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San Beda College

College of Law
Seminar 3

Handout 2


By Dr. Harold J. Sala (The Philippine Star) | Updated August 13, 2017 - 12:00am

Today, two lifestyles stand in sharp contrast to each other: one labeled integrity, the
other labeled expedience or moral relativism. How are they different?

The president and general manager of a large corporation was informed by his
public relations staff that the company was under fire because of defective
merchandise. The man had a choice – let one of his subordinates take the rap or else
face the music. He called a news conference and said, “We accept full responsibility
for what has happened and will do everything in our power to make this right.”
That’s integrity.

An executive in a real estate development was offered a substantial sum of money to

expedite a project someone wanted approved. The executive happened to attend a
board meeting that morning where the project had been approved. He could easily
have taken the bribe – there it was in the white envelope on the table – but he
informed the individual that he did not take bribes. That’s integrity.

In contrast, moral relativism operates in a different theater. It explains why

reporters falsify their stories, why photographers use Photoshop to doctor their
images to provide whatever journalistic “spin” they want on their photos, why
educators buy fake degrees on the Internet to obtain positions they want, why
doctors will falsify the records of patients to get more insurance money, why people
will tweak their resumés to make themselves look better than they are, why many
feel no obligation to tell the truth when lying serves their purpose, why men make a
mockery of their wedding vows and kids cheat, learning the skills from their

Moral relativism emphasizes pleasure over principle, passion over purity, doing
over being and winning above fair play and abiding by the rules. No matter what
others do, you have a choice – integrity or expediency. Choose wisely.

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