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Constructive Feedback

Exercise: Section 2

I would like you to now re-visit the staff under-performance or behavioural issue I asked
you to think of at the end of the first section. This time I would like you to script out the
way you would handle the situation based on the ‘Constructive Feedback Step-by-step
Framework’ that I will share with you in this section.

What did you do when you first realized there was an issue you needed to deal with?

Describe the issue.


Did you do any pre-planning? If so, describe this in detail.


How familiar are you with your disciplinary policies and procedures document and to
what extent did this guide your planning?
Where does the conversation take place? How soon after you identified your concern?

Describe the conversation in as much detail as you can.


What was the reaction of the employee?


Who spoke most of the time? Allocate a percentage of time that each person spoke.
You…….% Employee….…%

Did you try to identify the underlying issue? If so, how did you go about this and what was
the outcome?
How did you reach a decision regarding a course of action?

Did you get commitment from the employee that they would take on board the necessary
 Yes
 No

After discussing the changes the employee needed to make, what else was discussed?

Was the outcome what you aimed for?


What, if any, are the main differences between what you have scripted in this exercise and
the constructive feedback experience you described at the end of Section 1?

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