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DANIA SAFIRA M / 175300080


A. Research Subject and Location

 The subject of the research were the students of the 10th grade of SMAN 15
 The location of the research was SMAN 15 Surabaya.
B. Research Prosedures
1. Planning
 On this stage, the planning will be made are:
 Compiling the syllabus and learning design.
 Eplaining about writing narrative text CHAPTER 12 “Issumboshi”
 Choosing and preparing the media for learning activity
 Using Manga media
 Forming the paper for observation, interview, documentation, and
formative test.
2. Action

Implement writing comperhension in increasing of students’s writing

achievement by using manga in SMAN 15 Surabaya. In accordance with the
plans that have been prepared. This action is carried out by the English subject
teacher of class X SMAN 15 Surabaya is the researcher herself.
3. Evalution

The researcher made an evaluation on all the researcher observes to find the
weakness of the activities that carried out in using Manga to teach writing.
After carried out the teaching and learning activity using Manga , the resercher
occurance in the classroom as the effect of action, evaluated the process, and
noticed the result of the implementation of Manga in teaching writing
4. Reflection

The results of observations have shown that the implementation learning in

accordance with the plans that have been prepared and provide good value for all
C. Data Collection Technique
The research use observation to search the real situation at the place and to control the
naturally situation. After that, the research can do interview with the students to know
how useful the flash card media to their learning vocabulary achievement. And the
last technique is use the document and documentation as a booster from all of the and
make it be valid.
D. Data Analysis
This research uses narrative qualitative method to know how useful the flash card
media to their learning vocabulary achievement in narrative text.

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