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Lesson 2 Form Four Biology

The following diagram shows the carbon cycle.

Carbon dioxide is said to be fixed by the process of photosyntheis. It moves from an inorganic fform
into an organic form. Carbohydrates are formed . These can then be converted into proteins or
lipids. These organic substances can undergo a number of processes

 Repiration
 Death or decay
 Be passed along the food chain
 Or even if fossilised or used as wood – combustion
The organic compounds are then released as inorganic compounds.
you were given a diagram of the carbon cycle to complete. Let us discuss this.

The label below the factory is fossil fuels.

Above the factory - combustion

This leads to inorganic carbon dioxide.

The labels next to the tree

 Photosynthesis
 This forms organic carbohydrates

These organic carbohydrates then pass to the primary consumer the rabbit.

These then go to the secondary consumer. Leopard.

The four joined labels lead to respiration which then releases the co2.

When the rabbit and leopard die and decay decomposition occurs which releases CO2.

If man interferes with the natural flow of carbon this can lead to global warming.

This can be done by excessive burning of substances or the chopping down of trees.
This is my attempt for a simple diagrammatic explanation of climate change. Greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere trap heat from the sun in our atmosphere. We need this: if it didn't happen it would
be too cold to live on earth. However, because we're pumping so much greenhouse gas into the

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun in our atmosphere. We need this: if it
didn’t happen it would be too cold to live on earth. However, because we’re pumping so much
greenhouse gas into the atmosphere – mainly CO2 from burning fossil fuels – it’s warming up more
than it would normally

Give some results of global warming research this for our next lesson.

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