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The UNIQUE constraint ensures that all values in a column are different.

Both the
UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column
or set of columns. A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint.
Constraints can be either hard constraints, which set conditions for the variables
that are required to be satisfied, or soft constraints, which have some variable
values that are penalized in the objective function if, and based on the extent
that, the conditions on the variables are not satisfied.
It's important to learn from every new problem you solve. Then try attempting a few
similar problems till you get the concept. Make it a point that you pick a chapter
from mechanics section and solve a few problems every weekend. This weekly revision
plan helps improve memory.
Definition. Constraint relation says that the sum of products of all tensions in
strings and velocities of respective blocks connected to the strings is equal to 0
0 0. In other words it says that the total power by tension is zero.
A career objective is an optional component of resumes that briefly describes the
skills, experience and abilities candidates offer. ... You should tailor your
career objective to the position you're applying. One way to do this is using
language from the job posting you're responding to.
Personal objectives refer to the job-specific goals of each individual employee.
They are important because they communicate to employees what is important and what
is expected of them. ... The goal is to achieve quantity and quality of effort
between individuals and the team.
The best way to write objectives is in the SMART format. They must be Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bounded. A good starting point is to
brainstorm who, what, when, where, how and why: Who should be doing it
“My future goals involve learning as much as I can until I eventually take on a
leadership role. I prefer to work with others, and I believe that I could thrive as
a leader if given the chance. I would love the opportunity to manage a team and
shape them into successful workers.”
A human resources objective is a procedural step that contributes to an
organization's achievement of its goals. Objectives are the fundamental elements in
a strategic plan. Fulfilling HR objectives enables the company to meet its goals,
which in turn, enables accomplishing the business strategy.

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