose.
I've had my measurement taken and I'm going again in a fortnight's time for the first fitting. After
I've tired the suit on, the tailor will probably fin necessary to make a few alterations, buttons, and
he'll mark the place for pockets, buttons and buttonholes. Then he'll ask me to return later on for a
final fitting, just Tom make sure that suit fits really well. When the suit's ready, I shall pay for it and
get a receipt.

Read the following dialogues

-Hello, Mrs. Johns.
-Hello, Mrs. Palmer.
-Have you been to the sales yet?
-Yes, I have. I went to town with my husband yesterday.
-And did you buy anything?
-Yes, we bought some shoes or the children and a pullover for John.

-Are you going into town? -Yes. Can I get you anything?
-Well, could you bring me a pound of cheese? -Yes, of course.
-Oh, and would you get me some liver? -How mach?
-A pound will be enough, I think.

-How much do I owe you for the liver? -60 p.

-Gone up again! Prices are terrible these days! -Yes, they relay are.

-Can I help you, madam? -Yes, I'd like a pair of jeans, please.
-Yes, madam. What size. -Thirty, T think.
-And what color? -Have you got any black ones?
-Yes, what about these? - They're very nice. Can I try them on?
-Yes, certainly. Over here, please. -I likes them, but they are too large.
Have you got any smaller ones?
-Yes, madam. Try these. -They're fine. How much are they?
- They're $32.

-Good morning, can I help you'

-Yes, I hope so. I've come to complain about this radio I bought here yesterday.
-What wrong with it?
-There's something wrong with the short wave.
I can get stations on medium wave and long wave all right, but not on short wave.
-Let me have a look at it. Well, you're quite right. It does not work. Have you receipt?
-Yes, here you are.
-Thank you .Well we’ll send it back and have it repaired for you.
-No, Id rather exange it for a new one right away or have my money back, please.

-I've got complaint about this shirt I bought yesterday.

-Oh, I am got home I found a spot the front.
-Could I have a look?
- Yes, of course. Here you are.
-Oh, yes. You're right. Shall I get a new one?
-Yes, please

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