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Personal information

What is your surname?

What is your given name?
What is your rank?
What are your initials?
What your address?
What's your age? How old are you?
What's your place of work?( What's your unit \ section?)
What's your job?
What's your telephone number?
What's your home \ work phone number?
How tall are you?
What's your height?
What's your weight?( How much do you weight?)
Who is your next of kin?
When were you born?( What's your date of birth?)
What's your place of birth? Where were you born?
What's your enrolment date?
What's your marital status?( Are you married?)
Do you have any children?

Describe the person in the picture.

Describe your house \dinning- room\ bedroom \
kitchen \ classroom \office.

Give instructions
To class a window \ to put on a coat \to put on your shoes
To shampoo your hair \to sharpen a pencil \to look a door
To pack a suitcase \ to open a door\ to turn on a television
To make a phone call \to look up a word in the dictionary

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