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Bulacan State University

Mariano Serville P. Signature:

ECE 1D 09551608535

The Bulacan State University is a progressive

knowledge generating institution globally
recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering
research, and responsive community

-The Vision of the university emphasize to us

that they are have high quality leadership and this
will provide excellent types of instruction to the
college students. and then they are also recognize
on their research because their research is meet
the highly standard of other country and lastly
the university also provide aspirations, concerns
and values to the community.

The Bulacan State University exists to produce

highly competent, ethical and service-oriented
professionals that contribute to the sustainable
socio-economic growth and development of the

-The University is producing high and well-

trained professionals with desirable values in
their attitudes and this professionals will
compete and service to the development of the
country and our nation by growing it’s economy
and contribute something for the country

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