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Jean Carlo Ferro

Sebastián Puerto Molina

Diego Andrés Vidal Guaza

In the image you see the representation of a person making a service order on the
alternative transport platform uber, where it is reflected a little of its interface and how it
works. As a group we decided to choose this topic because like most users we have realized
that although it is not considered as a legal platform, it offers a better service that has
managed to meet each of its users' needs such as greater convenience, a lower cost in their
rates and the best of everything at a shorter time , unlike other means of public transport.
The way Uber influences our daily lives is reflected in the sense that it is a service that we
can make use of at any time having the assurance that we do not have to give much time to
receive a service response where we can identify who will do the service, how long it can
take to do so and the last but not least how much we must pay without the price of the fare
varied so that I transport us the way we like best. In conclusion we risk recommending this
alternative transport.

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