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Oh Allah, have mercy on me in the name of the great Quraan,

make it for me a guide and light,

And guidance and mercy,
Oh Allah, make me remember that of it which I have forgotten,
Make me know of it, that which I have become ignorant of,
And make me recite it in the hours of the night and day,

Oh Allah! I ask you for the best affair,

The best success,
The best knowledge,
The best deed,
The best reward,
The best life,
And The best death.
Keep me upright,
Make my scale heavy,
confirm my faith,
raise high my status(in the hereafter),

Oh Allah, the Most Merciful,

Please bless our event today with all Your love and kindness,

Shower us with Your blessings,

Protect us from evil intentions,

Guide us constantly to always practice reading.

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