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question answer
production, and cooperative management of the economy. A socialist
economic system would consist of an organization of production to directly
satisfy economic demands and human needs, so that goods and services
would be produced directly for use instead of for private profit driven by the
accumulation of capital. Accounting would be based on physical quantities,
a common physical magnitude, or a direct measure of labor-time.
Distribution of output would be based on the principle of individual
Socialism is an economic system characterized by social
ownership, control of the means of, the means of production (also
called capital goods)[1] are physical and non-financial inputs used in
the production of economic value. These include raw materials, facilities, machinery and
tools used in the production of goods and services. [2][3] In the terminology of classical
economics, the means of production are the "factors of production"
minus financial and human capital.
The social means of production are capital goods and assets that require organized
collective labor effort, as opposed to individual effort, to operate on. [4] The ownership
and organization of the social means of production is a key factor in categorizing and
defining different types of economic systems.
The means of production includes two broad categories of objects: instruments of
labor (tools, factories, infrastructure, etc.) and subjects of labor (natural
resources and raw materials). People operate on the subjects of labor using the
instruments of labor to create a product; or stated another way, labor acting on the
means of production creates a good.[5] In an agrarian society the principal means of
production is the soil and the shovel. In an industrial society the means of production
become social means of production and include factories and mines. In a knowledge
economy, computers and networks are means of production. In a broad sense, the
"means of production" also includes the "means of distribution" such as stores, the
internet and railroads (Infrastructural capital).[6]

Capitalism is one of the most successful modes of capital management practicing
in most of the countries of the world. Bangladesh adopted it since last 80s and
became the haven of capitalism by these 35 years. Bangladesh achieved its
independence from Pakistan through a bloody liberation war in 1971. Soon after
the independence government policies was socialistic. After an unwanted killing of
the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975 government policies started to
shift into a capitalist society from socialism. Now Bangladesh is one of the most
free market oriented economies of South Asia. We have several bilateral/regional
free trade agreements with neighboring countries. Bangladesh has Trade and
Investment Cooperation Framework Agreement (TICFA) with the USA.
Bangladesh is welcoming foreign direct investment (FDI) into its economy with
highest priority. We have a significant stake in global readymade garment (RMG)
business and increasing flow of international trade. Bangladesh is one of the
leading advocates of Duty free and quota free market access (DFQFMA) under the
World Trade Center (WTO) regime. We want implementation of mode – 4 around
the world. It took 35 years to shift from socialistic into capitalistic society for
Bangladesh. But now a days Bangladesh is operating fully based on capitalist
ideology with few socialist leaders in the current parliament.

2.No.queastion answer

Diaspora, populations, such as members of an ethnic or religious group, that

originated from the same place but dispersed to different locations. The
word diaspora comes from the ancient Greek dia speiro, meaning “to sow
over.” The concept of diaspora has long been used to refer to the Greeks in the
Hellenic world and to the Jews after the fall of Jerusalem in the early 6th
century BCE. Beginning in the 1950s and 1960s, scholars began to use it with
reference to the African diaspora, and the use of the term was extended
further in the following decades.\\

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