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Summer Research Program at University of Tokyo

January 2019

Dear Admissions Committee Members

University of Tokyo,

I am writing to highly recommend #####, with application number ###, who is applying for the 2019
AMGEN Scholars Program during this summer.

I have known #### for one semester. She has been a student in my Chemical-Engineering-
Laboratory class, in which she was outstanding. During this time, she achieved excellent results in
this course: passed all proposed test and practical works and showed excellent knowledge of both
practical and theoretical material. Since the beginning, she showed her collaborative and practical
skills in the laboratory, and actively participated in group discussions with interesting points of view.
This is evidenced by receiving the highest mark in my class.

As a professor, I consider #### as a model student, because she has strong academic skills such as
high verbal communication, natural leadership and ability to work in the laboratory, also she is a
propositive and hard-working student with own initiative. I was especially impressed with her Non
Newtonian Fluids presentation where she was able to demonstrate leadership while leading her
group during the experimental activities and then making an excellent performance in the oral
presentation, showing the best results of class.

Based on our experience together, I firmly believe that ##### is a potential candidate in order to
obtain the acceptance in the AMGEN Scholar Program. For her qualities, she will make a successful
role in this program, thus I strongly recommend her to be considered.


Professor ######
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Chemistry, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

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