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Dear Future Crypto Ninja

I’m going to keep my name anonymous due to several reasons that you will understand at a later
stage, so for now I’m going by the name of Crypto Ninja. I am the founder of The Crypto Ninja
system and have been doing internet and crypto marketing for several years now. The reason I do
this is simply because I love it. I also enjoy helping others like you, to make money online as it
gives me a sense of fulfilment.

The whole purpose of this course is to help you become financially free from your 9 to 5 job. If you
want to achieve this, then please make sure you read this report to the end.

Hopefully today you will take action on this priceless information I am about to share with you on
how to make money with crypto, mainly Bitcoin. The strategy itself is simple and easy to
implement and requires little investment to get started. You have no excuses not to succeed
today, because I’m about to reveal a strategy and a detailed method that I think nobody has done

Like my mentor says…

Systems WORK, People FAIL!!

Please do not re-invent the wheel here. Stick to what I am about to teach you and you WILL earn
without a doubt a passive income from Bitcoin… guaranteed! Once you have the whole system
setup, then you will only need a few minutes a day to generate profits.

Now let’s cut to the chase and dive right into the money…

What Is The Crypto Ninja System?

The Crypto Ninja system is all about making a profit online as a vendor and as an affiliate for

What is Paxful?

Paxful is the biggest peer-to-peer online marketplace for bitcoin in the world. The platform allows
you to create a free e-wallet that is available to you on registration. Paxful also allows users from
all around the world to easily buy and sell bitcoin online in minutes via several payment methods.

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Not only am I going to teach you how to become a master vendor but also a super affiliate, so that
you can have multiple streams of income.

Before I reveal to you how to become a profitable vendor, let’s quickly touch base with how the
affiliate program works at Paxful.

The Paxful affiliate program is not only the best crypto affiliate program in the world but also the
most rewarding when it comes to commissions. Why is that? Although their payout commissions
are pretty small we must remember that they are recurring. What do I mean by this? Every time
your affiliate transacts, you will get paid a percentage of his escrow fees.

This is pretty amazing because once you have referred a customer via your affiliate link, he is your
referral for life, so that means you will get paid as long as he makes transactions within Paxful.

Just to give you an indication of how amazing this is, check out my screenshot below with the
amount of affiliates I have under me…

Another awesome aspect about their affiliate program is that you get paid commissions from 2
tiers deep as per image below. The first tier pays you 50% and second pays you 10% on all fees.

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Before I dive into the system, go ahead and sign up to Paxful here >>> PAXFUL.COM

Once you have signed up, scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click the affiliate program link
as shown below…

Once you are on the affiliate page, please read through the content and watch the video so that
you have a good understanding of how the program works. We will dive into this later in more
detail, so make sure you follow my instructions.

The Crypto Ninja System – The 4 Steps To $$$

This is where it gets interesting because I’m about to reveal the whole system to you. I have
broken down the system into four simple steps so that it’s easy for you to follow and implement. I
have also created a video explaining each step.

Step 1 – Buying Bitcoin

The first step is to buy bitcoin so that we can sell bitcoin back into the market for profit. There are
several ways to go about this but I will only discuss two for now. The first way is to buy directly
from a seller on Paxful via any payment method of your choice (Bank transfer, Paypal, skrill, etc).
The second way is to buy a gift card on Amazon via in exchange for Bitcoin.

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Click on the image below to watch the first step…

Note: You will be redirected to YouTube. If the page fails to open, simply copy and paste this link
into your browser…

Step 2 – Selling Bitcoin For An Amazon Gift Card

Once you have Bitcoin in your wallet, you are ready to start selling Bitcoin in the marketplace for a
very nice profit. The way we are going to do this, is by selling Bitcoin in exchange for an Amazon
gift card. Now you must be thinking why the heck would I do that? What am I going to do with all
those gift cards?

There is a loophole here and a very simple way to turn these gift cards back into Bitcoin but I we
will cover that in the following step. For now, just click the image below to watch the video…

YouTube link >>>

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Step 3 – Selling The Gift Card For Bitcoin

After you have sold your Bitcoin for an Amazon gift card, your account will be credited with
whatever amount you negotiated with the buyer. Let’s say for example you got a $100 credited to
your account. Unfortunately, we cannot sell it because you have already redeemed the card to
your Amazon account.

So what is the solution here?

The solution is to purchase another gift card from Amazon with the money that has been credited
to your account from the gift card. For obvious reasons we can’t buy another Amazon gift card as
this goes against their terms and conditions. What we can do instead is purchase a physical gift
card for another store. There are several options, but the best option (cheapest) will be the
BestBuy gift card.

To make this purchase via Amazon, we will be using a service called is a service that buys gift cards in exchange for Bitcoin. They take a small percentage
for providing this service but it’s worth every cent. You’ll see why in the next video.

Time to watch the video explaining this step…

YouTube link >>>

Step 4 – Rinse And Repeat

Once receives your gift card and pays you out, you are ready to repeat the whole
process again. Like I mentioned previously, this method is pretty simple and straight forward. Only
a few people know about this system, so that means that there is plenty of room to make money
with this right now. If you have the extra budget, then there is no need to wait to accept several
offers at the same time. The potential here is huge as there are thousands of offers taking place
every minute, so make sure you don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity.

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Super Paxful Affiliate

Time for me to show you how to recruit new Paxful affiliates who will make you money on auto-
pilot. This method alone is very powerful and priceless. Can you imagine getting paid over and
over due to referring an affiliate once? It is simply the best feeling ever when you wake up and
check your account to notice that you have earned commissions from your affiliates. Now the
question is… Can you do the Same?

The answer is… YES!!!

I’m going to reveal everything today so make sure you read to the end because it’s going to get
very interesting.

If you have the budget of about $50 to invest then you can start immediately. If not, then make
some money with the above method and then come back here to start driving affiliates to your
website. Either way, you can start with which ever method you like but I’m going to recommend
you start with the above (Crypto Ninja) system before you try this affiliate method. You will
understand why when you finish reading about this method, so let’s not waste any further time and
dive right into it.

To drive new affiliates to Paxful, you will need to share your affiliate link to people who are relevant
to the niche. In this case we are looking for people who are interested in crypto currency. So
where do we find these people?

Easy… On the other crypto websites!

One way to get new affiliates to sign up to Paxful would be to comment and create links on these
crypto sites but the reality is that it’s very time consuming and monotonous. I used to do this in the
past when I first started out online and used to hate every second of it but luckily there is an easier
way to reach all these sites without all that effort.

The way to go about this is to advertise on a crypto media website that targets all these sites for
you. The website I’m talking about is called This website alone gets me about 15-30
referrals a day. Approximately 20-30% of these referrals are active within my Paxful account,
meaning they are actively making transactions on a weekly/monthly basis. To learn how to
advertise on their platform, click the image below to be redirected to their site…

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To start advertising with, create an account by clicking the ‘Sign Up’ button on the top
right corner. Once you have signed up and confirmed your account, you are ready to create ads.

The type of ads that we will be creating with Bitmedia are what we call banner ads. You will find
them all over the internet and basically on almost every website. These also come in different
sizes and shapes as shown below…

Setting up campaigns with Bitmedia is very easy and straight forward. Simply follow their
guidelines here (Advertising guideline webpage) and you will do just fine setting up your first

I will show and recommend a few important steps so that you can maximise your earnings. To
start a new campaign, click the Advertiser link as shown below. Next click the Add New Campaign’
as per below…

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Next you’ll need to select the campaign type. Click the ‘Display Ads’ option as per below…

For payment type, make sure you always select ‘CPC as shown below. This type of traffic works
out cheaper and converts much better than ‘CPM’. With this option you only pay for clicks that
were delivered to your website. Because someone clicked on your ad, they already showed an
interest in what you have to offer.

Name your campaign with whatever you want and click the continue button. In the next section,
you will set your bid. I recommend you set your bid at btc 0.0000344 (minimum) per click and start
with btc 0.0020 daily. Increase this amount as you start getting conversions (referrals).

In the next step we are going to create dynamic ads in different the sizes…

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Dynamic ads can be created in the following sizes:

728x90 ; 468x60 ; 125x125 ; 200x200 ; 250x250 ; 300x250 ; 300x100 ; 250x100 ; 336x280 ;

160x600 ; 120x240 ; 120x600 ; 180x150 ; 300x600 ; 320x50 ; 320x100 ; 468x90 ;970x90

The more sizes you add the more clicks you will get, so make sure you create as many banners
as possible to maximise your earnings. You can also just stick to the most popular sizes that I
have had success with…

728x90 ; 468x60 ; 300x250; 336x280 ; 160x600; 250x250

The question you must be asking now, is where do I get these dynamic ads from?

There are three options…

1. Free Option: Go to google and search for dynamic ads. Save a few that you like and edit
them slightly with an image editor that you have on your computer.
2. Buy from Fiverr
3. If you have a program that can edit psd files like Photoshop or GIMP (free option), then
Graphic River is the way to go. By far the best and cheapest (from as little as $2) way to get
the best designed banners. This is my favourite option and my source for getting new
banners. Check it out by clicking the link below…

If you prefer to just buy some banners, then head over to Fiverr and for as little as 5 bucks, you
can have some amazing banners designed for you. Simply go to Fiverr and type in the search bar
‘dynamic banner ads’ and rank them by ‘Best Sellers’ as shown below…

Check them out and select the ones that you like. Before you order, contact the seller and explain
to them what you need. Also tell them that you will be promoting Paxful so that they can create
relevant and high converting banners for you. Make sure that the banners are created and
delivered in the GIF format.

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Once you have your dynamic banners, go ahead and upload them to Bitmedia…

As for the ‘Click URL’, make sure you add your Paxful affiliate link as shown above. To copy and
paste your Paxful affiliate link, simply go to your affiliate dashboard on Paxful and copy the link as
shown below…

Once you have done all of the above, you are ready to save your advertisement. All that is left for
you to do, is to top up your account so that your campaigns can start running.
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After running the campaign for 24-48 hours, you’ll want to check out your stats and see where
your clicks are coming from…

 Are they mostly mobile?

 Are they mostly clicks from people in the United Kingdom?
 What time is the ad performing the best?

Make some notes and create a new campaign targeting those options. Let’s say for example that
Desktop and USA where the most profitable options. I would now create a new campaign with
everything set up the same besides the device and country.

By doing so, you will get even more referrals at a cheaper price than with the campaign you
initially created.

Now sit back and watch your new referrals sign up!


There are some tips and suggestions that I want to discuss before you dive into the system. If you
want to take this business seriously for the long run, then I’m sure you will appreciate what I am
about to advice you.

Amazon Gif Cards

Never use your Amazon account to only buy physical gift cards because you will have your
account suspended without any notice. I suggest you buy a product that’s not a gift card. The are
two options that I will suggest so that you can avoid this issue completely…

 Option 1: Buy something for yourself or purchase gifts for your loved ones.
 Option 2: Use a website called to fulfil orders for other customers. offers a
service where people can purchase products for other customers on Amazon in exchange
for Bitcoin.

Basically you will order a product from Amazon using your gift card and get paid by the
customer with Bitcoin. There is a small percentage (rate) they charge for this but it’s no
issue as you’ll still make a decent profit. This method is great for those who live outside of
the United States and that can’t ship physical products from Amazon.

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When you first go to, simply click the ‘EARN’ button on the top left to view all the offers
available. Below is a screenshot of the website…


When you send your cards to iPayYou, don’t always use Prime shipping because you will
eventually raise a red flag and have someone review your account. Keep in mind that Amazon is
in business to make a profit so mix it up with paid shipping and free shipping. If you can, avoid
prime shipping when using your gift card as a payment method.

Scammers on Paxful

Like any other business, you will come across people on Paxful trying to scam you out of your
hard earned money. In my opinion you have nothing to worry about if you are cautious and only
dealing with physical gift cards that were paid in cash.

Watch this video on Youtube on how to detect scams. This was created by Paxful themselves as
to educate you in spotting scams. I highly recommended you watch this video before you start
trading. Click the image to watch the video on YouTube…

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Suspended Account

If you do get your Amazon account temporarily suspended, you will get an email to verify your
payment details. Go to Amazon and log back into your account. When you do so, a verification
page will load. You’ll need to add your billing address and the payment method used. In this case
you used an Amazon gift card, so select that option and upload the last Amazon cash receipt you
received from your Paxful customer. You will have your account reinstated within 24 hours.

If you have read this whole eBook and watched all the videos, then you have taken a small step
towards your financial freedom but unfortunately that will NOT be sufficient unless you take the
next step… MASSIVE ACTION!

The reason most people fail online, is due to procrastination and I am sure most of you can relate.
Below is graphic of what happens when you stuck in procrastination…

Starting from today, make sure you shift your mind to the opposite of procrastination which is to be
PROACTIVE! If you do so, you will without a doubt succeed because you will be focused and
determined to achieve your goals no matter what.

You have been given two powerful methods of making money online with Bitcoin, so make sure
you implement both. If you get stuck or have any questions about these methods, I’m going to
offer you my assistance via email.

To qualify for email support, all you need is to be my referral under Paxful. How to you become my
referral? If you clicked any of the Paxful links within this report and signed up, then you have
become my referral. I really appreciate it and look forward to helping you out on this journey.

For those who still haven’t signed up under my link yet, you can still do so here >> SIGN UP TO
PAXFUL. This is totally optional as I would never force anybody to sign up under me.

For those who qualify, please contact me with any questions you may have at with the subject line… “Crypto Ninja Affiliate”. In your email please
provide me your Paxful ID/Username so that I can verify that you are one of my affiliates.
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Not sure if you noticed but I have not shared any screenshots of my earnings with this system and
the reason is because I hate them. Every single course you buy out there is basically sold on the
basis of their earnings. The sad reality is that most of these screenshots are fake. If you want to
see proof of earnings with this system, simply log into Paxful and check out the vendors who are
selling Amazon gift cards. It doesn’t get more real than this!

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End of the day, you don’t really care about how much I or others earn. It’s about how much you
can earn and the only way to achieve that is by taking massive action every day.

Just like a ninja, I like to remain under the radar and to work hard for my next combat (goals). It’s
time that you do the same. Get a pen and write down your goals and exactly what you want to
achieve with this system. Write down the exact $ amount in profits and date you want to achieve it
by. Only by doing so, will you get to the finish line in first place.

To end off, I would like to thank you for going through this course and to wish you the best of luck
in business. Hope you achieve all your dreams and that you are very successful with this system.

To Your Online Success

Support and questions:

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