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Good afternoon, teacher and classmates. Today I am going to talk about Nikola Tesla.

I have
chosen this scientist because he made many contributions to humanity and he was never

well. he was born 10 july 1856 in serbia. since that he was child hé was a bright student in
1875 he went to Austrian Polytechnic . He later enrolled in the Charles Ferdinand University in
Prague, but he left before completing his degree. he was one of the most greatest scientist.
the electromagnetism was development by nikola tesla and others invents like lamps, bulbs,
radio were created by Tesla however he never get a recognized for his work.

He had a unique capacity to visualize images in his head.When working on projects his plans
and scale drawings weren´t drawn by Tesla. because he relied on the images in his mind.

In 1882, he moved to Paris, where he worked for the Continental Edison Company , here
various devices was improved by tesla. in this company also tesla learned more about
induction motor and magnetic fields.

years later Tesla went to the United States in 1884 to work for the Edison Machine Works

Here he became one of the chief engineers and designers. in this company motors generators
was improved significantly by Tesla and Edison had to paid 50 OOO dollars however Tesla
never recevied this money.

In 1891, Tesla became an American citizen. here the wireless energy transfer and power
generation were worked by Tesla.

eight years after he moved to colorado here the radio was invented by tesla however the US
patent office reversed his patent for the radio, giving it instead to Marconi.

one of the most greatest and ambitious project was the tower Wardenclyffe it costing 150 000

in his last years of life tesla wrote some books.

Tesla passed away on 7 January 1943 in new york

After his death, the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of
magnetic field strength the Tesla in his honour.

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