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I don’t feel like I belong in college.

All my classes required for my major include all these

extroverted people. Most of them are a part of sororities or clubs that I do not have time to
join. Even if they are in different sororities/clubs they can relate to certain situations or aspects
of sororities/clubs. I don’t seem to connect with others and when I do it just feels like I’m doing
something or saying something stupid and I’m swinging deeper into social anxiety.

Sometimes I don't know who I am or where I belong. I have never connected with anyone so
strongly in my life. I feel like I'm floating from place to place just trying to find a home I can be
somewhat settled in. It seems like I'm growing farther apart in college. I feel so lonely, I watch
others prosper while I slowly go back to where I was before. Was it worth it, to pick this
degree? I feel like everyone has their teaching ideas and friends all made and planned out, yet I
feel like I should have at least bonded with someone well enough to not just be a “classmate

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