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In order for someone to change my paradigm I would need them to put up with my scepticism

that I put everything through first. They must resonate with my verified sources of knowledge
before I surrender to it. If it doesn’t then I don’t discard the thought right away, but I flow with
them alongside their logic while keeping their idea in the back of my mind in case I need it later.
I never know when something will ‘click’. I do also ask them all of my conflicting questions,
trusting them with the increasingly important one’s as they answer them in succession. If they
can satisfy all of my conflictions, then what they are saying is highly likely to be true. If their logic
is sound and free of fallacies, I begin to trust them more and more. This is how I protect myself
from having no foundation or a shaky belief system. This way, I cannot be manipulated or
misguided away from further growth. If I am constantly learning practical things from a person
that I can test and succeed with, they begin to earn my trust. I can only change my paradigm by
trying something for myself, whether I fully believe in it or not. Then the results of my personal
experimentation will decide whether I shift my paradigm or not. Information needs to ‘follow the
chain of command’ through a few intelligent iron walls in my mind before I can surrender to
another belief system.

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