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Teacher: Jorge Andrés Guzmán Mosquera

Level 1

1. Fill in with the correct family member.

My mother's sister is my . Aunt

My daughter's brother is my . Son

My father's daughter is my . Sister

My mum and dad are my . Parents

My sister's son is my . nephew

My aunt's son or daughter is my . cousin

My father's brother is my . uncle

My mother's father is my . Grandfather

My daughter's son is my . grandchild

My brother's daughter is my . niece

2. Guess who is speaking by checking the family tree GUESS WHO I AM?

My ----------------- is 64 years old. His name is ------------------------

My ----------------- is 62. Her name is -----------------------------

I have a ----------------- she is 37.

My-------------------is 40. He is married with two --------------------

I have two ------------------- too.

My ---------------------is called --------------------She is 17 years old.

My ---------------------- is called Joe. He is married.

His---------------------- is called -------------- just like my ----------------- My name is --------------------------

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