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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 72, 2016, 54–75 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

ey & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Aging, inflammation, immunity

and periodontal disease
J E F F R E Y L. E B E R S O L E , C H R I S T I N A L. G R A V E S , O C T A V I O A. G O N Z A L E Z , D O L P H
D A W S O N III, L O R R I A. M O R F O R D , P I N A R E M E C E N H U J A , J A M E S K.
H A R T S F I E L D J R , S A R A N D E E P S. H U J A , S U B R A M A N Y A P A N D R U V A D A & S H A N N O N
M. W A L L E T

Poor periodontal health, along with its increased immunocompetence and promote the pathogenesis
prevalence and severity, have long been associated of a diverse number of diseases (58). In addition, it
with more advanced age, whereby this oral condition has been suggested that genetics and epigenetics can
affects the majority of the adult population, with an confer ‘healthy’ aging, and studies have provided
estimated 10–15% developing severe periodontitis some ranking of genes with the greatest association
(149, 184). The etiology of periodontal disease is asso- toward increased lifespan, some of which are
ciated with tissue damage, which is primarily initiated immune system genes (106). To this end, elderly indi-
by an excessive immune response by the host to sub- viduals exhibit increased susceptibilities to a number
gingival pathogens. The aging process is indirectly of autoimmune, infectious and inflammatory dis-
controlled by a variety of defense and/or anti-stress eases, including periodontitis (73, 77, 85, 124). Indeed,
responses globally acting as anti-aging mechanisms aging alone leads to physiological loss of periodontal
(56, 57, 96). The immune system is a major player in attachment and alveolar bone, but these changes are
this global anti-aging response (56, 96). To this end, not pathological and thus have marginal clinical sig-
aging can be characterized by quantitative and quali- nificance (77, 85, 98). It is only in the presence of peri-
tative modifications of the immune system. A phe- odontal inflammation that changes in these clinical
nomenon known as ‘immunosenescence’ is a parameters are exacerbated and lead to loss of func-
progressive modification of the immune system that tion (1, 77, 98). This concomitant change in periodon-
leads to greater susceptibility to infections, neoplasia tal health and periodontal inflammation is actually
and autoimmune manifestations, mainly as a result seen in a significant portion of the aged population
of prolonged antigenic stimulation and/or stress (85, 180).
responses across the lifespan (121, 123, 188). This glo- The immune system is essential for survival and
bal reduction in the capability to cope with antigenic has evolved to defend against pathogens, as well as to
stimuli and or stressors is usually coupled with a pro- maintain homeostasis within an organism. From the
gressive increase in proinflammatory status termed perspective of the characteristics of the host response
‘inflammaging’ (57, 166). Interestingly, this increased to noxious challenge, the immune system can be sep-
inflammatory status is shared by the elderly who age arated into the inflammatory response, innate immu-
successfully (i.e. no comorbidities) and those who age nity and adaptive immunity. Inflammation is a
unsuccessfully (11, 57, 117). Thus, it has been hypoth- complex biological response to harmful stimuli; this
esized that a threshold exists beyond which the is generally a protective response involving immune
adverse effects of immunosenescence and inflam- cells, blood vessels and an array of soluble mediators
maging drive an individual toward unsuccessful aging designed to eliminate the noxious challenge and initi-
(57). Indeed, recent studies are showing that the coin- ate tissue repair. Both acute and chronic inflamma-
cident loss of normal innate and adaptive immune tion are nonspecific responses, the actions of which
response capacity with aging, combined with low- are considered to be one mechanism of innate immu-
grade chronic inflammation, coalesce to alter nity. Insufficient levels of protective inflammation

Aging, inflammation, immunity and periodontal disease

leads to continued tissue destruction by the harmful periodontal disease (77, 85). Whilst the majority of
stimulus and chronic inflammation contributes to an aging research has focused on the adaptive immune
array of diseases, including atherosclerosis, rheuma- response, it is becoming increasingly clear that the
toid arthritis, and periodontitis. As with the inflam- innate immune compartment is also highly affected
matory response, innate immunity is based on by aging and that the reorganization of both innate
nonspecific responses to the noxious challenge, for and adaptive immune systems, which occurs with
example, microbial pathogens, to which both nonim- aging, are responsible for the phenomenon of
mune and immune cells respond to provide immedi- immunosenescence and inflammaging and thus age-
ate defense against the infection but do not confer associated changes within the periodontium (Fig. 2).
long-lasting protective immunity. Thus, whilst this
system engages a range of protective cells and biomo-
lecules (e.g. complement and cytokines) to provide a Innate immune cell compartment
physical and chemical barrier to infectious agents, it
is also critical for activating the adaptive immune sys- Overall, studies in aged mice, nonhuman primates
tem by presenting antigens from the pathogens to and humans have shown that activation of the aged
cells of acquired immunity. Adaptive, or acquired, innate immune system results in dysregulated inflam-
immunity specifically recognizes the infecting agent mation, with dysregulation involving alterations in
and incorporates cells and molecules to prevent colo- basal inflammation, impairment in mounting effi-
nization, replication and tissue dysfunctions caused cient innate cell effector function and induction of
by the infection. A critical component of adaptive adaptive immunity (56) (Fig. 2). The diverse cell lin-
immunity is the function of ‘immunological memory’ eages that mediate innate immunity show hetero-
with enhanced protective responses upon re-expo- gonous aging phenotypes in which the observed
sure to the infecting agent, and is the fundamental aging-related mechanisms depend on the cell and tis-
principle of vaccine-based immunity. Although the sue context (i.e. the microenvironment) (14, 56). The
innate and adaptive systems are frequently described term ‘inflammaging’ was coined to describe the phe-
as separate entities, in reality, components of the nomenon of elevated levels of pro-inflammatory
innate and adaptive responses overlap and both sys- cytokines, clotting factors and acute-phase proteins
tems are required to work in conjunction to maintain in the steady state (56, 57). The mechanisms that
homeostasis and defend against insult. Thus, systems underlie inflammaging are incompletely understood
biology approaches are necessary to define the multi-
variate changes that occur with healthy and diseased
aging (133). Franceschi et al. (60) put forth the notion
of a ‘network theory of aging’. This concept empha-
sizes a global reduction in the ability of the host-
response systems to cope with an array of stressors,
coupled with a progressive increase in an overall
intrinsic proinflammatory environment during the
aging process. The likelihood is that this ‘inflammag-
ing’ status is generated through continuous antigenic
load and stress changes affecting the immune system
(Fig. 1). In line with the definition of immunosenes-
cence, it has been suggested that the cumulative
effect of prolonged exposure of the periodontium to
microbial challenge is, at least in part, a contributor
to the effects of aging on these tissues (68, 77). With
that said, no significant difference in the accumula-
tion of biofilm between young and aged subjects was
observed when using an experimental gingivitis
model, although the aged cohort did develop more Fig. 1. Aspects of genetic contribution to alterations in
immunity and inflammation that play a role in the dysreg-
severe gingivitis (61). Thus, it has also been hypothe-
ulation of host responses in aging. The chronic antigenic
sized that alterations in the function of resident burden and uncontrolled inflammatory responses (inflam-
immune and nonimmune cells of the periodontium maging) can then combine to enhance immunosenescence
contribute to the phenomenon of inflammaging in and aging-associated diseases.

Ebersole et al.

Fig. 2. Effects of aging on cellular functions critical for chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer. Ag, antigen;
innate and adaptive immunity. Changes in cellular func- MHC, major histocompatibility complex; NK, natural killer;
tions, and in some cases cell numbers and cell subsets, PRRs, pattern recognition receptors; ROS, reactive oxygen
result in the array of health-related alterations noted with species; TLR, toll-like receptor.
aging, including increases in infections, autoimmunity,

but have been suggested to involve either changes in surfaces become more prevalent with aging and rep-
the numbers and frequencies of innate immune cells resent a major cause of morbidity and mortality,
or alterations in their functions, most likely through potentially through alterations in the molecular com-
altered expression of, activation of, or signaling ponents of tight junctions, thus decreasing the innate
through, pattern recognition receptors (11). Impor- barrier functions of the intestinal epithelium with
tantly, age-related alterations in innate immune aging (114). In addition, the importance of epithelial
function are not associated with immunodeficiency cell responses to the environment, and how they
but rather with dysregulation of the immune communicate warning signals to the underlying
response (77). immune apparatus, may also be compromised with
Although the main task of the epithelium overlying aging. Thus, it is plausible that similar phenomena
mucosal surfaces is to provide an effective barrier to occur with the oral cavity contributing to the
the vast majority of macromolecules and microorgan- development and maintenance of periodontal disease
isms, it has become clear that the epithelial layer is progression.
much more than a simple physical barrier. With that All immune cells are differentiated from a common
said, a defective mucosal barrier has substantive con- hematopoietic precursor into either a common lym-
sequences beyond the mucosal surfaces and the local phoid progenitor or a common myeloid progenitor.
environment, whereby a lack of barrier integrity is Most innate immune cells, including neutrophils,
linked to systemic disorders (116). As such, these macrophages and some dendritic cells, differentiate
declines in function at mucosal surfaces affect the from the common myeloid progenitor. Studies have
ability to maintain homeostasis with the resident demonstrated that aged hematopoietic stem cells
microbiota, as well as to respond to pathogenic chal- have reduced regenerative potential and fail to recon-
lenge, compromising the overall health of the host. stitute myeloablated recipients following transplanta-
To this end, bacterial and viral infections of mucosal tion (11). In addition, hematopoietic stem cells from

Aging, inflammation, immunity and periodontal disease

older donors are biased toward myeloid differentia- aging. Great emphasis has been placed on the age-
tion at the expense of lymphopoiesis (13, 30, 41, 141). related alterations in neutrophils, macrophages and
As such, the data suggest that most innate immune natural killer cells, as these are the main innate
cell populations either remain stable in size or slightly immune cells recruited to the periodontal tissues dur-
decrease with age (166). Specifically, neutrophil and ing disease. Neutrophils are the first cells to migrate
monocyte numbers have been reported to be to a site of insult, including the gingival crevice,
unchanged in older adults (28, 36, 157, 165), whereas whereby they have three major methods for directly
decreased percentages and numbers of both plasma- attacking microorganisms: phagocytosis; release of
cytoid and myeloid dendritic cells have been reported soluble antimicrobial peptides; and generation of
in some cases (70, 88, 138). Thus, despite the skewing neutrophil extracellular traps, which are scaffolds of
of aged hematopoietic stem cells to the myeloid extruded chromatin containing antimicrobial pep-
cell lineage, aging does not seem to be associated tides and protease that facilitate the capture and kill-
with global increases in the numbers of myeloid cells ing of microorganisms. Here, the speed of neutrophil
(41, 166). movement to the site of infection, known as chemoki-
Conversely, many aspects of the effector functions nesis, is unaltered in older individuals (189), although
of innate immune cells appear to be affected by in contrast, their chemotaxis (i.e. response to a gradi-
ent of stimulus) is significantly impaired (130, 189).
Importantly, this function affects both the migration
to and egress from inflammatory sites (166). Thus,
such alteration in this cell trafficking could affect not
only the initiation but also the resolution of inflam-
mation in aging. To this end, the expression of a neg-
ative regulator of neutrophil endothelial
transmigration, named Del-1 (EDIL3), was signifi-
cantly diminished with age in mice. Del-1 is an
endogenous inhibitor of lymphocyte function-asso-
ciated antigen 1 (an integrin that is key for neutrophil
endothelial adhesion and further transmigration),
whereby Del-1-deficient mice developed sponta-
neous periodontitis characterized by excessive gingi-
val neutrophil infiltration. (47). Neutrophils from
older individuals also demonstrate impaired phago-
cytosis as well as diminished capacity to kill phagocy-
tosed microorganisms (23, 54, 67, 167, 181). Similarly,
neutrophil extracellular trap formation has been
Fig. 3. Age-associated alterations in innate immune func- demonstrated to be decreased in aged mice, but it
tion within the periodontium. 1. The chemotaxis of innate remains to be determined whether neutrophil extra-
immune cells, such as neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cellular traps are altered in aged humans (23, 181). An
cells and natural killer cells, is significantly impaired in additional factor that may contribute to the reduced
aged individuals. Importantly, this function affects both
antimicrobial activity is the increased susceptibility of
the migration to and egress from inflammatory sites. Thus,
such alteration in this cell trafficking could affect not only neutrophils from older individuals to apoptotic sig-
the initiation, but also the resolution, of inflammation. nals (24). Finally, age-specific changes appear in the
2. In older individuals, the antigen-presenting function of antimicrobial arsenal of neutrophils, rendering them
innate immune cells, such as dendritic cells, is dysfunc- less capable of killing pathogens as well as altering
tional because of decreased expression of costimulatory
the necessary cross-talk with other immune cells nec-
proteins. APC, antigen-presenting cell. 3. Innate immune
cells from older individuals demonstrate impaired phago- essary for the resolution of inflammation (182).
cytosis as well as diminished capacity to kill phagocytosed Although mechanisms associated with the age-asso-
microorganisms through decreased neutrophil extracellu- ciated defects in neutrophil effector function cannot
lar traposis (NETosis) in the case of neutrophils, decreased be linked to changes in expression of receptors (77),
nitric oxide production in the case of macrophages and
because of the age-associated decrease in cell-mem-
decreased perforin and cytokine production in the case of
natural killer cells. This ineffective innate immunity leads brane fluidity as a result of increased cholesterol
to chronic persistence of pathogens and unresolved content of the lipid rafts, alterations in receptor
destructive inflammation. engagement have been proposed to contribute to

Ebersole et al.

these altered functions (67, 100). In addition, context of periodontal disease, macrophages from
impaired signal-transduction functions mostly cen- young and old mice exhibit comparable capacities for
tered on the Janus kinase–signal transducer and acti- the uptake of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a major peri-
vator of transcription (JAK–STAT) signaling pathway odontal pathogen (103).
have been reported (52, 53, 180). Under conditions of A unifying model for aging impact on dendritic cell
periodontal health, neutrophils are also present antigen processing and presenting capabilities has
within the gingival crevice, albeit at low numbers, to been put forth, with aging impairing the antigen-pre-
maintain homeostasis between the biofilm and the senting functions of dendritic cells under some bio-
periodontal tissues. Thus, it could be envisioned that logical conditions, but preserving this dendritic cell
these age-associated alterations result in an influx function under other conditions associated with
(and retention) of ineffective neutrophils that fail to aging (192). In addition, dendritic cells from aged
contain an expanding biofilm through decreased humans show impaired capacity to ingest apoptotic
effector functions and increased apoptosis. Through cells, whilst demonstrating enhanced proinflamma-
this increased neutrophil cell death, there is an tory responses and increased reactivity to self-anti-
increase in the release of toxic substances, which gens (76). Therefore, a defective maturation of
have the potential to initiate and perpetuate damage dendritic cells in aging may alter the balance between
to the periodontal tissues. While these products may their tolerigenic and immunogenic functions (2). An
not be produced at high quantities on a per-cell basis important function of both macrophages and den-
in older age, in the setting of chronic inflammation, dritic cells is the induction of adaptive immunity
such as periodontal disease, tissue damage could through the processing and presentation of antigen
result from repeated and chronic exposures to these to lymphocytes. Studies of the antigen-presenting
neutrophil products (77). function in aged mice have generally shown impair-
Shortly after the arrival of neutrophils, macro- ment in this function (102, 127, 147, 151, 192). Specifi-
phages and dendritic cells appear within the peri- cally, studies have demonstrated an age-dependent
odontal tissues, whereby they too can directly attach decrease in the expression of costimulatory proteins
microorganisms through phagocytosis and release of and the ability to prime T-cells (102, 127). Owing to
soluble antimicrobial peptides. Similarly to neu- the relatively small numbers of subjects evaluated,
trophils, defects in the migration of these phagocytes whether these processes are altered in human cells
have been reported in older individuals (1, 166, 197). remains unclear, although these limited studies have
In addition, age-associated impairment in phagocyto- demonstrated a preservation of the antigen-presenta-
sis of apoptotic cells and microorganisms, as well as tion function in human macrophages and dendritic
declines in nitric oxide production, have been cells (32, 166, 171).
reported in humans (1, 8, 82, 166). Specifically, autop- A final key function of these innate immune cells is
hagy, which allows for the delivery of endogenous or to set the stage for the ‘flavor’ of the adaptive
exogenous biomolecules to specific intracellular com- immune response, invoked through a coordinated
partments and thus is an important mechanism of expression of adhesion molecules, chemokines and
delivery of antigens from pathogens to major histo- cytokines following the engagement of pattern recog-
compatibility complex-class I and II compartments nition receptor. As an example, high levels of inter-
for processing and presentation, can malfunction leukin-6, interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha
during aging. This process regulates phagocytosis, and C-reactive protein are detected in older individu-
modulates inflammasome function and controls als and are generally correlated with frailty and an
cytokine/chemokine production (35), whereby, dur- increased risk of morbidity and mortality (123). Aging
ing aging, phagocytosis and nitrite burst as microbio- is also associated with aberrant pattern recognition
cidal capabilities are reduced, whereas receptor expression on, and impaired pattern recog-
proinflammatory cytokine responses are significantly nition receptor signaling within, innate immune cells
increased. Thus, this age-related modulation of (166). To this end, Dunston & Griffiths (40) hypothe-
autophagy would be predicted to allow excess inflam- sized that despite a poor response via pattern recog-
mation and undermine macrophage function, con- nition receptor activation, the ineffective clearance of
tributing to decreased protective immune responses pathogens by macrophages increases the duration of
and supporting an increase in chronic inflammation their activation and contributes to perpetuation of
(173). Variable results regarding the impact of aging deleterious inflammatory responses with aging.
on phagocytosis have been obtained using aged and Although there are multiple classes of pattern recog-
young mouse or rat macrophages (73, 150). In the nition receptor, with even more members within in

Aging, inflammation, immunity and periodontal disease

each class, the majority of aging research has focused destruction [127] and thus its elevated levels could
on toll-like receptor biology. Decreased surface account, at least in part, for the increased inflamma-
expression of toll-like receptor-1, toll-like receptor-3 tion observed in older individuals.
and toll-like receptor-8 by human monocytes and Natural killer cells are a type of cytotoxic lympho-
myeloid dendritic cells, along with decreased expres- cytes belonging to the group of innate lymphoid cells
sion of toll-like receptor-7 and toll-like receptor-9 in also critical to the innate immune system. Infiltration
human plasmacytoid dendritic cells, have been asso- of the gingival tissues by natural killer cells has been
ciated with aging (88, 140). These decreases in expres- demonstrated in periodontal disease, whereby natu-
sion correlate with diminished ligand-induced ral killer cells are activated in chronic periodontal
cytokine production (166). Specifically, multiple sub- lesions (129). Specifically, interferon-gamma produc-
sets of monocytes from older adults produce less tion by natural killer cells has been shown to be trig-
tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 in gered by co-culture stimulation of dendritic cells with
response to toll-like receptor-1/2 stimulation, with an P. gingivalis or Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomi-
associated decrease in mitogen-activated protein tans (93, 94). In addition, a recent report describes
kinase signaling (132, 166, 39). Like monocytes, pri- natural killer cell-specific recognition and activation
mary myeloid dendritic cells and plasmacytoid den- by the periodontal pathogen Fusobacterium nuclea-
dritic cells have a generalized age-associated tum (29). In humans, natural killer cells can be
decreased in toll-like receptor-induced cytokine pro- broadly divided into a CD56low population with cyto-
duction, including interleukin-12, interferon-gamma toxic activity and a CD56hi population that is respon-
and type 1 interferons induced by toll-like receptor-4, sible for cytokine production (25). In older humans,
toll-like receptor-7 and toll-like receptor-9, respec- cytotoxicity of the CD56low population is decreased
tively (26, 154, 168, 185). Again, in the context of peri- on a per-cell basis as a result of a defect in the mobi-
odontal disease, P. gingivalis induction of lization of perforin to the immunological synapse (81,
interleukin-6 in macrophages was shown to decline 166). Similarly, an age-dependent decrease in cyto-
with age (103, 159). In addition, toll-like-receptor- kine expression by CD56hi natural killer cells has also
dependent expression of the costimulatory molecules been observed (166). Interestingly, there is an expan-
CD80 and CD86 are also blunted in monocytes, mye- sion of the CD56low natural killer cell compartment
loid dendritic cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells concomitant with a diminished number of CD56hi
from older individuals (154, 168). Conversely, natural killer cells upon aging (166).
lipopolysaccharide-induced production of tumor Interestingly, some of the earliest studies address-
necrosis factor-alpha by CD14+ CD16+ human mono- ing questions associated with aging-related innate
cytes is increased with age (82). In addition, toll-like- immune responses within the periodontium were
receptor-5-induced production of interleukin-8 and specifically focused on epithelial cells and gingival
interleukin-6 in adherent human macrophages also fibroblasts; both cell types have recently been shown
exhibits an age-associated increase (153). Similarly, to be active players in innate immunity. An increased
tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 pro- proliferative activity with aging of various periodontal
duction following toll-like receptor-4 or toll-like tissues was reported in earlier studies using a short-
receptor-8 stimulation, and tumor necrosis factor- lived mouse strain, in particular within the gingival
alpha and interferon-alpha production following epithelium and connective tissue of the crevicular
exposure to self-DNA were elevated in human mye- region (119, 169). However, further studies did not
loid dendritic cells from aged subjects (1, 3). Finally, find significant differences in cell proliferation or
basal levels of intracellular cytokines in primary mye- apoptosis in gingival tissues from older mice by
loid dendritic cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells immunohistochemistry (163). Rather than changes in
are elevated in older individuals compared with cell proliferation, senescent human gingival fibrob-
younger adults (140). Similar phenomena are lasts appear to exhibit important functional changes
observed in the context of periodontal disease where in the production of important immunoinflammatory
macrophages from older individuals produce higher mediators. Thus, aged gingival fibroblasts (i.e. cells
levels of prostaglandin E2 in response to P. gingivalis after 17–20 population doublings) produced higher
than those from younger controls (75, 131). Although amounts of interleukin-6 in response to lipopolysac-
the property of prostaglandin E2 to inhibit inter- charide from Campylobacter rectus in vitro compared
leukin-12 may compromise the capacity of older with young cells (five to six population doublings)
individuals to clear infection (150), prostaglandin E2 (135). Similarly, increases in the production of prosta-
is also heavily implicated in periodontal tissue glandin E2 by aged gingival fibroblasts, with respect

Ebersole et al.

to the young counterpart, were shown to be associ- ticular, aging seems to enhance a gingival
ated with higher levels of interleukin-1beta produced environment that can enrich for anaerobic species
in response to lipopolysaccharide from C. rectus and increases the likelihood for pathogenic species to
(176). These observations were later confirmed invade and persist inside the cells, ultimately leading
ex vivo by comparing the interleukin-1beta and pros- to a dysregulated and persistent immunoinflamma-
taglandin E2 responses of gingival fibroblasts from old tory response. Importantly, mechanistic studies tar-
(20 months of age) and young (6 weeks of age) rats geting these pathways/genes to validate their role in
(136). Most recently, variations in the magnitude of increasing the risk of periodontitis with aging need to
transcriptional and translational responses of gingival be developed.
fibroblasts from C57BL/6 mice in response to P. gin- As a whole, these data describe age-associated
givalis (W83 strain) were reported. In particular, alterations in innate immunity and their conse-
decreased transcription of interleukin-6, chemokine quences, which results in the paradox of suppressed
(C-X-C motif) ligand 1, vascular endothelial growth innate immune function in the face of the observed
factor, keratinocyte growth factor, fibroblast growth systemic low-grade chronic inflammation associated
factor-2, bone morphogenetic protein-2, tissue inhi- with aging and periodontal disease. However, these
bitor of metalloproteinase-1 and tissue inhibitor of data also reflect that the effects of aging on innate
metalloproteinase-2 was observed, whereas trans- immune function are complex, with evidence for both
forming growth factor-beta, matrix metallopro- inappropriately impaired and augmented responses
teinase-2, matrix metalloproteinase-3, and matrix to pattern recognition receptor engagement that
metalloproteinase-13 were up-regulated in cells from reflects ligand, cell type, cell-activation state and tis-
aged animals (38). These results reinforce the hypoth- sue-context specificity. In general, evidence suggests
esis that age-related changes in the ability of gingival that aging significantly impacts critical innate cellular
cells to respond to bacterial challenges and orches- and molecular responses of gingival tissues that could
trate tissue repair could be involved in a higher risk of be contributing to a higher risk for periodontitis with
periodontitis with aging. age. Specifically, the ability of gingival tissues/cells to
Recently, the nonhuman primate (Rhesus) model sense and respond to microbes (in particular invasive
of periodontal infection and inflammation has been pathogens), appears to be critically compromised
used to document the aging-associated gingival tran- with aging. In addition, important negative regulatory
scriptome changes of different innate immune mechanisms for inflammation and tissue repair are
response pathways. This model has been used for also affected by aging. It is unclear at this point if
several decades to understand the mechanisms asso- these changes are related to a specific cell type (ep-
ciated with periodontal disease (44, 83, 115, 139, 148, ithelial cells, fibroblasts or immune cells) or if it is a
164), and represents an excellent model for studies in general characteristic for the entire periodontium.
aging (21, 43, 160, 162). In summary, the transcrip- Importantly, whether these age-related transcrip-
tome of aged gingival tissues in nonhuman primates tional changes are caused by intrinsic factors (cellular
exhibits significant differences in innate immune senescence) leading to disease susceptibility, or
pathways that are critical for maintaining a symbiotic reflect alterations that are driven by environmental
relationship with the oral microbiome, and could pre- factors (oral microbiome, diet or oral hygiene),
dispose to dysbiosis and periodontitis (Fig. 4). In par- remains to be elucidated.

Fig. 4. Summary of various aspects of the host innate and MHC, major histocompatibility complex; MMP, matrix
adaptive immune systems that have been determined to be metalloproteinase; NAIP, Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing
altered in aging, leading to increases in the expression and protein 1; NK, natural killer; NOD, Nucleotide-Binding Oli-
severity of periodontitis. APC, antigen-presenting cell; CD, gomerization Domain; PTX, pentraxin; SAA1, serum amy-
cluster of differentiation; HIF, hypoxia inducible factor; loid A1; TLR, toll-like receptor.

Aging, inflammation, immunity and periodontal disease

Adaptive immune-cell immune system adjusts to these age-associated

changes and protects the body successfully against
most insults during nearly all of adult life (188). Only
in the late phase of life does the progressive decline of
As previously alluded to under the condition of gingi-
immune function lead to morbidity and mortality in
val health, there is some minimal inflammation,
the aged (188) (Fig. 5). The main alteration responsi-
including the presence of adaptive immune cells
ble for immunosenescence is the overall decline of
(Fig. 5). The adaptive immune system is equipped
antigen-specific immunity caused by a substantial
with two key facets: diverse antigen-recognizing lym-
decrease in the number of na€ıve lymphocytes as a
phocyte populations (na€ıve lymphocytes); and very-
result of a reduction in thymic output of T-cells and
long-lived antigen-experienced lymphocytes (memory
the generation of progenitor B-cells in the bone mar-
lymphocytes). If the innate immune system is unsuc-
row (109, 188). In the periodontium, a low number of
cessful in eliminating the antigenic stimulus or stres-
these lymphocytes are suggested to be critical for
sor, it induces and recruits cells of the adaptive
maintaining a homeostasis between the host peri-
immune response. Here, T-cells and B-cells interact
odontal tissues and the bacterial plaque, similar to
with antigen-presenting cells, become activated, pro-
that of the neutrophil population (42). Thus, it can be
liferate and migrate to the site of inflammation. B-cells
envisioned that a decrease in the frequency of these
produce antibodies that target extracellular patho-
cells in the aged can lead to a decrease in the ability to
gens. T-cell populations include CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells
keep subgingival infection at bay in older individuals.
that lyse infected cells and CD4+ T-helper cells that
Age-associated thymic involution involves reduc-
secrete a wide range of cytokines and activate other
tion in size of the organ and an increase in its adipo-
components of both the innate and the adaptive
cyte content, resulting in a decreased output of na€ıve
immune response. Despite a continuous decline in
and regulatory T-lymphocytes, which is concomitant
the generation and maintenance of adaptive immu-
with an increase in the size of the memory T-cell pool
ne+e-cell populations after puberty, the adaptive
(57, 96, 108, 109, 142, 143, 196). The B-cell compart-
ment is similarly affected by aging, whereby there is
an age-related decrease in the percentage and num-
ber of B-cells in the blood of humans, including na€ıve
B-cells, again concomitant with an accumulation of
antigen-experienced memory B-cells (4, 5, 62–64, 66,
89, 125). This is specifically related to the pre-B-cell-
receptor developmental stage that normally signals
several rounds of proliferation resulting in an
expanded population, leading to a complex set of B-
cell-specific epigenetic changes with allelic exclusion
Fig. 5. Age-associated adaptive immunity alterations in of the heavy chain locus and activation of the light
periodontal disease. Age-related decreases in the percent- chain loci for crucial V(D)J recombination and con-
age and number of na€ıve and regulatory T- and B- cell struction of the effector antibody repertoire (71). The
lymphocytes, coupled with an increase in the size of the aging output in B-cell development has been sug-
memory T-cell pool, results in a decrease in the diversity of
gested to reflect cellular pathways that may be pro-
both the T- and B-cell antigen-recognition repertoire. In
addition, T-cells from older individuals have a more T gressively diverted into a pre-B-cell-receptor
helper-1 and Tc1 cytotoxic effector phenotype, producing compromised pathway, minimizing these final stages
an intrinsic change to a more inflammatory/cytotoxic of B-cell maturation and antibody heterogeneity
environment. This age-induced narrowing and skewing of (161). Although B-cell production and differentiation
the lymphocyte compartment results in impaired and aug-
in the bone marrow declines with age in mice,
mented responses, respectively. Thus, the heightened
inflammation observed in the periodontium of aged indi- whether this is the mechanism associated with the
viduals may be a secondary effect arising from the inability observed decrease in humans is unclear (5). Together
to elicit appropriate and effective adaptive immune this results in an age-dependent decrease in the
responses as a result of age-specific alterations that would diversity of both the T- and B-cell antigen-recognition
normally effectively control microbial overgrowth in the
repertoire. This phenomenon is also reflected in the
periodontal tissues. Bmem, memory B-cells; Bna€ıve, na€ıve B-
cells; Tc1, T cytotoxic cell; Tfh, T follicular helper cell; Th1, periodontal lesion of older individuals with chronic
T-helper 1 cell; Th2, T-helper 2 cell; Tmem, memory T-cells; periodontitis in that (i) the macrophage to T-cell ratio
Tna€ıve, na€ıve T-cells. is increased; and (ii) the infiltrating T-helper and

Ebersole et al.

cytotoxic T-cell populations have a more memory- induction of activation-induced cytidine deaminase
like phenotype (42, 45). In addition, under conditions (27, 65) and/or an intrinsic variable and heavy chain
of health, immunoglobulins of all isotypes are gener- repertoire shift (97, 101). Again, this myriad of aging-
ally present at low levels in the gingival crevicular associated phenomena are manifested in chronic
fluid (42), yet certain subclasses of IgG appear to be periodontal diseases whereby chronic periodontitis
specifically elevated in the gingival crevicular fluid in lesions are enriched for CD8+ T-cells where there is
active sites of aged individuals with chronic periodon- an imbalance toward T-helper-1 cell and Tc1 polar-
titis (158). In addition, the specificity of the antibodies ization and the T-helper-2 cytokine profiles (i.e. those
present under conditions of periodontal health are that would provide help for antibody production) are
directed toward a myriad of microorganisms associ- less prominent (177). This imbalance of cytokine pro-
ated with the normal microbiota (both supragingival duction not only affects soft-tissue destruction but
and subgingival species) (42), whereas under condi- also promotes the induction of bone resorption, the
tions of disease these antibodies are specific for a hallmark of chronic periodontal disease (177).
smaller number of microorganisms, including P. gin- Using the nonhuman primate gingival transcrip-
givalis and/or A. actinomycetemcomitans (42). This tome data, Gonzalez et al. have also been document-
contributes, in part, to the decrease in activation- ing changes within adaptive immune system
induced cytidine deaminase, a critical enzyme for pathways. A principal finding in aging healthy gingi-
immunoglobulin class switch recombination and val tissues was significant increases in gene expres-
somatic hypermutation, both of which are required sion in the major histocompatibility complex-II
for antibody diversity and maturation leading to the pathway, including the intracellular molecules that
generation of protective memory responses. These are required for processing native proteins into short
findings, coupled with identification of elevations in peptide fragments (74). Parallel to the up-regulation
tumor necrosis factor-alpha within the ‘inflammag- of the exogenous antigen-presentation pathway was a
ing’ processes, have been shown to predispose B-cells down-regulation of major histocompatibility com-
to respond less well to initial stimulation, resulting in plex-I pathway genes in aging healthy gingival tissue.
molecular changes that impact affinity maturation The results demonstrated no changes in genes related
and production of less effective antibody (17). to interactions with CD4+ helper T-cells and a mini-
Together these data suggest that aging-induced nar- mal effect on CD8+ T-cells in healthy aging tissues.
rowing and skewing of both the T- and B-cell reper- However, increases in expression of selected genes
toire and diversity occurs in chronic periodontal related to natural killer cell interactions with antigen-
diseases. presenting cells in the aging healthy gingival tissues
Along with alterations in frequency, there is also a suggested the potential for down-regulating the func-
functional decline in adaptive immunity with age. tion of these cells in the aged tissues.
Specifically, na€ıve CD4+ T-cells from aged individuals As a whole, these data describe age-associated alter-
display decreased in vitro responsiveness to T-cell- ations in adaptive and innate immunity and their con-
receptor stimulation and altered profiles of cytokine sequences, which again results in the paradox of less
secretion when compared with those from younger robust adaptive immunity in the face of the observed
adults (4, 174). This change in cytokine-secretion pro- systemic low-grade chronic inflammation associated
file reduces the B-cell helper function of these T-cells with periodontal disease. However, these data also
(174). Specifically, na€ıve CD4 T-cells from aged indi- reflect that the effects of aging on the narrowing and
viduals are less responsive to interleukin-6 signaling skewing of the lymphocyte compartment result in
and this reduces their ability to become T-helper-2 impaired and augmented responses, respectively,
and/or T-follicular helper effector cells, each of which which have the ability to contribute to the progression
provides B-cell help (196). Instead, na€ıve CD4 T-cells of periodontal disease progression in the aged.
from older individuals still differentiate into T-helper-
1 cell and CD4 cytotoxic effector subsets, producing
an intrinsic change to a more inflammatory/cytotoxic Osteoimmunology compartment
environment (59). Indeed following vaccination, aged
mice and humans develop similar levels of IgM as The effects of aging on periodontal tissues have been
younger cohorts, but lower levels of total IgG and all suggested to be based on molecular changes in the
the IgG isotypes (170, 187). These alterations in IgG array of cells of the periodontium, the combination of
responses are partly the result of age-related impaired which is thought to intensify alveolar bone resorption
class-switching, most likely caused by the decreased in elderly individuals. These effects are considered to

Aging, inflammation, immunity and periodontal disease

be reflective of: (i) altered differentiation/prolifera- chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 22] provide a molecular
tion of cells for coupling bone biological processes feedback dampening the bone-loss processes (9).
(osteoblasts, osteoclasts); (ii) enhanced responses to Similarly, whilst T- and B-cells have both been shown
the oral microbiota, modified by environmental stres- to be a major source of RANKL in the diseased peri-
sors leading to the secretion of cytokines/chemokines odontium (91), T-cell responses do not necessarily
involved in osseous resorption; and (iii) systemic have deleterious outcomes as T-cell-secreted cytoki-
endocrine alterations related to host responses and nes, such as interferon-gamma, interleukin-4 and
physiologic/pathologic bone responses with aging transforming growth factor-beta have also been
(85) (Fig. 6). Numerous immune and nonimmune shown to inhibit osteoclastogenesis (134, 179). Thus,
cells within the periodontium communicate with one can imagine how previously discussed age-
both osteoblasts and osteoclasts, modulating the bal- related alterations in the function of both innate and
ance of physiologic bone formation and resorption, adaptive immune cells can directly affect bone meta-
whereby bone metabolism can also be modulated by bolism and remodeling involved in periodontal dis-
multiple factors, including aging (48, 175). In particu- ease.
lar, aging affects the maintenance of normal bone As previously mentioned, a transcriptomic study
remodeling and metabolism, which leads to increased was conducted using a nonhuman primate model of
bone resorption, inherent changes in bone architec- naturally occurring periodontitis in which the profile
ture and less resistance to fracture (37). In addition, of the genes associated with osteogenic potential dur-
aging enhances both RANK expression on osteoclast ing aging and periodontal disease was assessed (J. L.
progenitors and RANKL expression in the supporting Ebersole, unpublished). Data generated here suggest
mesenchymal stromal cells, leading to a pro-osteo- a transcriptome environment that reflects a more
clastogenic environment shifting the balance toward general osteogenic homeostasis in aging healthy tis-
potentiated bone resorption (31, 33). Similarly, sues, with the potential to regulate osteoclast and
advances in the field of osteoimmunology clearly osteoblast functions to help control inappropriate
show that cytokines produced as a result of the asso- microbial stimulation from the accretion of oral bio-
ciated innate and adaptive host responses also con- films. Alterations of gene expression in periodontitis,
tribute to the disruption of local bone homeostasis. particularly in aged animals, were skewed toward cre-
Here, select proinflammatory cytokines (e.g. ating an environment with substantial osteoclasto-
prostaglandin E2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, genic potential, consistent with the bone resorption
interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6 and interleukin-17) in periodontitis. Specifically, genes regulating osteo-
appear to play a critical role in enhancing osteoclas- clast function were up-regulated in healthy gingival
togenesis (20), whereas other molecules [e.g. inter- tissues with aging, which include bone morpho-
feron-beta, interleukin-4, interleukin-10 and genetic protein-3, matrix metalloproteinase-8 and

Fig. 6. Interrelationships of bacterial biofilm stimulation, of an individual (Adapted from Carranza’s Clinical Peri-
host responses and collateral effects on host tissues in peri- odontology, 10th ed. WB Saunders Company). BRF, bone
odontitis. Modifiable factors include diet and smoking, and resorbing factors; Fim, bacterial fimbriae; K, bacterial cap-
nonmodifiable factors focus on genetic predisposition to sules; MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases; OMV, outer mem-
response characteristics and soft tissue and bone biology brane vesicles; PMN, polymorphonuclear neutrophil.

Ebersole et al.

secreted phosphoprotein 1. Interestingly, a number in part explain why some individuals ‘age well’. Cen-
of genes changing their expression with periodontitis, tenarians are individuals who live to the age of 100
overlapped with those changing with aging in healthy and beyond and thus represent a highly unique
tissues, including secreted phosphoprotein 1 and toll- group of people that can be studied to gain a better
like receptor-4. Secreted phosphoprotein 1 encodes understanding of the genetics influencing the aging
osteopontin, which is a major constituent of mineral- process. To date, centenarian studies have identified
ized matrix and a ligand for integrin avb3 (104). It is several key genes and/or genetic variations that
also involved in enhancing production of interferon- appear to influence longevity in humans, many of
gamma and interleukin-12. High osteopontin levels which lie in pathways that influence the overall
have been previously noted in inflammation and in defense network for survival, such as DNA damage
sepsis, as inflammatory cytokines (such as tumor repair, immunity, inflammation and host defense to
necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1beta) modu- cancer (Fig. 7; Table 1). One important take-home
late its expression (193) and is known to induce T- lesson from these findings is that aging is a complex
helper-1 cytokines and recruitment of inflammatory phenotype, which is influenced by the entire genome
cells (113). In addition, up-regulation of genes for that one inherits, typically not by a single gene or
alkaline phosphatase, proto-oncogene c-Fos and genetic variation. Thus, whilst one individual may
matrix metalloproteinases also indicate an environ- have a combination of genetic variations that pro-
ment conducive to enhanced bone metabolism. mote longevity, reduce inflammaging and/or provide
Together these data indicate that local bone-resorp- enhanced disease protection, another individual may
tive processes are up-regulated under the condition arrive at the same outcomes with a completely differ-
of aging, creating a tissue-destructive environment. ent combination of genetic variations. Moreover, in
some cases the same genetic variation can lead to
different results when comparing different ethnic
Genetic and epigenetic regulation groups and/or genders. A few of the key genetic vari-
of immune aging ations identified in centenarian studies that can
influence the processes of aging as they relate to
Throughout life, the human body attempts to inte- inflammation are described below.
grate key biological responses in order to generate a
comprehensive defense network that protects us
Interferon gamma
against threats to our survival. These integrated
responses are often influenced by a person’s genet- Genetic variations within the interferon-gamma gene
ics, as well as behavioral choices. Genetic variations, have been shown to be associated with reduction in
especially those that slow the process of aging, can protein production and thus enhanced longevity.

Fig. 7. Genomic and epigenomic alterations (112). (Used nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA (not represented
with permission.) Genomic instability and telomere attri- here) are subjected to age-associated genomic alterations.
tion. Endogenous or exogenous agents can stimulate a vari- BER, base excision repair; HR, homologous recombination;
ety of DNA lesions that are schematically represented on IR, infrared; MMR, mismatch repair; NER, nucleotide exci-
one single chromosome. Such lesions can be repaired by a sion repair; NHEJ, nonhomologous end-joining; ROS, reac-
variety of mechanisms. Excessive DNA damage or insuffi- tive oxygen species; SAC, spindle assembly; TLS,
cient DNA repair favors the aging process. Note that both translesion synthesis; UV, ultraviolet.

Table 1. Human gene polymorphisms that are related to aging/longevity, and immune-response genes affected by aging.

Single nucleotide Chromosome Near or within gene Population and/or phenotype connected Author/Reference
Tumor suppressor genes

rs2802292 (G/T) 6q21 Forkhead box O3 Japanese male centenarians Willcox et al. (191)
transcription factor Southern Italian centenarians Anselmi et al. (6)
German centenarians Flachsbart et al. (51)
G allele – longer lifespan
T allele – shorter lifespan
rs1935949 (C/T) 6q21 Intronic single nucleotide Longevity among women Pawlikowska et al. (146)
polymorphism in
the forkhead box O3 gene
Rs1042522 (C/G) 17p13.1 Tumor protein p53 CC genotype – extended lifespan Johnson et al. (90)
Arg72Pro GG genotype – less effective response to Bojesen & Nordestgaard (18)
chemotherapy for cancer Han et al. (79)
C allele – risk allele for breast cancer Kim et al. (95)
Immune response/inflammation related

rs62559044 (T/A) 9p21.3 Interferon gamma Proinflammatory response See text

A allele – reduced interferon gamma
production; increased odds of longevity in
rs1800795 ( 174; G/C) 7p15.3 Interleukin-6 Proinflammatory response See text
G allele – more interleukin-6 production
C allele – less interleukin-6 production
CC genotype – reduced longevity; increased
chronic inflammation
rs1800629 ( 308; A/G) 6p21.33 Tumor necrosis factor alpha Proinflammatory response See text
A allele – higher levels of tumor necrosis
factor production
rs361525 ( 238; A/G) 6p21.33 Tumor necrosis factor alpha Proinflammatory response See text

rs2069762 ( 330) 4q26 Interleukin-2 Immunomodulation See text

TT genotype – increased interleukin-2

Aging, inflammation, immunity and periodontal disease
Ebersole et al.

Specifically, the ‘A’ allele at the single nucleotide

polymorphism location +874 within the interferon-
gamma gene (rs62559044; T/A) is associated with
reduced interferon-gamma production when com-

Pawlikowska et al. (146)

pared with the T allele (152). In addition, in studies of
Author/Reference Italian centenarians (110), the ‘A’ allele significantly
increased a woman’s chance of achieving increased
longevity, whereas the TT genotype at this single
nucleotide polymorphism locus has also been associ-
See text

See text
ated with less desirable kidney allograft outcomes
A allele associated with myocardial infarction (34). Together these data support the notion that the
T allele contributes to a stronger proinflammatory

A allele – reduced interleukin-10 production

Population and/or phenotype connected

response than does the A allele, potentially resulting

Intracellular signaling; serine/threonine-

lipopolysaccharide from gram-negative
Immune system activation; detection of

in improved longevity.

specific protein kinase; longevity

G allele associated with longevity

Anti-inflammatory response

Inflammaging is also characterized by increased

serum levels of interleukin-6 (59, 69, 72, 190, 195),
whereby high plasma levels of interleukin-6 in older
individuals can serve as a marker of reductions in
muscle strength and increased frailty risk (12, 46).

Studies of the interleukin-6 promoter variation

( 174), rs1800795, have shown that individuals who
inherit the rs1800795 C-allele tend to have elevated
interleukin-6 transcription and thus increased protein
expression compared with individuals who inherit
the rs1800795 G-allele (15, 50). To this end, genetic
studies have demonstrated that the CC genotype at
Near or within gene

Toll-like receptor-4

this locus is associated with medical conditions such

as reduced longevity [19, 84], predisposition to

atherosclerosis (87), reductions in favorable clinical

outcomes following coronary revascularization sur-

gery (16), an increased risk of organ rejection after

allograft transplant (128, 145), Alzheimer’s disease
(105) and severe periodontitis (10, 126).

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha



The human tumor necrosis factor-alpha single

nucleotide polymorphisms, rs1800629 ( 308 pro-
moter polymorphism; A/G) and rs361525 ( 238, pro-
moter polymorphism; A/G), have the potential to
rs4986790 (+896; A/G) Asp299Gly

influence transcription factor binding, and ultimately

expression of the tumor necrosis factor-alpha gene
(155). Specifically, the single nucleotide polymor-
rs1800896 ( 1082; G/A)
Table 1. (Continued)

phism rs1800629 A-allele has been associated with

higher levels of expression of tumor necrosis factor-
Single nucleotide

rs3803304 (C/G)

alpha, whereby the risk of acute kidney allograft

rejection was shown to be increased in individuals
with the A allele (144). This single nucleotide poly-
morphism variation has also been connected to
autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease and

Aging, inflammation, immunity and periodontal disease

chronic inflammatory disease (7, 49, 122, 137). age, however, they can be differentially exposed to
Together these observations suggest a genetic predis- dietary and other environmental factors, and can dif-
position associated with an augmented tumor necro- ferentially develop disease, even with their essentially
sis factor-alpha response. identical DNA sequences (genome). It was originally
thought that environmental factors directly affect the
differential development of diseases in identical
twins, but now there is a growing appreciation of how
Studies of the interleukin-10 single nucleotide poly- environmental factors can differentially affect the
morphism rs1800896 ( 1082 promoter mutation; G/ ‘epigenome’ of the monozygotic twins, resulting in
A) have suggested that variation at this site can influ- potentially vastly different patterns of gene
ence longevity in a gender-specific manner. Here, the expression through mechanisms such as methylation,
rs1800896 A-allele results in low levels of interleukin- microRNAs, noncoding RNAs and histone acetylation
10 production, whereas the GG genotype is associated (Fig. 8).
with high interleukin-10 production. The latter geno- Specific data show that changes in DNA methyla-
type has been associated with centenarian men but tion (the ‘methylome’) are among the mechanisms
not with centenarian women (111), as well as with contributing to the aging process, including the
longevity in Jordanian men (92); the reason for the immune system (156). There was hypermethylation
gender bias is unknown. Conversely, the single of 8,540 DNA CpG sites associated with aging in 146
nucleotide polymorphism rs1800896 A-allele has been nonagenarians (individuals in their 90s) compared
associated with a high risk of developing prostate and with 30 young controls (19-30 years old) in an array
colorectal cancer (183, 186). Both types of cancer analysis. The transcription start sites of the majority
have higher prevalence later in life, and appear to of human genes are overlapped by groups (‘islands’)
have inflammatory components. Again, these obser- of CpG sites. The methylation level of 377 of the CpG
vations suggest a genetic predisposition associated sites was also associated with variation in the expres-
with altered inflammatory responses linked to inflam- sion of genes associated with immune-system func-
maging and longevity. tions, particularly the cellular immune response and
Based on evidence generated by studying monozy- phagocytosis (118). Another study of the change in
gotic (identical) twins, we now know that changes in DNA methylation with aging indicated that master
a person’s epigenetic landscape also play a role in regulators of genome-wide gene activity may be
aging. In addition, aging itself contributes to the initi- altered, amplifying the effect (194). Massively parallel
ation of deleterious processes within cells, including (‘next-generation’) sequencing of human CpG-
epigenetic modification of gene expression that can enriched DNA areas has also demonstrated a signifi-
affect normal cellular functions (178). In Spain, cant pattern of change in methylation of a number of
researchers have demonstrated that identical genes with age (120).
(monozygotic) twins show very similar epigenetic Perhaps, aging-related transcriptional/translational
landscapes at birth and in early life (55). As the twins changes in innate and adaptive immunity could

Fig. 8. Genomic and epigenomic alterations (112). (Used of histones, as well as of other chromatin-associated pro-
with permission.) Epigenetic alterations. Alterations in the teins, can induce epigenetic changes that contribute to the
methylation of DNA or in the acetylation and methylation aging process.

Ebersole et al.

involve epigenetic changes, in which several environ- be tested for several diseases associated with aging.
mental factors may play a role. A better understand- Future health care may confront the process of
ing of the cellular and molecular mechanisms aging as much as the specific diseases associated with
associated with transcriptional and post-transcrip- age (22).
tional regulation [epigenetics, microRNAs] could con-
tribute, in future strategies, to modulate specific
gingival innate and adaptive immune responses that Concluding remarks
are impaired with aging with a goal of reducing the
risk for periodontitis in this rapidly growing subgroup It is clear that periodontitis increases in extent and
of the population. Although environmental factors, severity across a large proportion of the human popu-
including ‘lifestyle choices’ have been discussed in lation with aging. These clinical changes are coinci-
regard to the effect on the epigenome, genome-wide dent with the host innate and adaptive immune-
studies have found that there is a stochastic DNA response systems recognizing the microbial transitions
methylation drift secondary to imperfect mainte- in the biofilms at sites of disease, resulting in altered
nance of epigenetic status. That is, changes in some levels of cellular and humoral immune-effector cells
areas of the genome in aging stem or other progenitor and molecules reactive with various pathogenic micro-
cells could limit their ability to respond, leading to a bial species. The effects of aging on the immune sys-
lack of cell replenishment of aging or dying tissue tem include distinct alterations in both innate and
(86). In addition to specific lifestyles that are associ- adaptive immune-cell function and effector biomole-
ated with longevity and increasingly with an associa- cules, resulting in processes reflecting immunosenes-
tion with the epigenome, the development of cence, immunoactivation and inflammaging. It is
medications or other treatments to reverse or modify important to note that the aging-associated in vivo
the epigenetic changes that occur as a hallmark of microenvironment is likely to contribute additionally
aging and diseases of aging are becoming a focus. to the complexity of both innate immune and adaptive
Several specific compounds that target enzymes functional defects. This is highlighted by the fact that
responsible for epigenetic changes have been the same cytokines which seem suppressed in vitro
developed and are in clinical use or in clinical trials to are the same cytokines that are detected at high levels

Fig. 9. Schematic of pathways of chronic periodontal infec- biologic basis for the linkage between periodontitis and
tions stimulating local host responses and leading to break- adverse systemic health effects with the underlying princi-
down of integrity of the periodontium. Subsequently, there ple of chronic inflammation. C’, complement; CRP, C-reac-
is enhanced translocation of bacteria to the systemic circu- tive protein; CVD, cardiovascular disease; IL, interleukin;
lation with accompanying increases in systemic inflamma- LBW, low birth weight; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; LPX,
tion and acute-phase responses affecting distant tissues. lipoxin; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; PTB, preterm birth; SAA,
The resulting alterations in these distant tissues provide a serum amyloid A; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-alpha.

Aging, inflammation, immunity and periodontal disease

in the plasma of aged mice or humans (99, 172). A Understanding the biological basis for altered
plausible interpretation in the context of periodontal innate and adaptive immunity and inflammation in
disease is that, in vivo, these innate and adaptive aging as it relates to periodontal disease is a chal-
immune cells interact with stromal cells within the lenge. Despite the challenges of aging and periodon-
periodontal tissues, resulting in different outcomes fol- tal research, it is crucial to understand the
lowing similar stimulation (77). Alternatively or in mechanisms responsible for age-related changes in
addition to, the heightened inflammation observed in the immune system in order to develop strategies to
the periodontium of aged individuals may be a sec- maintain good health in the aging population, espe-
ondary effect arising from the inability to elicit appro- cially within the periodontium. Importantly, it is
priate and effective innate and adaptive immune becoming increasingly clear that these strategies
responses as a result of age-specific alterations that must harness both the innate and adaptive immune
would normally effectively control microbial over- systems. This undertaking must utilize well-charac-
growth in the periodontal tissues. This ineffective terized human cohorts to offer the possibility of link-
immunity leads to chronic persistence of these patho- ing alterations in immune function with biological
gens and unresolved destructive inflammation with mechanisms. Integrative systems biology approaches,
contributions from both arms of immunity (77). utilizing computational approaches together with
In this model of chronic colonization/infection and model systems, will be crucial to allow for the appre-
responses to oral commensal and pathogenic bacte- ciation of the complexity of the immune system and
ria, the aging host immune system is interacting with its relationship to macro- and micro-environmental
and responding to ‘bacterial antigens’ that are part of cues and stresses.
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