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Scrie! Write!
Nu scrie! Don't writer!
Ce scrii acum? What do you writing now?
Cui scrii? Who are you writing to?
Îi scriu lui John? I'm writing to Jhon?
Nu-i scriu lui Peter. I'm not writing toPeter.
Îi scrii des lui Peter? How often do you writing to Peter?
Eu niciodatã nu ascriu scrisori. I never write letters.
Nu-mi place sã scriu scrisori. I don't like writing letters.
Ai scris scrisoarea? Have you written the letter?
El tocmai a scris-o. He has just written it.
Ai scris-o deja? Have you already written it?
Eu nu am scris-o inca. He hasn't written it.
Ai scris vreodatã o scrisoare? Have you ever written a letter?
El nu a scris niciodatã o scrisoare. He has never written a letter.
Eu am scris doua scrisori pâna acum. I have written two letters so far.
E prima oara când scriu o scrisoare. It is the first time I have written a letter.
Cîte scrisori ai scris saptamâna aceasta? How many letters have written this week?
De cît timp scrii? How long have you been writing?
Nu scriu de multã vreme. I haven't been writing long time.
El scrie de o jumatate de ora. He has been writing for half an hour.
El scrie de la 8.30. He has been writing since 8:30.
Cînd ai scris scrisoarea? When did you write the letter?
I-ai scris asearã? Did you write to her last night?
Cînd ai scris ultima scrisoare? When did you last write the leter?
I-am scris acum douã ore. I wrote to her two hours ago.
Nu am scris nici o scrisoare sãpt. trecutã. I didn't write an letter last week.
Cui îi scriai când eu team sunat? How were writing to when you I called?
Nu scriam o scrisoare. I wasn't writing a letter.
Pe vremuri scriam scrisori, acum nu. (Once) Many years ago I used to write the letters.
Scriam in fiecare sãptãmânã. I would write every week.
Te-am spus cã am scris-o deja. I told you I have already written it.
Cînd ai intrat eu scriam de o jumãtate de orã. When you come in, I had writing for half an hour.
Intentionez sã-i scriu disearã. I am writing the letter tonight.
Intentionez s-o scriu disearã. I am going to writing tonight.
I think I will write it tonight.
Nu, o voi scrie mîine. I won't write it tomorrow.
Sã nu deranjezi la ora 5.00.El voi scrie în acel timp. Don't disturb at 5:00. He will be writing at
the time.
Eu voi scrie scrisoarea mîine. I will be writeing leter tomorrow.
Pînã la ora 5.00 termin de scris scrisoarea. By 5:00 I will have written the letter.
Mi-ai promis cã ai sã-mi scrii astãzi. You promised you would write it today.

Pot sã scriu o scrisoare în englezã? I can write a letter in English.
Ai putut sã-i scrii ieri? Could you write to him yesterday?
N-am putut sã-i scriu în ultima vreme. I haven't been able to to write to him lately.
Dar voi putea mâine. But I will be able to writw it tomorrow.
S-ar putea sã-I scriu disearã. I could write to you tonight.
Ai fi putut sã-mi scrii, de ce nu mi-ai scris? You couldhave written to me, why didn't it you?
Ar putea sã scrie acum. He could be writing new.
Imposibil sãcrie acum. He can't be writing now.
E imposibil ca el sã-mi fi scris. He coulden't /can t have written to me.


Îmi permit s-o scriu eu. May I write it?

Lui nu i s-a permis s-o scrie. Hwe wasn't allowed permitted to write it.
Mi se v a permite sã scriu dupã amiazã. I will be allowed to write letter afternoon.
El s-ar putea sã scrie scisori acum. He may/might be writing letters now.
S-ar putea sã-ti scriu mai tîrziu. I may/ might write to you late.
Ai fi putut sã-mi scrii, de ce nu mi-ai scris? You may/might have written to me, why didn't


Trebuie s-o scrii astãzi. You must write it today.

De ce trebuie s-o scrii astãzi? Why do I have writen it today?
A trebuit sã-i scriu ieri. I have to write to him yesterday.
De ce a trebuit s-o scrii? Why did you have write to?
N-a trbuit sã-i scriu scrisori în ultima vreme. I haven't had to write leters lately.
Va trbui sã-i scriu mîine. I will have to him write tomorrow.


Îþi interzic sã-I scrii. You musn't write to him.

Nu trebuie sã-I scrii, poþi sã-i scrii mâine. I don't have to write to him today, you can write it
tomorrw. You don/t need to writw to it today.
You needen/t write to him today.
Eu nu trebuia s-o fi scris-o ieri dar am scris-o. I needn't have written it yesterday, bur did.
Nu trebuia s-o scrii ieri. I diden't have to write it yesterday.
I know it and I diden/t.

El probabil (sigur) cã scrie acum. He must be writing now. (I am sure)

El probabil a scris srisoarea ieri. He must have written the leter yesterday.

Ar trebui s-o scrii astãzi. You should write today.

Ar fi trebiut s-o fi scris-o ieri. You should have written yesterday.

1.Os-o scriu, dacã voi avea timp. I will write it if I have enough time.
2.As scri-o dacã as avea timp. I would write it I had time.
3.As fi scris-o dacã as fi avut timp. I would have written if you had had time.

Scrisoarea se scrie acum. (existã scrisã) The letter is being written now.
Sctisoarea este scriaã. The letter is written.
Scrisoarea a fost scrisã. The letter has is been written.
Scrisoarea se scria cînd am intrat în birou. The letter was being written when I entered the office.
Scrisoarea a fost scrisã ieri. The letter was written yesterday.
Scrisoarea va fi scrisã mâine. The letter will be written tomorrow.
Scrisoarea era scrisã de ieri. The letter was written yesterday.
Scrisoarea va fi scrisã pînã disearã. I told you the letter woul be written tonight.
I told you the letter had been written tonight.

The leter must be written today.

The letershould be written today.
The letercould be written today.
The leter might be written today.
Scrisoarea probabil cã a scris-o ieri. The letter must have been written yesterday.
Scrisoarea imposibil sã fi fost scrisã ieri. The letter can't have been written yesterday.
Scrisoarea sa-r putea sã fi fost scrisã ieri. The letter could have been written yesterday.
Scrisoarea sa-r putea sã fi fost scrisã ieri. The letter may have been written yesterday.


Write it. He told me to writw it.

Don't write it. He asked me not to write it.
I'm writing. She said she was writing it.
I write novels She said she wrote novels.
I've writen it. She said she had written it.
I wrote it last night. She said she had written the last night.
I will write it. She said she would write it.
I can write it. She said she could write it.
I must write it. She said shehad to write it.
I should write it. She said she should have written it.

Where does Lis live? She asked where Lis lived.

How did you travel to Alaska? She asked me how I had travelled to Alaska.
Have you seen the museum? She wanted to know if had see the museum.
How are you? She woundered how I was?
How old is she? He wonted to know how old the was?
What time is the next train to Brighton? She asked what time the next train to Brighton was?


Îmi place sã scriu I enjoy writing.

Îmi amintesc cã am scris-o. I rimember eriting it.
Mi-am amintit cã am scros-o. I rimember having written it.
El neagã cã a furat banii. He denies stealing the money.
El a negat cã a furat. He denies heaving stolen.

Prefer sã merg pe Jos decît cu autobuzul. I prefer walking to goin by bus.

Abia astept sã Te vãd. I can't wait seeing them.
Nu suport ca el sã mã mintã. I can't stand him bying to me.
I can't bear him bying to me.
Abia astept sã te întâlnesc. I'm looking forwar to meeting you.
A izbucnit în râs. He burst out rying/laughing.
L-am surprins dormind în timpul testului. I caught him sleeping during the test.
M-a lãsat sã astept. He kept me waiting.
A început sã plouã. It started raining.
A încetat. It stopped.
Te deranjeazã dacã astepti afarã? Would you waiting outside?
N-are rost sã plîngi. It't not used crying.
Meritã sã vezi muzeul. It's worth visiting that museum.
Nu m-am putut abtine sã nu zîmbesc. I coulden't help smiling.
S-a obisnuit sã conducã Ford. I'm used to driving a Ford.
M-am obisnuit sã conduc pe stînga. I got used to driving on the left.
El l-a evitat sã-i vorbeascã. He tired to avoit talking to her.
A sugerat sã plecãm mai devreme. He suggestid leaving earlier.
Nu am chef sã gãtesc acum. I don't feel like cooking now.
M-am tot sãturat sã-i tot spun ce sã facã. I'm fed up with felling him to do it.

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