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Table l Summary of the structure of the first movements of Q VI:I8 and B w V1031

Key Bars Length Comments


Ritornello 1
QV2H8 El 1-11 11 Ritornello in cembalo or violin, motive a
BWV1031 El 1-8 8 Ritornello in cembalo, motive a
Solo 1
QV2:i8 El-Bl 11, last quaver - 21, bt. 1 9 + 1 beat Mottos in flute separated by motive a in
(+ quaver upbeat) cembalo or violin
BWV1031 El-Bl 9-26, bt 1 17 + 1 beat Mottos in flute separated by motive a in
cembalo; motto shortened and varied
second time, modulates to dominant
Ritornello 1
QV2:i8 Bl 21-6 (+ quaver upbeat) 6 Ritornello in cembalo or violin
BWV1031 Bl 26-31 6 Ritornello in cembalo

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Solo 2
Qvn8 El-c-tag to El 27-41 (+ quaver upbeat; 14 Mottos in flute separated by motive a in
end overlaps with cembalo or violin
beginning of Rit 3)
BWV1031 Bl-El-c-tag to El 32—53 b t 1 21 Mottos in flute separated by motive a in
cembalo, but with shift of tonal level
Ritornello 3 complex
QV2:i8 El 41 (+ 3 semiquavers 24 Begins cembalo or violin solo, opening
anacrusis) - 64 of initial ritornello; connects to variant of
first 'solo' beginning with opening motto:
bars 49—54 are variant of bars 12-16, plus
one added bar. Concludes with trio version
of end of first ritornello. Last 7 bars are a
modified echo.
BWV1031 El 53-71 Begins cembalo solo, opening of initial
ritornello; connects to variant of first 'solo'
beginning after motto: bars 56-68, b t 1 are
variant of bars 15-26, b t 1, plus one added
bar. Concludes with trio version of end of
first ritornello (original form).

Each movement has three ritomellos in the same BWV1031. The beginning of each solo includes a
succession of keys, with modulatory 'solo' sections double statement of a motto separated by a snippet
connecting them. Ex.i shows the opening ritomellos of the ritorneHo. Both sonatas employ the same mo-
and the beginning of the first solo sections of each tive for this brief ritomello segment But BWV1031
movement" The ritomellos themselves share a mu- departs from the model here. Instead of a literal rep-
sical motive (labelled a in the example), which is, in- etition as in QV2:i8, the motto is significantly altered,
deed, the principal ritornello motive in BWV1031. effecting a move to the dominant. Each sonata con-
Note also the similarity of the motives over the dom- tinues with a restatement of the ritomello motive,
inant pedal in bar 7 in QV2:i8 and bars 5-6 of against which the flute plays simple counterpoint


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Ex.2 (a) BwviO3i/i, bars 25-6; (b) Qvn8/i, bars 20-21
Ritomello 2

1 _nr~i -JZT™ ^"~~ i '• •fct*-

The opening solo sections end with a cadential bar in returning as it does to the tonic nearly every half bar.
which the rhythms in the solo parts are identical, if A repetition of the motto at the same pitch level as
not particularly distinctive (ex-2). the initial iteration would have been harmonically
The shift in tonal level at the repetition of the dull at best.
motto poses a problem, since it represents the Because the motto is tonally stable, there are two
strongest departure from the model in the first possibilities for its repetition, if a modulation is to

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movement of BWV1031 and since it created a compo- occur, either the motto itself must be considerably
sitional dilemma with which the composer dealt altered, permitting modulation but weakening its
rather awkwardly. It is likely that the composer motto identity, or the fragment of ritomello which
chose the shift of tonal level because of the length of separates the two statements of the motto must be
the motto—three bars, as opposed to one bar in modified. In the latter case, the motto would simply
QV2ii8. The motto in BWV1031 is harmonically static, enter at the new pitch level. In the first solo the com-
poser chose the first option, also deciding to repeat
only the first half of the motto. This repetition re-
The Viola da Gamba Society tains only the general shape of the first four-note
of Great Britain motive. It would be hard to recognize it as the reiter-
in association with the ation of the motto at all, were it not for the expecta-
York Early Music Festival tions set up by the allusion to the Devisenarie, and in
is hosting an international conference on retrospect by the analogous passage at the beginning
of the second solo section, where the literal repeti-
The Fantasia in England tion of the motto also occurs at a different tonal level
from Alfonso Ferrabosco II than the motto itself. In the opening of the first solo,
to Henry Purcell the varied repetition of the motto begins in the tonic
and quickly modulates to the dominant, producing
Alcuin College, University of York
Friday 7th July - Sunday 9th July 1995 some of the weakest melodic writing and counter-
point in the movement (in bars 12-13).13
The aim of the conference ii to bring together scholars,
instrument makers and performers working in this
Had the composer chosen the second solution (al-
important field of English music live musical lowing the keyboard interlude to modulate) the first
performance will be provided by the resident consort, The solo section would have certainly begun more grace-
Rose Consort of Viol*. Delegates will be entitled to a fully, but would have caused a problem of redun-
discount on other events sponsored by the York Early
Music Festival. dancy in the second solo section: the motto would
have been stated twice in the dominant—at the rep-
For application farm, or details of rnembership, contact:
etition of the opening motto and at the beginning of
The Administrator, VdGS, 56 Hunters Way,
Dringhouses, York T02 2jj, England the second solo. It was probably for this reason that
tel (0904) 706959 the composer devised the makeshift modulation in
the repetition of the opening motto.


Ex.3 (a) Bwvi03i/i, bars 48-53; (b) QvnfJ/i, bars 38-41

51 RitorneDo 3
!• ffPf

_ am-a I am
1 1 d J IJ 1

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^ - J
^ ^
J .1 M
Ritornello 3

I have chosen to dwell upon this passage because cases the second solo begins with a restatement of
it shows a composer grappling with a problem possi- the double motto. QV2:i8 returns immediately to the
bly engendered by attempting to follow a model tonic, while in BWV1031 a statement of the motto in
while at the same time expanding the musical mate- the dominant is followed by one in the tonic Each
rial. It is hard to imagine that a composer with the then embarks on a passage dominated by Fortspin-
skill of J. S. Bach would not have found a solution nung, ending with similar cadences in C minor.14
more elegant than that presented in bars 12-13. And BWV1031 proves to be much more harmonically ad-
it is equally difficult to imagine Bach writing the fee- venturous in the modulating section, however. Each
ble counterpoint evident in this passage. The much is followed by a brief passage which leads to a return
less rigorous Quantz, on the other hand, could easily of the tonic, with scale degree 3 in the flute part
have accepted such a solution. (ex.3).
Both second ritornellos are in the dominant, the The third and final ritomello is, of course, in
expected key. It is especially striking that the internal the tonic However, neither movement ends with a
ritornellos are six bars long in each case, although simple restatement of the ritornello; instead both
the two opening ones are not of equal length. In both dose with a ritomello complex including a 'solo'


Ex-4 (a) BWV1031/1, bars 69-71; (b) QVM8/i, bars 62-4

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interjection. As table 1 shows, the structural proce- similar, although this may be attributed to the use of
dure at work in the final sections is nearly identical, common opening motives within the siciliano
despite the differences in surface detail. After three. movement type. However, although the right-hand
(BWV1031) or four (QV2:I8) bars, the flute enters with part in BWV1031 progresses in a nearly unbroken ac-
an accompanimental figure over the ritomello companimental pattern in semiquavers over a sim-
theme in the keyboard (or violin). Following three ple bass, the siciliano in QV2:i8 features imitation be-
bars of accompaniment, in both sonatas the flute be- tween the violin and flute, with the occasional
comes an equal partner with the keyboard. Quantz participation of the basso continuo, and goes be-
presents a modified version of the first section of the yond BWV1031 in its modish allusions to the 'mixed
first 'solo' theme (motto, restatement and sequential taste', as manifest, for example, in the copious titrces
extension with one added bar), which he then con- couUes. The model relationship here seems to consist
nects to a trio version of the end of the opening ritor- at best in the choice of movement type and opening
nello. BWV1031 omits the opening motto from the motives. Certainly the siciliano is a ubiquitous
first solo, but then presents a clever variant of the movement type in the trio and solo sonata of the
rest of the first solo section (bars 56-8 are a variant of 1730s, and seems to have been especially favoured in
bars 15-17; bar 59 is an added bar, bars 60-68, first sonatas in the concerted manner.
beat, are a variant of bars 18-26, first beat), closing The similarities between the respective third
with a brief passage in imitation and parallel 3rds, movements, like those between the first movements,
which, as I shall later show, refers to the probable are too striking to be considered mere coincidence,
original version of the end of the first ritornello. although there is little exact duplication of material.
Quantz's movement ends with a long written-out Ex.5 shows the opening bars of both movements.
echo. The final cadences are again quite similar Each is a bipartite movement in 3/8. Each begins
(ex.4). with a bar of cembalo (or violin) solo before the flute
The second movement in both works is a siciliano enters, and in each the flute plays in parallel 3rds
in a minor mode—G minor in BWV1031 and C minor with the right hand of the cembalo in bar 2. Note,
in QV2:I8. The opening rhythmic gestures are quite too, that each cembalo (or violin) theme is made up


Ex.5 (a) BWViO3i/iii, bars 1-5; (b) QV2:i8/iii, bars 1-5
(a) Allegro

ilii __


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i=i r 4
of two repeating two-bar units, although in QV2:i8 sonata, is, however, more extended and thematically
the first bar serves as an anacrusis to the two two-bar complex.
units in bars 2-5. The return to the opening theme in the second
Later in the first half Quantz introduces a motive half of each movement is approached with a cadence
which resembles more strongly the opening motive in G minor (ex.7). The basses in the cadential bars
of BWV1031 (ex.6). Both movements include passages are identical (compare QV2:i8, bar 57; BWV1031, bar
in which steady semiquavers in the right hand are 99). In keeping with the greater richness of BWV1031
accompanied by broken chords in quavers in the is the doubling of this bass link in loths in the flute,
flute (compare BwviO3iyiii, bars 23-8; QV2:i8/iii, bars while the bass has the motive alone in QV2:i8. The
21-8). In general, the semiquaver passagework shows final sections of both movements feature a tonic
a number of similarities (e.g. QV2:i8, bar 22, and pedal point in the flute.
BWV1031, bars 33 and 35). The third movement In summary, the outer movements of BWV1031
in BWV1031, like the first movement in the same derive their structure and some melodic material

Ex.6 Qvn8/iii, bars 13-16


Ex.7 ( a ) Bwvio3i/iii, bars 96-101; (b) QV2:i8/iii, bars 54-9

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from the corresponding movements in QV2:I8. The fourth beats of bar 8 is merely a repetition of the first
second movement of BWV1031, on the other hand, half of the bar, with the opening 10th altered to a 3rd
borrows only the movement type and shape of the so that the scale can drop into the lower octave. It is
opening motive from QV2:i8. possible that the original version presented this fig-
If we accept the model relationship for these two ure once, instead of twice, and in semiquavers in-
pieces, the question remains whether the original stead of demisemiquavers.15 Such a diminution was a
scoring of BWV1031 was the transmitted version for typical method of embellishing such a passage." One
flute and keyboard or whether it, like QV2:i8, began should probably extend this hypothesis backward to
as a trio sonata and was later transcribed into the the demisemiquaver scale on beat 2 of bar 7, which
present scoring. Here some details in the ranges and may have originally comprised a simple downward
voice leading point to the probable priority of a ver- arpeggiation of the dominant seventh (exactly like
sion for flute, violin, and basso continuo for that in bar 7 of QV2:i8), which Bach filled in with
BWV1031. passing notes in the process of arranging the piece.
The range of the right-hand part in BWV1031 is en- This posited version is presented in ex.8. This solu-
tirely within the compass of the violin except for one tion has the advantage of matching the figuration in
ban bar 8 of the first movement, where the part de- the right hand of the cembalo (or violin) at the con-
scends to / in a flourish of demisemiquaver scales. clusion of the movement (bars 69-70). The figura-
But let us consider the possibility that this idiomatic tion at the end of the movement would thus recall
display of keyboard bravura was only added when the end of the ritomello, serving as a substitute for
the part was transcribed for keyboard. The bar is the otherwise missing conclusion of the final ritor-
harmonically quite superfluous and can be easily nello. Moreover, this relationship strengthens the
omitted, but it is more probable that the original connection to the model sonata, QV2u8, since the
violin ritomello also extended through bar 8. As it first movement of that sonata also closes with a trio
appears in BWV1031, the music of the third and version of the end of the opening ritomello.


Table 2 Sources of Quantz, Trio Sonata in Et major, QV2ri8*

Signature Copyist Scoring Format Provenance

London, BL, R-M.21.d7 Quantz flute, violin, b.c. parts Dresden

Dresden, Dlb, Mus. 2470-Q-21 flute, violin: A (Grundig?); flute, violin, b.c parts Dresden
b.c: D (Kremmler? or
Morgenstem?); additional
performance indications:
Berlin, DS, M.Th. 179 J. J. F. Lindner flute, cembalo parts Berlin
Breitkopf Catalogue, 1763, flute, cembalo unknown
Pt 4. P-13 (Leipzig?)
Solfeggi pour La Fl&tc Traversiire avec Student of Augustin Neuff? single-line excerpts Berlin
Veinseignement Par Monsr. Quantz from fL & vin. parts,
(DK: Kk, Mu. 6210.2528, Giedde Collection mvts. 1 & 3, in Et
& G major

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I.16); 'di Quanz. Divertimento a 5.'

* Hugo Ruf lists an additional surviving source for the piece, a version for flute and harpsichord in private possession in Lisbon,
PortugaL Ruf, 'Vorwort' to Johann Joachim Quantz: Triosonate Es-Dur, Hortus Musicus 235 (Kassel, 1987).

Several contemporary examples of trios that sur- ish in bars 7-8 may be seen as another attempt to
vive both in settings for a conventional trio and for make the right-hand part more idiomatic for the
solo plus obbligato keyboard attest that in tran- cembalo.17
scribing the second solo line for the keyboard the
figuration was sometimes altered to make it more
idiomatic. Telemann's Six concerts et six suites T hat there is a dose relationship between BWV1031
and QV2:i8 is incontrovertible. Let us now turn
(Hamburg, 1734) may be taken as a case in point The to a closer examination of the sources and attribu-
first six pieces in the set, sonatas similarly in the con- tions for these works. While an exact date for QV2:i8
certed manner, are scored alternatively forflute,vio- cannot be established, the sources indicate that it
lin and basso continuo, or flute and obbligato cem- was copied around 1730-35. Table 2 summarizes the
balo. The right hand part of the cembalo in the sources for QV2:i8. Quantz's original composing
obbligato version, however, is not identical with the score for this work, like most of his composing
violin part, but rather represents a transformation of scores from the Dresden period, does not survive.
the basic musical materials of the violin part into an An autograph set of parts is, however, preserved in a
idiomatic cembalo part The demisemiquaver flour- set of four Dresden trios by Quantz in the Royal

Ex.8 BWV1031A, hypothetical bars 7-9

[Allegro moderato]


Music Collection of the British Library (R.M. eagle watermark for Copyist D) as in the Et sonata.
2i.d.7).lS As might be expected, this copy is clean and These are the only Quantz trios whose copying was
calligraphic and is almost devoid of corrections. divided between these two scribes. Further, the two
More important for the purposes of dating is an ad- pieces appear together as a set in Breitkopf s cata-
ditional copy in the hands of Dresden copyists A logue of 1763, scored for flute and obbligato cem-
(flute and violin parts) and D (basso continuo) in balo,14 and for the same scoring in a set of Quantz
the Sachsische Landesbibliothek, Dresden (Mus. trios in the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, to be dis-
2470-Q-21). Ortrun Landmann has identified Copy- cussed below. The third piece is the Trio Sonata in D
ist A as the Hofnotist Johann Gottfried Grundig, who major, QV2:9, which survives in an autograph com-
may have been active as early as c.1725 at the Dresden posing score, complete with copious formative cor-
court, and who was certainly employed there by rections,15 and in a set of parts copied by copyist A in
1733." The handwriting in the flute and violin parts the same stage in the evolution of his hand as in his
corresponds to the 'early' stage of his script, suggest- copies of the sonatas in EV major and G minor.1* It is
ing that the work was copied around 1730. The iden- probable from the dating of the copying hands that
tity of Copyist D is still uncertain. He may be Johann the three sonatas in concerto form were composed
George Kremmler, as Landmann has suggested, who within a relatively short span of time.17
seems to have begun copying around the same time

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A further source for QV2ii8, scored for flute and
as Copyist A.10 Manfred Fechner, on the other hand, obbligato cembalo, was prepared later in Berlin,
has suggested that Copyist D is not Kremmler, and most likely under Quantz's supervision. The manu-
has tentatively identified him as Johann Gottlieb script Berlin, DS, M.Th.i79, is part of a set of five
Morgenstern, violist at the Dresden court from 1722 Quantz trios rescored for flute and obbligato cem-
until at least the late 1750s.u In any case, the bass part balo in the Thulemeier Collection; the set, as I have
likewise represents an early stage in the evolution of already mentioned, also includes the G minor sonata
the copyist's hand, that is, c.1730-35. All parts bear QVT.H.2* The copyist of all the manuscripts in the set
additional markings by the Konzertmeister Johann was probably Johann Joseph Friedrich Lindner,
Georg Pisendel. Pisendel's nephew and a student of Quantz in
But when could Quantz have composed the piece? Berlin.19 While these manuscripts suggest that
Quantz was in Italy from 1724 to 1726 and in London Quantz's trios were likely to have been played as ob-
and Paris in 1726-7, and the possibility that he com- bligato sonatas in Berlin, or at least that this scoring
posed the work during his travels cannot be ex- probably had Quantz's blessing there, this does not
cluded. Of Quantz's approximately 45 trio sonatas, mean that the obbligato scoring was eschewed in
all of which date from his employment at the Dres- Dresden.30 Indeed, the autograph score to the E
den court, three works, including the Sonata in EV, minor sonata QV2:2i, also composed in Dresden,31
have their first fast movements in the form of an Ital- indicates that the work could be performed either as
ian concerto. While of course this itself does not a trio sonata for flute, violin and bass or as a sonata
point to an Italian origin,11 it does suggest that for flute and obbligato cembalo.31
Quantz's interest in the subgenres of Sonate aufCon- The dating of BWV1031 is even less certain. Cer-
certenart or concerto <3 tre (the works could certainly tainly the style of the piece does not suggest a dating
be classified as either) was rather limited, and the before the 1730s. Table 3 lists the principal sources
sources bear this out One of the other two pieces, a for the work. The earliest extant source cannot date
trio sonata in G minor (0^2:35), is frequently trans- from any earlier than the late 1740s. If the piece is by
mitted with the EV sonata. It too survives in a set of Quantz, then Bach's copy probably dated from the
parts copied by Dresden Copyists A (flute and vio- 1730s, when Quantz was still in residence in Dresden,
lin) and D (basso continuo) with additions by but it is also plausible that it was copied in the 1740s.
Pisendel.13 The stage of the handwriting is identical If Quantz is indeed the composer, then his departure
with that in the Et sonata, and each scribe copied on for Berlin in 1741 must serve as a terminus ante quern
the same paper types (no watermark for Copyist A, for its composition, since he does not seem to have


Table 3 Principal sources of BWV1031

Signature Copyist(s) Date Attribution Comments

SPK, Mus. ms. Hauptkopist H; tempo 1748-9 J. S. B. (Hauptkopist H) Attribution on wrapper taken
Bach, P 649 indication to first mvt: J. S. Bach (C. P. E Bach) from manuscript Wrapper
J. C. Bach(?); wrapper probably added in Hamburg,
C. P. E. Bach hence 1768 or later.
SPK, Mus. ms. C. F. Penzel (title page & probably J. S. Bach (anon.) 1755 if parent manuscript
Bach, P 1056 mvts. 2 & 3); Anonymous c.1755 I. S. Bach (Penzel) supplied by W. F. Bach.
(1st mvt)

composed trio sonatas after that date. If Bach is the Bach's Magnificat, he copied solely for the senior
composer, then the work could date from either the Bach.39 Thus, P 649 must have originated in Leipzig.
1730s or 40s. Emanuel Bach added the wrapper in Berlin or, more
At this point a reconsideration of the attributions likely, Hamburg, expanding Hauptkopist H's attri-
of BWV1031 is in order. One of Marshall's chief bution logically to 'J. S. Bach'.40 If it was indeed J. C.

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arguments for his support of the authenticity of Bach who added the tempo marking to the first
BWV1031 is the apparent independence of the two movement, then he must have done so either in
principal sources.33 But neither the attributions nor Leipzig, shortly before his father's death, or between
the readings in the two sources, as Durr points out his arrival in Berlin in 1750 and his departure to Italy
in his critical edition, are truly independent, but in 1755.41
rather probably go back to the same parent manu- Christian Friedrich Penzel copied the second and
script34 third movements and the title-page for the second
Let us first consider C. P. E. Bach's attribution. principal source, Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preufiis-
The principal copyist of the manuscript Berlin, cher Kulturbesitz, Mus. ms. Bach P1056 (Sonata / a /
Staatsbibliothek Preufiischer Kulturbesitz, Mus. ms. Flauto travers. / ed / Cembalo obligato / di / 1 . / S.
Bach P 649, the earliest known source for the work, Bach / Poss. Penzel). The first movement is in the
is known in the Bach literature variously as Anon. 4 hand of an unidentified copyist.41 This copyist also
or Hauptkopist H.35 He is responsible for the copy- indicated an attribution to 'J- S. Bach' at the top of
ing of the sonata, the attribution 'di J. S. B.' at the top the first movement, presumably under Penzel's di-
of the first page,3* and all the instrument and tempo rection. The Penzel copy is clearly the later of the two
indications except for the marking 'Allegro moder- principal sources. The year in which Penzel became
ato' on the first movement, which was added in an- a student at the Thomasschule in Leipzig had until
other hand, probably that of Johann Christian recently been accepted as 1750 or 1751, with the year
Bach.37 C. P. E. Bach added the wrapper, with its in- of his leaving the school firmly established as 1756.
scription 'Es dur / Trio / furs obligato clavier und Most recently, Karen Lehmann has challenged the
die fl5te/von J. S. Bach.' As Joshua Rifkin has date of his matriculation, providing evidence that
shown, C. P. E. Bach seems to have based his attribu- Penzel entered the Thomasschule in 1749, a t the age
tion on that of Hauptkopist H, rather than attribut- of 12.43 While the copy cannot date from as early as
ing the work himself to his father.3* 1749, the earlier date gives slightly more credence to
As Rifkin has further pointed out, the copying ac- Penzel's ascription, since he would have been a stu-
tivities of Hauptkopist H, who once was considered dent in Leipzig while Bach was still alive.44 The
to have worked for C. P. E. Bach in Berlin as well as unidentified second copyist may have also been a
for both J. S. Bach and C. P. E. Bach in Leipzig, can- fellow student at the Thomasschule. In 1755 Penzel
not be traced to Berlin. With the exception of some had contact with Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, then
ripieno parts of Leipzig provenance for C. P. E. in Halle. If the exemplar from which he copied


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respective ritornellos are also strikingly similar: points of intersection between it and the three
both feature an alternation of semiquavers and sonatas under consideration, Qvn8, QV2:35 and
ornamental demisemiquavers over quavers in the BWV1031. First, the choice of key for the middle
bass (see Bwvio3iyi, bar 4; Bwviosz/i, bars 3-4). The movement of BWV1020—El major instead of the
syncopated motive in the opening solo (bars 9-10, more common Bt major, D minor, or C minor—
13-14) is also dearly related to the pedal motive may derive from the use of the same key for the mid-
(given in ex.i) in both BWV1031 and Qvn8. The dle movement of QV2:35. BWV1020 is structured with
opening statement of the ritornello without the the same succession of movement types as BWV1031
'solo' instrument is common to all three of and QV2:I8.53 And BWVIO2O, of course, also employs
Quantz's sonatas in the concerted manner. The Quantz's usual opening strategy of having the open-
similarities extend to the third movements as well. ing ritornello played without the 'solo' instrument.
For example, the motive presented in two-part imi- The ritornello structure of the first movement is
tation in bars 78ff. in Bwvio3i/iii bears a strong identical with that in the two Et sonatas, and
resemblance to a passage treating a similar motive BWV1020 also employs a double motto. The treat-
in three-part imitation in Bwvi032/iii at bars 52ff. ment of the motto seems to take both Et sonatas as
and in subsequent passages. If BWV1031 is by its point of departure: the motto in the opening solo
Quantz, then it probably served as a model for is repeated at the same pitch level as in QV2:i8, and its

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BWV1032 and can therefore be dated to before 1736. repetition at the beginning of the second solo in-
If, on the other hand, BWV1031 is an authentic work cludes the shift in key as it does in the analogous
of Bach, then its chronological priority with respect place in BWV1031 as a way of returning to the tonic 54
to BWV1032 remains uncertain. The ultimate stylis- The early return to the tonic, which in this case has
tic model for both pieces, in either case, would the effect of making the final ritornello sound par-
remain QV2u8. ticularly redundant, may have been based on the
The second work, the Sonata for violin and cem- similar early returns in BWV1031 and QV2:i8, and pos-
balo in G minor, BWV1020, is more problematic, sibly QV2:35 as well.
since the question of its authorship has never been There are, however, no 18th-century attributions
settled, although it bears two 18th-century attribu- of BWV1020 either to J. S. Bach specifically or to
tions to C. P. E. Bach. Diirr rightly points to the Quantz. The Breitkopf catalogue of 1763 attributes it
marked stylistic affinities between BWV1020 and to C. P. E. Bach on the page preceding the listing of
BWV1031, echoing opinions dating as early as Spitta QV2:i8 and QV2:35. Clearly, Breitkopf had all three
and Wilhelm Rust that the two pieces must be the works in his possession at the same time.5* The earli-
work of a single composer.52 Let us begin by consid- est known manuscript of BWV1020, at one time
ering the likelihood that BWV1020, too, is indebted to owned by the Thomascantor Johann Gottfried
Quantz for a number of its stylistic and formal de- Schicht (1753-1823), attributes it merely to 'Sig*
tails. Here we must also take into account the com- Bach',57 while the second important source, in the
panion piece to QV2:i8, the Trio Sonata in G minor, hand of C. P. E. Bach's Hamburg copyist Michel,
QV2:35. Since both QV2:i8 and QV2:35 seem to have also attributes it to 'Sig. C. P. E Bach.'58 According to
been transmitted consistently as a pair in the 18th Yoshitake Kobayashi, Schkht's manuscript may
century, it is likely that J. S. Bach knew both works. If have come from Breitkopf.59 One can only speculate
J. S. Bach is the composer of both BWV1031 and as to whether Breitkopf had acquired his source for
BWV1020, then he may have composed them as a pair BWV1020 together with his copies of Qvn8 and
in imitation of the two sonatas by Quantz. Neither QV2:35. If this were the case, then Breitkopf s copies
can Quantz be ruled out on stylistic grounds as the of the two Quantz sonatas may have been local
composer of BWV1020, since it fits his style just as copies originating in Leipzig and could well have
well as BWV1031. once belonged to J. S. Bach.60 While the authority of
While space does not permit a full discussion of Michel's attribution is certainly strong, it is possible
BWV1020 here, I would like to suggest a few common that it was based on that in the Breitkopf catalogue.


Downloaded from at Georgetown University on August 21, 2015
BWVIO2O could be a work by C. P. E. Bach composed concerted manner. Nor does it show his customary
in imitation not only of BWV1031, but also of QV2:i8 brilliance of invention or his usual playing with the
and QV2:35. genre expectations of the Vivaldian concerto within
the context of the sonata. The piece lacks the obses-
e are now in a position to speculate on the sive contrapuntal and thematic working-out of the
W circumstances of the composition of BWV1031. two securely attributed sonatas for flute and obbli-
While the evidence at hand does not permit a firm gato cembalo, the Sonata in B minor, BWVIO3O, and
conclusion regarding the actual composer, several the Sonata in A major, BWV1032.65 Bach may have
possible interpretations suggest themselves. wanted to show that he too could compose in the
First, Quantz himself may be the author of up-to-date style of the Dresden court Extending
BWV1031. The style of the work closely matches his this hypothesis, it is possible that Bach composed
other Dresden trios. Perhaps a desire to try his hand this piece expressly to flatter the Dresden court
at writing a more extensive piece in the same vein musicians. Hauptkopist H and Penzel then took
as Qvn8, which, judging from the number and their attribution directly from Bach's autograph or
chronological breadth of the sources, seems to have another copy made from it While the technique in
been a successful piece, led him to model the new BWVIO3I is at times uncharacteristically weak, the
work upon it, in the process enlarging it and greatly two principal sources stem from Bach's circle in

Downloaded from at Georgetown University on August 21, 2015

enriching its thematic material while maintaining its Leipzig, while there are no sources for the work of
formal outlines, style, melodic contour and, espe- Dresden or Berlin provenance.
cially in the first movement, small-scale structure. If BWV1031 is an authentic work of Bach, then
J. S. Bach, hearing or examining the piece in Dres- its dating remains a problem. The years 1748-9,
den, possibly during his stay in 1733, may have the probable period during which Hauptkopist H
copied it out, perhaps intending it for use with copied the work, are, after all, its only real terminus
the Leipzig collegium. He could, of course, have tran- ante quern.66 For this reason we cannot exclude the
scribed the piece immediately as an obbligato sonata possibility that Bach composed it in conjunction
at the same time that he copied it out. Hauptkopist with his visit to the Berlin court in 1747, during
H and Penzel, seeing a sonata in Bach's hand, then which he must have met or renewed his acquain-
mistakenly attributed it to him. Bach could also have tance with Quantz and could have heard or seen
had someone else copy the piece, or someone else QV2:i8.67
may have copied it from his autograph, mistakenly If the work is, indeed, by Bach, then only the
attributing it to him. The last possibility could ex- model theory comes close to explaining its anom-
plain how the lost exemplar could have come to at- alous style. The following of the model is unusually
tribute the piece to Bach. slavish; Bach would have had to suppress his
A second possibility is that J. S. Bach may have contrapuntal instincts to a degree not present in
heard QV2:i8 in Dresden and, perhaps out of admi- his other obbligato or trio sonatas of the 1730s and
ration for the progressive style of the piece, decided 40s, despite their frequent surface obeisance to cur-
to compose a piece closely modelled upon it. The rent musical fashion. Although there is no doubt
scoring of the piece was most likely the same as that BWV1031 is musically more sophisticated than
Quantz's: flute, violin, and basso continuo. Bach QVM8 it is probably not beyond the scope of
then arranged the piece for flute and obbligato cem- Quantz's technique and invention, nor beyond the
balo, making some changes in the first movement technique of other German composers who wrote
to render the right-hand part more idiomatic The pieces with a similar structure. It is certainly too
piece, according to this scenario, would still remain early to dismiss BWV1031 as an authentic work, but
stylistically anomalous. It has none of the formal equally too early to accept it unconditionally. At
complexity, especially involving the blurring of the present we know far too little of the works of Bach's
distinction between ritornello and 'solo' material, contemporaries to render a final judgement on
that marks Bach's secure examples of sonatas in the BWV1031.


A shorter version of this paper was pre- (cross-fingered chromatic pitches
sented at the National Meeting of the being softeT than non-cross-fingered
American Musicological Society in pitches). For this reason, pieces with
Chicago on 9 November 1991. / would three or more flats, with the exception
like to thank the Deutscher Akademis- of C minor, are extremely uncommon
cher Austauschdienst (DAAD) and the for the transverse flute. Telemann, for
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation example, included no sonatas in Et in
for generous research grants for the sum- any of his collections intended for
mer of 1990 which enabled me to exam- transverse flute. Even the Fantasias for
BAROQUE ORCHESTRA ine sources for these works, and Joshua unaccompanied flute of 1733, a collec-
tion arranged in order of ascending
ORCHESTRAL Rifkin, Alfred Durr, David Rosen,
Thomas Christensen, David Schulen- tonic, indude no pieces with more
COURSES berg, Lawrence Earp, Ardal PoweU, and than two flats in the key signature.
ABBAYE DES PREMONTRES David Crook for reading drafts of the Quantz, on the other hand, seems to
PONT-A-MOUSSON article and for their many helpful com- have been adept at playing in remoter
ments. Since the completion of this art- flat keys: his Dresden trios include one
FRANCE icle in February 1991 Siegbert Rampe has further work in El (QVM7) and even
reached some of the same conclusions one in F minor (QV2:25). He suggests
29 April - 2 May concerning the relationship ofBWvio$i that 'Pieces set in very difficult keys
and Quantz's Trio Sonata in £1 major, must be played only before listeners
& 2 - 5 May 1995 QV2:i8. See S. Rampe, 'Bach, Quantz who understand the instrument, and
Applications are invited und das Musicalische Opfer', Concerto, are able to grasp the difficulty of these

Downloaded from at Georgetown University on August 21, 2015

from talented young wv (1993), pp.15-13. keys on it; they must not be played
EU players of baroque before everyone. You cannot produce
instruments (strings, brilliant and pleasing things with good
intonation in every key, as most ama-
oboes, bassoon and 1 The work will be included in a forth-
teurs demand-' Quantz, Versuch einer
continuo) who wish to be coming volume devoted to sonatas
Anweisung, die FlSte traversiere zu Spie-
considered for selection of doubtful authenticity (Serie VI,
len (Berlin, 1752), p.170; trans. E. Reilly
for the 1995 ECBO. Band 4).
as On playing the flute (New York,
Courses offer the unique 2 See R. Marshall, 'J. S. Bach's compo- 3/1985), p.200. None of Bach's secure
opportunity to work with: sitions for solo flute', Journal of the chamber works with flute, with the
American Musicological Society, xnrii exception of the C minor trio sonata
Roy Goodman from the Musical offering, includes flats
(1979), pp.471-2 (reprinted in Marshall,
director/violin in the key signature.
The music ofjohann Sebastian Bach: the
Monica Huggett sources, the style, the significance (New
Andrew Manze York, 1989), pp.201-25); and 'Bach the 6 Quantz studied the transverse flute
Jan Schlapp progressive: observations on his later with Buffardin for four months in 1719.
violin/viola works', Musical quarterly, brii (1976), His transition to the flute as his prin-
PP-313-57- cipal instrument was gradual, but
Jaap ter Linden seems to have been complete by the
Love Persson 3 Marshall, 'J. S. Bach's compositions
end of his travels to Italy, France and
cello/double bass for solo flute', p.473. England in 1724—7. He was appointed
Anthony Robson 4 C.WolffetaL, The new Grove Bach flautist to the Dresden court Kapelle in
family (New York and London, 1983), March 1728. See Quantz, 'Lebenslauf,
p.212. In the earlier version of the in F. W. Marpurg, Historisch-Kritische
Marc Vallon work-list presented in 'Bach, Johann Beytr&ge zurAufnahme der Musik
bassoon Sebastian', New Grove, the work had (Berlin, 1754-60; R/Hildesheim, 1970),
Lars Ulrik Mortensen been listed among the chambeT works i, pp.208-45-
of doubtful authenticity. Christoph
keyboard continuo 7 H. Augsbach, Johann Joachim
Wolff describes it in the text of the
Grove article as 'doubtful' {New Grove, Quantz Thematisches Verzeichnis der
Information: ECBO
i, p.816), but includes it in the list of musikalischen Werke, Werkgruppen QV2
Hordley, Wootton
authentic works in his 'Bach's Leipzig und QV3 (Dresden, 1984), p.11.
Woodstock, 0X20 1EP, UK
Ttel (01993) 812111 chamber music', Early music, xiii 8 Although it seems unlikely, one can-
Fax (01993) 812911 (1985), p.169. not, of course, exclude completely the
(International 444 1993) possibility that QV2:i8 may be a simpli-
5 Since the basic key of the transverse
ECBO is sponsored by fication of BWV1031, given the trend
flute is D major, the further a tonality
Panasonic Europe Ltd is from that key the more difficult it is towards simplification at the time.
to play in tune, and the softer it sounds 9 H. T. David and A. Mendel, The

Downloaded from at Georgetown University on August 21, 2015
21 See M. Fechner, 'Notwendige corroborating the identification of this
Bemerkungen zu einigen Dresdner copyist J. J. F. Lindner is not to be
In Trondheim, Norway Telemann-Quellen und deren confused with Johann Jacob Lindner, a
July 19-July 27,1995 Schreibern', Georg Philipp Telemann: copyist at the Dresden court
THE RINGVE MUSEUM Werkuberlieferung, Editions- und Inter-
30 One further source provides evid-
ACADEMY pretationsfragen, Bericht llbeT die Inter-
nationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz ence that the work was also arranged as
THE XVIII anlafilich der 9. Telemann-Festtage der a divertimento for a larger scoring in
Berlin. Excerpts from the outer move-
INTERNATIONAL DDR, Magdeburg, 12. bis 14. Marz, 1987
ments appear both in the original key
(Cologne, 1991), i, pp.87-92. Fechner
SUMMER COURSE dates the 'early stage' of Copyist D's and transposed to G major in Solfeggi
hand to c.1735. pour La Flute Traversiere avec I'ein-
seignement. ParMonsr. Quantz (DK;
22 Similar works by other composers Kk, Mu- 6210.2528, Giedde Collection
associated with the Dresden court sur- I.16), where they bear the heading 'di
vive, and are discussed in J. Swack, 'On Quanz. Divertimento a 5.' Excerpts
the origins of the Sonate auf Concerten- from the companion sonata in G
Early Music art', Journal of the American Musicolog- minor, QV2:35 also appear (as 'Trio di
Performance Practice ical Society, xlvi (1993), pp.369-414. Quanz') in the Solfeggi. Winfried
Master Classes Michel and Hermien Teske, the editors
and Ensemble Playing 23 Dresden, Sachsische Landesbiblio- of the modern edition of the Solfeggi,
thek, Mus. 2470-Q-33. suggest that the volume comprises

Downloaded from at Georgetown University on August 21, 2015

24 See The Breitkopf thematic cata- exercises that Quantz wrote out for
Faculty: logue: the six parts and sixteen supple- Frederick the Great, probably over a
ments, 1762-1787, ed. B. S. Brook (New period of more than a dozen years, and
York, 1966), p.127. that the notebook was begun c.1729,
Ian Partridge when Quantz first began instructing
25 Dresden, Sachsische Landesbiblio- Frederick on the flute, and finished
voice thek, Mus. 2470-Q-14. The D major around 1742, when Quantz was regu-
trio is stylistically and structurally close larly present in Berlin. See Solfeggi Pour
Mary Collins to Qvn8 and 2:35, consisting of an La Flute Traversiere avec Venseignement,
renaissance/baroque dance opening fast movement with a ritor- Par Mons.' Quantz, ed. W. Michel and
nello structure, a siciliano, and a con- H. Teske (Winterthur, 1978), pp.ii-iii.
Marion Verbruggen cluding movement in binary form. As The sonata excerpts appear on pp.74-5
recorder in the other two sonatas, the flute is in their edition. Horst Augsbach, on
silent during the opening ritornello, the other hand, provides convincing
and there is an immediate return to the evidence that the Solfeggi manuscript
Ku Ebbinge tonic after the second ritornello. dates from between 1775 and 1782 in
baroque oboe Berlin, originating probably with a stu-
26 Dresden, Sachsische Landesbiblio-
dent of Quantz's pupil Augustin Neuff.
thek, Mus. 2470-Q-15.
Quantz's hand, according to Augsbach,
Catherine Mackintosh 27 Judging from the surviving Dresden does not appear in the manuscript See
baroque violin sources, Quantz generally gave his Augsbach, Johann Joachim Quantz:
composing scores to Grundig or Thematisches Verzeichnis, pp.v-vi. Per-
Rolf Lislevand Kremmler (Morgenstern?), who then haps Quantz made an arrangement of
produced parts. Pisendel would then the piece with added (filler?) parts, or
lute/baroque guitar the copyist of the Solfeggi had made his
check them, adding further dynamic
and articulation markings. Quantz own arrangement of the piece.
Laurence Dreyfus himself copied few parts for his own
viola da gamba/baroque cello works. 31 Dresden, Sachsische Landesbiblio-
thek, Mus. 2470-Q-28.
Ketil Haugsand 28 There were originally six pieces in
the set; howeveT, the sixth, a transcrip-
harpsichord 32 Compare the facsimile edition cited
tion of the Trio in E minor, QV2^O above. The score in question is a calli-
(M.Th.183), was destroyed during graphic copying score.
For further details: World War II.
THE ST.OLAV FESTIVAL 33 Marshall, 'J. S. Bach's compositions
P.B. 2045, 29 See H. Augsbach, preface to the for solo flute', p.472.
N-7001 Trondheim, Norway facsimile edition of Johann Joachim
Tel. (47) 73 50 97 97 Quantz Sonate E-moUftir FlOte und 34 A. Dun-, Sonate C-dwfur Fldte
Fax. (47) 73 50 38 66 obligates Cembalo (Leipzig, 1982), p.7. und Basso continuo BWV1033, Sonaten
I am grateful to Manfred Fechner for Es-dur, g-mollfur Fldte und obligates


Cembalo Bwviop, 1020, Uberliefert als therefore August 1748. On p.69 he
Werke Johann Sebastian Backs, Baren-
reiter 4418 (1975), 'Kritischer Bericht',
dates the copying of BWV1031 to
between August 1748 and OctobeT 1749.
p.39; and Marshall, 'J. S. Bach's
compositions for solo flute', p.472: 36 The attribution 'di J. S. B.' is in a
lighter ink than the rest of the manu-
Early Music
'Now the El Sonata is ascribed to J. S.
Bach not only by Emanuel but also by script and it is not altogether certain
that it is in the hand of Hauptkopist H.
Summer Schools
Penzel, whose connections with the
Bach sources seem to derive primarily It may indeed be in his hand, but Expert tuition, professional concerts,
from Wilhelm Friedemann, not added later, or he may have simply excellent cuisine, congenial company,
had less ink on the quill. in the tranquil and atmospheric setting
Emanuel Bach. In any case, Penzel's of an historic Cambridge college.
copy is demonstrably independent of 37 I am thankful to Joshua Rifkin for
Emanuel's. Therefore, it seems likely this provisional identification. 29 July - 5 August 1995
that the two attributions to Sebastian
38 Rifkin,'...Wobey aber die Sing-
are likewise independent. This, in fact,
is the crux of the external argument for stimmen hinlanglich besetzt seyn SIRINU
BWV1031; for both Penzel and C P . E mussen ...', pp.160-61, n.12. Jon Banks, Matthew Spring,
Bach have attributed to J. S. Bach else- 39 Rifkin,"... Wobey aber die Sing- Henry Stobart, Sara Stowe
where compositions whose authentic- stimmen hinlanglich besetzt seyn Ensembles of voices and Renaissance
ity is highly questionable, if not alto- instruments, working towards a dramatic
mussen ...', p.158, n.8. As Rifkin has feast of music from Renaissance Europe
gether without credibility: in Penzel's suggested to me, the Leipzig perfor- aad rural Sooth America.

Downloaded from at Georgetown University on August 21, 2015

case the Christmas cantata Uns ist ein mance of the Magnificat may have
Kind geboren, BWV142; in the case of been under J. S. Bach's direction.
Renaissance Music from
Emanuel the Suite in A major for Europe & the New World
violin and harpsichord obbligato, 40 The title-page is ascribed to C P. E.
BWV1025.' In his reply to my paper at Bach's 'late' script in Dadelsen, 6-13 August 1995
the 1991 National Meeting of the Amer- Bemerkungen zur Handsckrift Johann
ican Musicological Society Marshall Sebastian Bachs, seiner Familie und THEHILLIARD
seines Kreises (Trossingen, 1957), p.26.
asserted that he merely wanted to show
that one of the principal sources was
41 As Rifkin shows ('... Wobey aber
not copied from the other. David James, Rogers Covey-Crump,
die Singstimmen hinlanglich besetzt
John Potter, Gordon Jones
seyn mussen ...', p.159), Hauptkopist
with Linda Him, Richard Wistreich,
35 See A. Durr, Zur Chronologic der H and a second copyist, probably J. C.
compojcT-in-reffldence Piers
LdpzigerVokalwerke J. S. Backs(Kassel, Bach, collaborated on the copying of HellaweU and other guests.
2/1976), P-149; G. von Dadelsen, a ripieno tenor part to C. P. E. Bach's
Beitr&ge zur Chronologic der Werke Magnificat Rifkin dates this part to Intensive coaching on old and new music
for professional, aspiring professional or
Johann Sebastian Backs, TUbinger 1750. Hans-Joachim Schulze has shown advanced «i"«»»«ir vocal ensembles
Bach-Studien, iv-v (Trossingen, 1958), that J. C. Bach probably did not depart (individual singers may also apply).
p.112; P. Kast, Die Back-Handsckriften from Berlin until early 1755, not 1754 as
der Berliner Staatsbibliothek, Tubinger had been previously thought. See H.-J.
Hilliard Summer Festival
Bach-Studien, ii-iii (Trossingen, 1958), Schulze, 'Wann begann die "italien-
p.138. For a discussion of the dating of ische Reise" der jungsten Bach-Sohne?' 13-19 August 1995
several sources copied by this scribe,
Including parts to the Magnificat,
Back-Jakrbuck, box (1983), pp.119-22. THE PARLEY OF
H772/wq2i5 of C. P. E Bach, see J. 42 Thefirstmovement in Penzel's
copy, like that of Hauptkopist H, bears
Rifkin,'... Wobey aber die Singstim- Poer Helms (ccmirao), Jidy TnSng (iHolm),
men hinlanglich besetzt seyn mussen no tempo marking. One must assume AJboa Cam (riok). Brace tfarnei (woodwind)
...: Zum Credo der h-Moll Messe in that Sebastian Bach's examplar likewise Baroque string ensembles (viol, violin,
der Auffuhrung Carl Philipp Emanuel had no tempo marking over the first viola, cello, bass) with wind soloists
movement and that J. C. Bach merely (Baroque recorder, Oute, oboe, bassoon),
Bachs', Basler Jakrbuch fUr historische tate/meorbo and harpsichord. Focus on
Musikpraxis, ix (1985), pp.158-60. The added what he thought was a reason- English music Including Boyce & PurceU.
most recent discussion of the dating of able tempo indication.
the sources copied by Hauptkopist H is 43 See K. Lehmann, 'Neues zur
Baroque Orchestra &
in Y. Kobayashi, 'Zur Chronologic der Vorgeschichte der Bach-Sammlung Chamber Music
SpStwerke J. S. Bachs', Bach-Jahrbuck,
Franz Hausers: Dokumente zum
liriv (1988), p.33. Kobayashi suggests i im4lcd firoQ UKBTidml plkjnu tod
Oberlieferungskreis C. F. Penzel— fin j i», (Oil TOCtl IDd l"*tlul"Hflll ^n^TTiKLf of
that Hauptkopist H's copy of BWV1031
J. G. Schuster aus dem Zeitraum
dates at the earliest from around the Selene Mills • CEMSS • Trinity Hall
1801-1833', Beitr&ge zur Backforschung,
same time as his copy for Bach of the Cambridge • CB2 1TJ • UK
vi (1988), pp.69-70. As Lehmann
score to Handel's Brockes-Passion, Telephone /fax +44 1223 354096
points out (p.70), it is uncertain


whether Penzel became a student of ship. U. Leisinger and P. Wollny,
University of Edinburgh Bach's direcdy upon his entry into ' "Altes Zeug von mir": Carl Philipp
the Thomasschule. Penzel remained Emanuel Bachs kompositorisches
in Leipzig as a theology student until Schaffen vor 1740', Bach-Jahrbuch,
RUSSELL 1761. See R. Jones, 'Penzel, Christian hoax (1993), pp.192-6, argues against
COLLECTION Friedrich', New Grove. Emanuel Bach's authorship on both
source-critical and stylistic grounds.
44 Penzel's earliest dated copies of
WORKSHOP PLANS Bach's works date from 1753. See 53 QV2T35 also includes the same
PHOTOGRAPHS Lehmann, 'Neues zur Vorgeschichte movement types for the first and third
der Bach-Sammlung Franz Hausers', movements, but has a cantabile in 3/4
p.71. instead of a sidliano as its second
45 Penzel's copy ofBwvio3i is ascribed
Of the date 1755 in Y. Kobayashi, Franz 54 The second ritomello is in R
EARLY KEYBOARD Hauser und seine Bach-Handschriften- major, and the solo motto and cem-
INSTRUMENTS sammlung (diss., U. of Gottingen, balo interlude (bars 58-63, first beat)
1973), p.389. On Penzel's role in the are in that key. The cembalo interlude,
also available preservation of Bach's works see unlike that in BWV1031, does not
Schulze, Studien zur Bach-Uberliefer- modulate, but the repetition of the
ung im 18. Jahrhundert (Leipzig, 1984), motto simply drops a 3rd to the tonic
pp.22,93-4; and Kobayashi, Franz
BRIEF GUIDE G minor and is followed, as in both

Downloaded from at Georgetown University on August 21, 2015

Hauser, pp.106-12.
BWV1031 and QVI:I8, by the head
FREE LISTS FROM 46 See Kobayashi, Franz Hauser, motive of the ritomello.
Publications Officer pp.174-9. 55 Qvr35/i returns to the tonic at the
St. Cecilia's Hall 47 See Marshall, 'J. S. Bach's composi- second ritomello, although the context
Cowgate tions for solo flute', p.472. is different from diat in QVXI8 and
Edinburgh EHI ILJ BWV1031. The return to the tonic at
48 For example, both sources share a
or immediately following the second
striking dissonance on the first beat of
ritomello seems to have been 'standard
bar 53 of the third movement that is
operating procedure' in Quantz's
wholly inconsistent with the way the
sonata movements in concerto form,
passage appears anywhere else in the
since it occurs in all three surviving
IL BEL DANZARE 49 Durr, "Kritischer Bericht', p.39,
works. A second similarity concerns
a brief passage in the siciliano move-
arrives at the same conclusion. ments of BWV1020 and Qvri8. Both
Dances of Europe circa 1500 movements include a passage in which
50 See H.-J. Schulze, Foreword to
a stepwise descent in the flute compris-
Johann Sebastian Bach: Konzert c-Moll
ing a chain of suspensions hovers over
fiXr zwei Cembali und Strekhorchester
quaver morion in the right hand of the
BWV1062, Sonate A-Dur fiir Flbtc und
keyboard (or violin). Both of these pas-
Cembalo BWV1032, Faksimile der auto-
HENGRAVE HALL graphen Partitur (Leipzig, 1979),
sages occur at the same point in their
BURY ST EDMUNDS respective movements, following the
p.17—18; and Marshall, 'J. S. Bach's
arrival at the dominant and the restate-
SUFFOLK compositions for solo flute', p.487.
ment of the opening material in the
21-28 JULY 1994 51 I am thankful to Joshua Rifkin for new key. While this material is not
suggesting the relationship between the unique, its presence in analogous pas-
openings of BWV1031 and BWV1032. sages in two sonatas whose first move-
ments are related is probably not co-
52 Dflrr, Foreword, p.ii. See also
U. Siegele, Kompositionsweise und
For details send s.a.e. to Bearbeitungstechnik in der Instru-
56 BWV1020 is listed on p.i2ofpart4
28th D.H.D.S. Summer School mentalmusik Johann Sebastian Bachs
of the catalogue of 1763, while the two
Redmire, Ardley End, Hatfield (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1975), p.45. Two
Quantz pieces are listed on p.13. See
Heath, Bishop's Stortford, Herts further discussions of BWV1020 have
Breitkopf thematic catalogue, pp.126-7.
appeared since the acceptance of this
CM22 7AL
article. L E Miller, 'C. P. E. Bach's 57 Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preufiischer
sonatas for solo flute', Journal ofmusi- Kulturbesitz, Mus. ms. Bach P1059
Reg. Charity No. 270896 cology, xi (1993), pp.231-4, also reviews (DQrr's Source A), in the hand of an
the sources for the piece and comes to unknown copyist of the second half
no conclusion concerning its author- of the 18th century. Schicht's name

appears on the manuscript as the widow for copies of her late husband's 67 While swvio31 bears little stylistic
owner. See Diirr, 'Kritischer Bericht', works. See E. Helm, Thematic catalogue resemblance to the trio sonata from the
P.40. of the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Musical offering, BWvl079, a work asso-
Bach (New Haven, CT,1989), p.xxiii. ciated with the 1747 visit, or the Sonata
58 Vienna, Gesellschaft der Musik-
freunde, XI 36271. for flute and continuo in E major,
62 Kobayashi, 'Neuerkenntnisse zu
swvlojs, which may have been associ-
59 Y. Kobayashi, 'Neuerkenntnisse einigen Bach-Quelled, p.53.
ated with that visit, one cannot over-
zu einigen Bach-Quellen an Hand 63 C. P. E. Bach employs a ritornello look the similarity between the open-
xhriftlicher Untersuchung', Bach- structure in the first movement of the ing flute 'solo' theme of the first
Jahrbuch, lxiv (1978), pp.52-3. Sonata in B minor for violin and cem- movement in ~v2:18and the beginning
balo, ~5121wq76. The work, however, of the fugal theme of the second move-
60 The six initial parts of the Cata-
dates from 1763 and is composed in a ment of the Musical offering trio. This
logue contain numerous works of both
much later style than swvlozo. is especially evident when the 'solo'
Quantz and C. P. E. Bach, including
theme appears in C minor in bars
trios. Still, the close juxtaposition of 64 See The catalog of Carl Philipp 30-31. If this is indeed more than mere
three works which are related to one Emanuel Bach's estate: a facsimile of the coincidence, then the fugal theme
another is striking. For a further dis- edition by Schniebes, Hamburg, 1790, could be understood as a subtle
cussion of the Leipzig origin of some ed. R. Wade (New York, 1981). homage to Quantz Although the fugal
of Breitkopf s sources see A. Glockner,
theme must fit contrapuntally against
'Handschriftliche Musikalien aus den 65 For a similar conclusion see
the Thema regium, which serves as its
Nachlassen von Carl Gotthelf Gerlach Eppstein, Studien, p.180.
countersubject later in the movement,
und Gottlob Harrer in den Verfags-

Downloaded from at Georgetown University on August 21, 2015

66 There are no grounds to accept the Thema regium only enters after this
angeboten des Hauses Breitkopf
Marshall's thesis ('1. S. Bach's composi- initial motive. Thus, the opening
1761-i769', Bach-Jahrbuch, lxx (1984),
tions for solo flute', p.473) that the motive, unlike the rest of the fugal sub-
work must have been composed before ject, is not dependent on the a priori
61 According to Eugene Helm, Michel C. P. E. Bach's departure from Leipzig working out against the Thema regium.
probably produced additional copies in 1734 a date that is carried over in the
after C. P. E. Bach's death in order work-list in The new Grwe Bach family,
to oblige requests to C. P. E. Bach's p.212.

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