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Diego Andrés Vidal Guaza



For this week I decided to choose this strategy because I have noticed deficiencies in
relating texts, start talking about something specific and I end up describing another, and I
think it is important to write well to imply what I mean.



Camilo was a young student of business administration, it was characterized because he

was one of the best students of the career, he was dedicated and responsible thing that some
of his peers liked him since he was the favorite of the class.

Two weeks before the end of the semester Camilo was happy because he had already
approved each of the subjects seen but at the same time he was sad because he had spent
one more semester and he could not make friends apart from Camila, Juan and Daniela who
is in love with him but has never been able to tell him. Days later Camilo found out there
would be a party to celebrate the closing of the semester and at that moment he went to tell
his friends, obviously they accepted his invitation.

The long-awaited day had arrived for Camilo was finally going to do something different to
study and be attentive to the classes, he was so anxious that he tried all his class to choose
the best look, his goal was to show that not always the best student is the most boring. Once
he picked up his friends they headed to the party, when they arrived everyone stared at
Camilo and it was supposed to be quite strange to see the best of the class at the closing
party of semester, time and drinks Cami after him and his friends were too happy and
somewhat past drinks the only one who was somewhat sober was Daniela who when I saw
Camilo so decided to tell him everything he felt and took a big surprise when he found out
that Camilo felt the same way but he didn't know how to say it, at that moment they kissed
and everyone noticed and screamed it was about time. The whole university was surprised
to see Camilo like this and decided to take him home so that he would rest, they had
already checked that if it could be applied and have a good time from that day Camilo was
everyone's friend.

The next day Daniela went to find Camilo wanted to know how she was after the party but
most important if she remembered the kiss that had been given, when he saw her in her
room she did not know that towards her there, she felt dizzy and headache but to the extent
that Daniela told her every one of the things she did at the party remembering she was even
mindful of her kiss and Even though that day is not achieved I talk so much to Daniela that
by the end of the day they were already boyfriends.

Doing this exercise allowed me to identify that I can propose good texts when I write from
the imagination based on an example that allows me to have a brainstorming and that I can
imitate texts already read , I hope with this type of exercises continue to improve my
writing and punctuation.

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