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And apparent brightness is defined as the amount of power received per unit area.

Luminosity is the power emitted in all directions.

L=AT^4 x boatman constant

Nebula is made of gas and dust

Comets are made of ice, gas and dust

A constellation is a group of start with a pattern that can only be seen from a certain angle

A star is only stable if the star is in hydrostatic equilibrium ad this is only when the radiation pressure is
equal to the gravitational pressure

For a star to form from a protoster the gravitational pressure has to be two-times greater than the
radiation pressure

White dwarfs are stars that the remnant was less than the Chandrasekhar limit (1.4 Ms) and have a high
surface temp and emit light and are slowly fading and becoming a black dwarf and is different to a
brown dwarf because brown dwarfs are stars that didn’t even start fusion and have <0.04Ms. A neutron
star is one that is made only out of neutrons and is made because of neutron degeneracy and is when
the protons and electrons fuse.

The universe is rapidly expanding because a planetary nebula is not as bright as expected so the distance
is frater.

Distance from the earth to the star is calculated by d=1/angle and the angle is very small so we use
arcseconds and this 1/3600 of a degree.

HR diagram categorizes stars based on their features such as the relationship between the temperature
and the luminosity and there is a curve that is for the main sequence and the then at the bottom there
are the white dwarfs and above the MS stars there is the red giants and the super giants.

There is 2 types of fusion H-H fusion and fuses to form helium and then there is CNO that the final
product is carbon but the highest element Is iron.

There is something called neutron capture is how other elements are made, there is 2 types:

s- slow neutron capture that has a low neutron flux and forms bismuth and other elements and then
there is r that fast neutron capture and has a high neutron flux and is too fast for beta decay but forms
element with mass grater than bismuth.

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